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Billionaire, Let's Divorce! by BELLA

Chapter 367
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DENNIS I was very selective with the things I got. I made sure to get the flowers she liked and only the gifts that she would cherish.

I glanced at the flowers and gifts in the passenger seat as I drove into the hospital's compound and nodded to myself. She'd love them. I quickly found a parking spot and parked my car. Before I climbed out of the car, I reached out and took the things I'd gotten her and made my way inside.

"Mr Dennis!" One of the nurses behind the counter at the reception chirped. "You're back. It's so nice to have you back." I nodded slowly, genuinely surprised. "Thank you," I managed a smile as I muttered. Then I made my way to Amie's room.

As I pushed the door open, Amie's gaze zeroed in on the door. Her face lit up instantly.

"Daddy!" I quickened my pace so that she would not have the need to run up tobut she was already on her feet and had taken a couple of steps before I reached her.

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"Daddy!" She repeated as she wrapped her arms around my legs. I placed the things in my hand on the chair closest to me. Then I hoisted her in my arms and pulled her in for a hug. Ahh. I've missed her so much. "I miss you so much, baby." "I miss you so much. Why didn't you cto visit me?" "Sorry I couldn't visit. Work has been time-consuming." She nodded. "It's okay. I'm just happy you're here now." I ruffled her hair. "That's my girl!" She giggled. Then she turned to the flowers and gifts. She pointed at them, "Those are mine, right?" I laughed. She never hesitate to claim whatever she thinks was hers.

I picked up the bouquet of daisies that I got her and handed it to her "All yours, baby. All yours." "Thank you!" She beamed as she took the bouquet fromand once more, she wrapped her little arms around my neck in another hug. "You're the best dad in the world." "I know," I grinned sheepishly.

I sighed happily as I held her. I shouldn't have stayed away from the hospital like schicken. Just like her mother, she was a ball of sunshine. She was the one who gavemore hope that Ana and I could still fix us after she gets well. She lovesand I doubt she would want to accept someone else as her dad.

I placed her on the bed and she started to unwrap the gifts I got her while she babbled on about a new nurse, happenings in the hospital and so on that I sometimes lost track of what she was saying.

I spent enough twith Amie. We went for a short walk and when we returned, I watched as she drew stuff forto see.

She raised her head from a painting of a turbulent sea. She smiled up at me. "My painting has gotten better, haven't they?" I tilted my head to the side as I took in the drawing again. I smiled, proud of her. "You actually did well... it looks more realistic than your other works." She smiled and returned her gaze to the painting. "One day, I'll draw a family portrait of us." "Yes, you will, told her firmly as a picture of my family in the future popped in my head; Me, Ana, the savior sibling, maybe another child that will be mine too. Amie would then add herself after she was done.

I smiled and accepted how I felt. I stopped fighting it. Despite all that was happening, I just feel this need... this insane urge to be the dotting husband that Ana wants and the fun dad for Amie. They're my family. I'm supposed to stand by them no matter how turbulent things became, not pull away and drown in self-pity.

After a while, Amie grew tired and I held her in my arms. I continued to listen to her slurred stories and thoughts a out almost everything until she fell asleep.

I left a note in her drawing book, explaining that I had to leave for work then I dropped a kiss on her forehead.

As I made my way out of the hospital, I opened the email that one of the managers of my bars sentwhile I was with Amie.

"Dennis?" I looked up and found a man staring at me, a half smile on his lips.

My brows furrowed. That face looks farmiliar...

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"Yes?" He gently slammed his right fist into his left palm. "I knew it was you!" I stared, confused.

"Cone on, man. You don't remember me?" He feigned to be hurt. "It's Cole, man. It's me." I took a step back, my lips curling in a smile as I took a better look at him.

"Damnat's been a long while," I as I closed the distance betwid and gave him a hug.

He snorted. "A while? It's been years. You ditched us for that girl." I chuckled. "It's not like that." us Cole had been one of my college friends back when I was everyone's terror.

He was one of the friends I had to stop hanging out when decided to live a a dedent life. "I understand," he shook his head.

"So what brought you here? Is someone you know admitted here?" "Oh, no. My girlfriend works here." "Oh." "Yeah. So how's she? I heard you guys got married. Congratulations." I smiled, "Thank you." "Earlier, I saw you walking with a little girl, is she yours?"

I opened my mouth to give him a response but he beattait his eyebrows shooting up. "Oh, she's your step daughter, isn't she?" "She is." I smiled and added, "And we're happy together."

Long after Cole and I had caught up and headed our different ways, m wondered why felt the need to add that last part. X