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Billionaire, Let's Divorce! by BELLA

Chapter 370
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ANASTASIA "Hello, miss, are you okay?" The voice drifted in from a distance, it sounded far away....

Then another, closer this time. "Oh God. I don't think we should keep hoping she'd wake up, call 911..." it was a woman's voice and it tinged with great concern.

"Miss, please wake u-" "That's it! I'm calling 911." 911 for what? I wondered as my eyes open.

Just as the man's face cinto focus, he gasped, "Oh, she's awake!" I blinked at him. I remembered his face. Back when I waited for the line to reach my turn, he had a bored expression on as he attended to the bank's customers. Now, he was beaming! "Oh thank goodness." Bank. Omg! I'm at the bank. My deposit.

I tried to rise to a sitting position but the man was immediately by my side, helping me.

"Thank you." My voice cout husky so I cleared my throat.

"Are you okay?" I turned to my side to see all of them hovering around me.

"I'm fine. Thank you." "Great! Now, can you attend to the rest of us that didn't pass out?" Sof the people expressed how cruel the man was for not caring if I'd wake up or not.

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"What happened?" I asked as someone helpedto my feet and handedmy back.

"The cashier was attending to you when you suddenly fell. We rushed to you and saw that you had passed out." That's what I get for skipping breakfast.

"Thank you," I thanked them all for their concern and apologized to the ones who kept soliloquizing over their wasted time.

"It's okay, miss," an elderly lady said as she eyed the man who was grumbling about a disrupted schedule. She then turned towith a kind smile. "I think you should go to the hospital and return to do whatever you have to do here sother day, dear. You don't look too good." I nodded, "Yes, I will do that. Thank you." "Take care then." I thanked her one more tand headed out.

There was a coffee shop across the bank. I was sure they sold more than coffee. I could get a muffin or bagel but none of them appealed to me. Nothing appealed toyet I was starving. I decided to go straight to the hospital first. Perhaps, what had causedto lose consciousness was more than just my missed breakfast.

I hailed a cab and told him my destination. As I sat silently in the cab, I wondered endlessly why I had fainted. It couldn't just be due to the breakfast I missed but I'd missed breakfast lots of tand left the house and not on any of those occassion did I pass out. Oh God, what if it's a sign that the procedure failed? What if I didn't get pregnant? A headache suddenly con at that thought.

I fanned my face. Please, let this not be what I'm thinking.

"Are you hot, ma'am? Should I turn on the heater?" The driver asked as he briefly glanced atthrough the rearview mirror before he returned his gaze to the road.

"Oh no. No. I'm fine. Thank you." Minutes later, I took a deep breath and made my way inside the hospital.

"Good morning," the doctor looked up with a smile as I stepped into the room.

I managed a smile. "Good morning," I returned. I clasped my palm together and started to narrate what happened.

After I was done, he lowered his head and scribbled once more. When he looked up again, he was rising from his seat.

"We will need to perform stests on you. While this might be good news, it might also be a very bad one." Oh God. I rubbed my sweaty palm on my dress shirt.

The test didn't take as much tas I expected. In about ten minutes, we were done.

"Okay. The test results will be ready, latest, before the day runs out. You can hang around if you want." "I'll wait," I told him.

After I left there, I decided to get scupcakes and yogurt from a store nearby.

Then I returned to the hospital and went straight to Amie's room.

She was awake. And she had her eyes glued to a book. She was so immersed in it that she didn't noticecoming in. "Hey baby," I called softly.

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"Mommy!" She beamed and dropped the book by her side.

I smoothed back her hair and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I hoped you'd sleep for the whole morning." She smiled. "I woke up not quite long. What'd you get?" Her gaze fell on the takeout bag in my hand. "Cupcakes and yogurt. I'm starving," I breathed as I lowered myself into the seat by the bed. "Hmm, they look yummy," she said as she watchedunwrap them.

"They should be," I shrugged, still not very interested. I just bought it so not pass out again. "I got you one too." I helped her to sit up and handed her a cupcake and a small cup of yogurt. My gaze fell on the book by herside, "Where did you get the She briefly glanced at it. "Dad got it forthe last the visited." I bit into my cupcake. I was a heartbeat away from asking which of the dads she meant.

Amie and I talked for about twenty minutes before she dozed off.

I packed up the foil of the things we ate, stuffed them in the paper bag and headed out.

At the reception area, I saw the doctor. He was talking to the nurses.

"Mrs Dennis," he called when he turned to see me. "I was just about to send for you. The test result is out." My eyes roamed his face and I tried to deduce what the result might have said. "Okay?" I said in a small voice as I tried to still my beating heart. The doctor smiled, the way all doctors smiled whenever they were about to break any news to patients.

"You're pregnant." I gasped and pressed my palm to my chest, relieved. I walked to the seat nearby and dropped into it, beaming.

"Oh doctor, thank you."

My eyes watered as I replayed his words in my head. It worked. Then It procedure was successful. I was worried for nothing.

I pressed my palm to my tummy long. after the doctor had left, It was m almost hard to believe. Amie really has a chance to survive now. I couldn't keep the joy that flowed in my heart to myself. I needed to share it with someone else.

I retrieved my phone from my pocket and dialed his number couldn't stop I beaming as listened to the call go through. Peter Gril CH/F-PSE X