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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 569
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Chapter 569 I Will Take Care Of Her

“The paternity test results came out, Dad. Her DNA matches with yours up to ninety-nine percent,

which isn’t possible if she isn’t related to you by blood. Why won’t you just admit it?”

When Benjamin heard that, an embarrassed look flashed across his face, and the vicious glare in his

eyes intensified.

“Shut up! She’s not my daughter. I only have a son and a daughter. That girl is a b*stard’s child. I’ll kick

you out of the Hutton family if you mention her again,” Benjamin said furiously.

Ivan could find no words to respond to him.

“Get out. You may speak to me after you think this through.” Benjamin waved his hand without waiting

for Ivan to say anything else, gesturing him to leave.

Ivan stared at him intently, then turned and left.

He thought Benjamin was being unreasonable and pathetic at the same time. That girl was his

daughter, yet he insisted she was a product of his wife’s disloyalty and chose to drown himself in his

delusions. They were a loving couple, but Benjamin destroyed their relationship.

Ivan could not understand why Benjamin was being so stubborn, nor did he know what happened back

then which resulted in Benjamin refusing to acknowledge his daughter and even thinking that his wife

had cheated on him.

In truth, Ivan thought Benjamin was quite pitiful, but the latter only had himself to blame for it. If he were

not so obstinate and suspicious, he would not have to face a divorce now.

It was bound to be an unpleasant night for the Hutton family.

Amelia woke up surprisingly early the next day and saw Eleanor dragging an enormous suitcase out of

the door. Shocked, Amelia was instantly wide awake.

“Where are you going, Mom?” Amelia asked anxiously as she held the suitcase in Eleanor’s hand.

Eleanor turned around, looked at Amelia, and informed, “I’m going to Tayhaven to look for Lia. I’ve

owed her too much, and I want to be by her side for the remaining days.”

Anger flashed across Amelia’s eyes.

“All you ever think about is that Amelia Winters. Have you forgotten everyone else? I am your daughter,

too. Ivan and I truly care about you. I’m starting to think you’ve gone mad to love her so much.” Amelia

finally snapped.

Eleanor only stared at her calmly.

Amelia waved her arms, losing control of her temper. “Calm down, Mom. Let’s talk this through. Don’t

break the peace in our family, okay?”

“Your father and I have nothing left to talk about. Divorce is inevitable. I appointed my lawyer to discuss

the divorce with him last night. I don’t want any assets from the Hutton family, but I won’t cut ties with

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you and Ivan. Even if we’re divorced, you two are still my son and daughter.” Eleanor’s mouth twitched

as if she was determined to divorce.

Amelia stared at her in disbelief.

With reddened eyes, she bit her lip so hard teeth marks appeared on her lip.

“Stop biting your lip. You’re almost bleeding,” Eleanor said nervously.

Amelia twitched her lips, but she still loosened her bite.

“You still care about me, Mom?” Amelia scoffed, “I thought you only had Amelia Winters in mind.”

A hint of pain surfaced in Eleanor’s eyes.

“You’re still my daughter, Amelia. Both you and Lia are my precious daughters,” Eleanor explained.

“If you truly see me as your daughter, you wouldn’t have divorced Dad so quickly. I think Amelia

Winters cast a spell on you, making you abandon this family,” Amelia Hutton retorted emotionally.

Eleanor was silent.

Then, Amelia snatched her suitcase and threw it aside.

“Don’t go, Mom. If you leave, I’ll end my life. I’ll take a knife, slit my wrist, and watch myself bleed to


“Quit that nonsense, Amelia.”

“It’s not nonsense. If you dare give up on this family, I would harm myself. After all, you don’t care

about me, and I assume you wouldn’t care what I do,” Amelia threatened like she had nothing to lose.

Eleanor’s face fell, and her eyes turned red.

Letting out a tired sigh, she persuaded, “You’re already in your twenties and are even old enough to get

married. Don’t be so stubborn, Amelia.”

Amelia sobbed quietly, tears rolling down her cheeks as bitterness filled her heart.

“I regret bringing you to meet Amelia Winters, Mom. If you hadn’t reunited with her, the Hutton family

wouldn’t have to face so many hardships,” Amelia Hutton said as she wept.

Eleanor said nothing in response.

“Are you really leaving?” Benjamin’s voice sounded from upstairs.

Eleanor looked up and saw Benjamin standing there arrogantly with his arms crossed. She instantly

turned cold and expressionless.

“I’ve requested a lawyer to prepare the divorce papers, and he’ll talk to you about the divorce

personally. Don’t worry, I’m not divorcing for your money, but I have one condition. After the divorce, I

never want to see you again,” Eleanor said icily.

Benjamin’s eyes darkened as his face turned utterly vicious.

“You’ve become quite the rebel, Eleanor. You even have the nerve to go against me. You want to go to

Tayhaven to find her, don’t you? Well, it was I who had sent Amelia Winters to the Winters family, and I

can easily cause trouble to the Winters family now, too. If you want her to be hated by her family and

live without peace then, by all means, sign the divorce papers and go to your so-called precious

daughter,” Benjamin threatened.

