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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 190
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Chapter 190 Sage couldn't help but remind him, “Mr. Morrison, I'm the one who's divorcing lan, not the other way around.” “Aren’t you giving up on him because he doesn’t love you back?” Shane asked mercilessly. ” Sure, you might see yourself as ‘moving on’, but let's face it. It's no different from being dumped by him.” Sage was rendered speechless.

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In the evening, Tiana, the busy bee, finally had stto spare. “Sage, | heard about this awesnew bar.

Let's go get a drink, and you can perform your special drum solo for me!” Tiana added before Sage could respond, “You promised me, so you can’t go back on your word now!” Sage agreed reluctantly. “Sure thing. It’s just a drum solo.” The girls met up at the bar. The first floor was a large open hall with sseating scattered around, while the second floor had private booths. There was a massive stage in front of the entrance on the first floor. When they entered, someone was performing on it, adding an electric air to the atmosphere.

Tiana and Sage made their way to a table on the first floor. Tiana noticed a red mark on Sage’s neck as soon as they were seated. “Is that a hickey? Who gave that to you?” Sage subconsciously touched her neck. fan hadn't bitten her neck this morning, so she was a little relieved.

“What are you on about? It's not a hickey! It’s just a bug bite.” “Oh, please. Do you think I'm an idiot?” Tiana scoffed. “That's obviously a hickey.” Sage pulled out a compact mirror and looked at the mark she noticed earlier that morning. “Do you have x-ray vision or something? How do you even spot these things? I've seen other people's hickeys, but they're usually not this small and faint.” Tiana looked at Sage as if she had sprouted a second head. “Hickeys do not always have to be big and obvious.

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A light kiss might only leave a small imprint.” Sage suddenly remembered the feeling of someone kissing her neck while she was half-asleep.

Could it have been lan? “Didn’t you say that you've been rooming with lan recently? | bet he kissed you while were asleep!” Tiana said, her eyes twinkling. “Did anything else happen?” you “No! We sleep in separate blankets!” “Tsk tsk. Be honest with me, Sage. Is lan impotent? Is that why you want to get a divorce?” Sage choked on her drink when she heard Tiana’s vulgar words.

“Calm down, Sage. It's not like getting a divorce over this is something to be ashamed of. Us women have needs too.” Tiana reassured her as she patted Sage’s shoulder.

As she reflected on his reaction in the kitchen earlier that day, she concluded that lan was perfectly fine. Sage was even shocked at how much a man’s member could enlarge.

Oh God. What was she thinking? Sage blushed and glared at Tiana. “Could you please stop having such dirty thoughts? | swear if you don’t stop, Ill flip out, and you won't see your idol anymore.” “I believe you, | believe you!” Tiana exclaimed with her hands up. “For the sake of my idol, I'll zip it!” Their drinks arrived almost immediately after. Tiana handed Sage her drink and raised her glass. “To make up for standing you up a couple of times, I've bought a special surprise for you!.” “What is it?” “Look!” Sage turned her head to look where Tiana was pointing.