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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 342
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Chapter 342 Double Dragon Court She leaned forward herself and kissed the man’s lips. “I do want you!” Then, she leaned back and

stared at him as she said, “I want you, but you can keep your life. I’m not that greedy.”

The man laughed. He pulled her into his embrace with his long arms, leaned over and kissed her lips.

A sexy voice that was so deep that it was against the rules rang out. “The deal is sealed and in effect!

From now on… my life and I are yours!” Camila opened her small mouth slightly and stared at Silas

without blinking. In truth, she was a little surprised. She knew that he liked her, but she didn’t know that

he liked her so much that he didn’t even want his life! Truth be told, Silas could have his pick of any

woman he wanted in Summer City! But why did he like her, someone who had a child!?

She didn’t say anything, but her heart had already melted. She thought that she would never learn what

warmth was in this life, but when it came to him, she felt that warmth can be understood without a

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He had given her a hypothetical question just now, asking her who she would save. She wasn’t able to

imagine what sort of situation George and Silas would be in that they would face danger at the same

time, but her answer at the time had been serious. She couldn’t not save George, but neither would

she watch him die.

The strength of a relationship really didn’t depend on the length of time. She had spent two years with

Miles, but in the end, she didn’t even know who he really was.

On the contrary, she had only known this man for four months, but she trusted him far more than she

thought she would, and even more than she did George. She was extremely moved but she didn’t say

anything She just snuggled into the man’s arms listening to his strong and powerful heartbeat. After a

while, she said, “Actually, George and I made an agreement which I cannot say

no to.”

Silas knitted his eyebrows and stared at her. “What do you mean?” Without looking at him, Camila

spoke slowly, “George has rescued me many times. When I first went to Mastar, I was almost assaulted

by some punks. It was George who came forward to rescue South and I. I told you about this, but at

that time, he was actually not a member of the hospital yet, but a member of a mercenary organization.

This is a secret, and no one knows except my master and I. You are the first to know this, so you have

to keep it secret.”

Silas was shocked. “You have been involved in a mercenary organization? Which


“Double Dragon Court!” Camila said. “Jonathan and Joseph Lee!” Silas exclaimed. “You know them?”

Camila asked, surprised. “I’ve heard of them,” Silas answered affirmatively. “George was the one who

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taught me my skills. There was also a woman named Jewel Fenton. One time during a competition, the

winners were she and I. I was the youngest and had the worst martial arts skills, but I was quick with

my hands so usually when we went on missions, the three of us would team up.” “However, we weren’t

allowed to choose the tasks. They gave the orders on how to execute them, and we had to obey. Once,

the organization asked us to steal a blue sapphire necklace from the princess of Eurosia, which was a

token that could give orders to the entire country. We went, but the girl saw us. She begged us not to

take it and said that it was the last item her mother had given her before she died. In a moment of

compassion, I asked the princess to make a fake one for me and went back to complete the job, but

the organization found out about it later.” “The three of us were locked up, and George took the blame

to save us. As a result, he was beaten till he lost consciousness by the organization for treason and

thrown into the sea. Later, it was my master who saved him. My master and Jonathan Lee knew each

other and ransomed my senior and I with 20 million. Because there wasn’t enough money at the time to

ransom Jewel, I secretly sent a message to Jewel and asked her to wait for us, but when we later

saved enough money to ransom her, she had already died on a mission.”