Eleanor glared at Benjamin, who was descending the stairs. She balled her fists, veins popping on the

back of her palm. Never had she seen such a wicked and shameless man – her husband whom she

had married for over thirty years.

She could not figure out why a father could be so ruthless to his child. Even the most vicious tigers

would not eat their cubs, yet this man was doing so. He actually gave his daughter away to someone

else and faked her disappearance.

“Lia didn’t go missing? Rather, you gave her to someone else?” Eleanor felt incredulous.

“Yes. There is no place for a b*stard child in the Hutton family.” Benjamin was quick to admit.

Shock, humiliation, disbelief, and agony flashed across Eleanor’s eyes. It dealt a severe blow to her

that her husband believed she cheated on him.

She had been in pain for over twenty years, and she had to visit a psychiatrist due to stress. Yet, she

did not expect that it was her husband who had caused everything.

She clutched her chest, her lips trembling. “Why?”

“I said I only have a son and a daughter. The other daughter went missing twenty years ago. You’re

having delusions because you’re too stressed out. Be good, get some sleep, and forget everything

about it,” Benjamin gently convinced her.

However, Eleanor shook her head vigorously.

Benjamin approached her gradually and said sinisterly, “I have arranged an appointment for you with

your doctor. After he hypnotizes you, you will slowly forget the past. It will be quick, so don’t be afraid.”

Eleanor immediately ran away, and Benjamin shouted, “Her illness is acting up again! Capture her.”

Two bodyguards suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They grabbed Eleanor, but she struggled

vehemently, and the bodyguards gave Benjamin a helpless look.

“Knock her out,” Benjamin ordered coldly.

Thus, Eleanor fainted from a hand chop to her neck.

Benjamin caught her and scooped her up in his arms.

“What are you doing, Dad?” Amelia asked anxiously. Benjamin could be heartless if he wanted to.

Otherwise, he would not have called his daughter a b*stard child or refused to acknowledge his

daughter no matter how much his wife begged him.

“Your mother is too stressed out. I want her to undergo hypnosis from the psychiatrist, which will make

her forget things that were supposed to be forgotten,” Benjamin explained nonchalantly.

Amelia frowned. “Dad, you’re being too cruel to Mom.”

“Don’t tell me you want me and your mother to divorce?”

That sentence completely silenced Amelia.

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After staying quiet for some time, Amelia refused to give up and asked, “Didn’t you have the

psychiatrist hypnotize Mom several times before? Weren’t they ineffective?”

“Back then, I didn’t dare let the psychiatrist force the treatment on her, and I would stop the hypnosis

whenever she showed the slightest resistance. This time, however, if she loses her mind because of

this, then I’ll take care of her for the rest of her life.”

“Are you crazy, Dad?” Amelia yelled, “That’s our mom and your wife! How could you treat her that


“I will look after her forever, whether she is crazy or not. My love for her wouldn’t lessen.”

Amelia shook her head aggressively. She could not understand such twisted and horrifying love. From

her perspective, love should be mutual and should not include hurting one’s partner in the name of


“Calm down, Dad. Ivan and I will talk to Mom. She was acting on impulse, but she’ll cool down soon,”

Amelia persuaded as she suppressed her fear.

“Go upstairs.”

However, Amelia followed Benjamin relentlessly. “Where are you taking Mom?”

“I have called her doctor to prepare everything. He can hypnotize her now,” Benjamin revealed


“I beg of you, Dad. Please don’t do this to Mom. The doctor said she’ll become insane if you force

hypnosis on her.”

“If she does, then I’ll take care of her.”

Hearing that, Amelia felt her entire body turn cold.

She and Ivan were still rather powerless in Saspiuburg and had no way of confronting Benjamin, who

was a control freak. At that moment, Amelia felt sorry for her mother for marrying such a man.

“Cool your head, Dad.” Amelia went to Benjamin and got to her knees. With tears in her eyes, she

begged, “I’m begging you, Dad. She’s your wife. If something happened to her during the hypnosis, she

would become deranged. You have no right to rob her of her wisdom, and she has every right to live

with her intelligence.”

Benjamin looked down at her. “If you stop me again, you can leave the Hutton family, and I won’t

support you financially anymore.”

Amelia’s hand shivered.

“Would you rather stop me, or leave the protection of the Hutton family, only to work a job which pays

three to five thousand to support yourself? It’s your choice.”

Amelia was put in a dilemma.

As Benjamin walked past Amelia with Eleanor in his arms, Amelia froze on the spot as if her feet were

glued to the ground. She watched her father’s silhouette and opened her mouth but could not get the

words out.

To Amelia, even her birth mother could not compete with materialistic things in her heart. In a way, that

was also a great tragedy for Eleanor.

Blinded by money and luxuries, Amelia abandoned Eleanor entirely.