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Tsundere Wife And Kawaii Kid

Chapter 59
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Chapter 059 Forgot It. Mr. White Had Got Engaged.
“Leo, I’m really about to get married! We couldn’t contact each other any more in the future, This card values 200
thousand dollars! You can regard it as my compensation to you, and you don’t meet me again...” Leo took a pull
on his cigarette, and blowing on Eileen’s face!
“Eileen, I don’t want money! I just want you!” Eileen said angrily while putting on her clothes: “Leo, you know, I’m
going to marry into the White family soon! You can’t give me the happiness I want! If you really love me, please
don’t spoil my happiness!”
Leo got up and hugged her again, “Eileen, I won’t spoil your happiness! I won’t stop you from marrying into the
White family! I only hope that we can continue to maintain this relationship! Even if you get married, you can
also contact me at any time...” “No, you will make me be in trouble!” Eileen decisively refused. “Eileen.” Eileen had already put
on her clothes and hurried out of the Ramanian restaurant. Unlike the Hills, the White family was always followed by
bodyguards.! If she was entangled with Leo, Ivan
would surely know it! The happiness she got with her life must not be spoiled by Leo!
After half a month! David finally came to Oscos, along with several senior executives of CI! Ivan and Eileen’s
engagement banquet would be held at the beginning of next month!
In Cavebeat Andy reported to Ivan as usual! “What? Molly was going to hold a banquet to receive the president
of CI?”

“Yes, I heard that David, the president of CI’s Clusia’s branch, is coming to Oscos to inspect!”
“Miss Hill is going to hold a reception to receive Cl’s people, and also invited some celebrities and elites in the
“It seems that Miss Hill is ready to make something great! She also wants to be integrated into the business.

circle of Oscos!”
After Ivan heard it, his handsome face darkened. “When? Why didn’t I know?”
“I just learned the news that Miss Hill had sent yesterday!”
“Didn’t she invite me?”
Andy looked at Ivan in astonishment. Ivan hated this kind of party most, and would never participate in such a
party. Therefore, Molly hadn’t sent him an invitation! “Well, it seemed to be true!”
“I’m a shareholder of Hatchworks Group anyway, and how could she not invite me when Hatchworks Group is
about to hold a banquet. Call Molly and tell her I’m going to that banquet!”
Andy was about to make a call and Ivan suddenly said, “Forget it. Don’t call!” Anyway, if he wanted to
participate, even if there was no invitation letter, no one dared to stop him! So many people hoped Ivan could
appear at their parties! Therefore, he didn’t need to ask Molly for an invitation at all! No one would be so foolish.
to block him!
The banquet was held on schedule! Molly rented a beach house! In addition to receiving David and his
subordinates, she also invited celebrities from all walks of life, as well as executives from Hatchworks Group!
Of course! Several female models in Chris’s company also were present!

Chris wanted to participate! It was a pity that his father suddenly fell ill and went to the hospital! The
housekeeper called him and told him to go back quickly! He had no choice but rush to Roveland!
At the banquet all were wearing their dress, holding goblets, and greeting each other! Several beautiful models,
wearing sexy clothes, attracted a lot of attention! They attracted a lot of men came close to them and talked
with them! They were also very willing to attend such occasions! They didn’t only get to know people, but also

could get fees! Most of the people who come to this kind of banquet were elites and rich people! If they could pick up a man,
they wouldn’t have to struggle for the life! David and a few people from his company also came to the banquet!
Coco and Luna welcome them! David was half American half Chinese, with the height of 180 centimeters! He
had carved facial features and was very talkative!
“Hello, welcome!” “Hello, nice to meet you!” David knew very well about Clusia! When he was on the spot, he
immediately caught everyone’s attention! Celebrities from all walks of life came forward to get acquainted with
him one after another! Wow, this is the president of Cl’s Clusia’s branch, a wealthy bachelor!” “Oh my god, I didn’t expect he is so
young! So handsome! “Let’s go to say hello... Several beautiful models, and several celebrities were preparing
to greet David!
There was another noise at the door! More than a dozen bodyguards wearing ties and lace-up shoes, and
sunglasses, opened the way in front! Next, a graceful man in a straight suit with a stern expression walked in
with long legs! He had a powerful aura, and the venue was immediately silent! “God!” “Is that Mr. White?” “Oh my god, it seems
to be Mr. White!” “God, Mr. White is here too! I’m so lucky today.
and I didn’t expect to see Mr. White!” “Yeah! Wow, I didn’t expect Mr. White to be more handsome than photos!” Several
celebrities couldn’t help showing their affection! Ivan never participated in this kind of party, so the
ladies had no chance to get close to him! At this moment, Ivan was actually here! All the celebrities instantly
shifted their goals! All of them were eager to get close to Ivan! “Don’t think about it, Mr. White is engaged!