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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 167
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Chapter 167 Henry hastily reached out and ended the call when he heard the dial tone. “What's the meaning of this, Ms.

Joyner?” He expected Sage to be ashamed of herself after being caught red-handed. Why did she call lan herself? “Isn't it obvious? | wanted to give him a little scare just to see where | stand with him,” she lied through her teeth.

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He fell silent when he heard that. He had looked into it even though Ivy hadn't told him anything and refused to allow him to probe further. He was aware that lan didn’t care about Sage, so he assumed she was using him to get back at him and hurt Layla at the stime. After all, he had the means to do so.

Hence, he didn’t mind helping Sage test lan.

“So, you're not attempting to ruin my relationship with Layla... you're just using me?” he asked.

Sage chuckled. “Sure, whatever floats your boat. However, you're right about one thing-I don’t want you to be with Layla because | don’t think you're good enough for her.” His expression changed slightly when he heard that. “How am | not good enough for her?” “I mean... you claim that you cto Haldon to start a business, but all I've seen is you hanging around Layla.” She paused before continuing, “I'm sure you've seen her admiration for her brother-in-law at the parking lot last time. That is the reason why | believe she’d only fancy a guy who's got his career together.” Sage brought this up on purpose because she vaguely remembered her aunt bragging about Layla’s boyfriend in her previous life, claiming that he was not only wealthy but also extremely capable. He had acquired the distribution rights for a drug and received an investment shortly after he arrived in Haldon.

However, Ivy probably hadn’t had the tto plan these things in this life, so Henry hadn't secured that distribution yet.

Sage wanted to push Henry into desiring rapid success in his career. Then, Ivy would have to start considering this issue. After all, she wanted them to feel this urgency.

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Sure enough, his expression darkened after he heard that. “I just haven't found the right business opportunity yet, Ms. Joyner. I'm not as carefree as you think. | will prove myself to you and Layla!” 1.2 Sage smiled. “I'm sure not only Layla will be impressed if you succeed, but so will my uncle and aunt. However, talk is cheap. | hope you don’t let Layla look down on you again.” Even though he was displeased by her condescending words, he didn’t let it show He maintained his composure and stood up. “Do you need a ride home, Ms. Joyner?” “Thanks for the offer, but | drove here,” Sage replied.

Then, she casually added, “By the way, Mr. York, didn’t you say you hadn't gotten around to buying a car yet? | think it would be more convenient for you to do so since you're planning to start a business in Haldon. Don’t you think so?” Sage wanted Henry to keep asking Ivy for money. This would make them more desperate to land the project.

“Of course.” Henry forced a smile. “I'll be going now, Ms. Joyner.” “Alright.” Sage couldn’t help but smile wryly when she realized that lan hadn't returned her call even after Henry had left.

There were two reasons why she made that call in front of Henry. First, she wanted to use lan to make Henry back off. Second, she was hoping it would make lan angry enough to want a divorce.

Thank goodness Henry hung up for her. Otherwise, lan wouldn't have answered her call at all, and she would've been embarrassed in front of him.