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To Be Yours Again by Taylor

Chapter 1369
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Chapter 1369 Gilbert and Marigold (44)

Marigold felt she had miscalculated it a little. They had more people, so she would not be

their match. Perhaps she was lucky. She saw Jenny walking over at that moment and

called out to her.

Jenny heard her, but she did not have the intention to come and help her at all. Marigold

was absolutely confused.

Lilith saw Jenny as well. She originally thought Jenny would come and help Marigold, and

she got worried a little. After all, she could not afford to offend the Walters.

However, Jenny didn't come over. She even looked like she did not know Marigold at all

and just walked straight off. Lilith burst out laughing when she saw that.

"You can't really think Jenny would be friends with you, right? Have you looked at yourself

in the mirror? Are you even worthy?" Lilith mocked her and walked up to her. She grabbed

Marigold's collar and sneered. "How does it feel like to have no one helping you? Is it very

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Marigold looked at her but said nothing.

Jenny was secretly keeping a close look on Marigold in a near distance. It was a critical

juncture at that moment. If nobody else helped her, she would not be able to hold herself

back anymore.

’Are you not going over to help?" Alec noticed Jenny was looking at something, so he

looked in that direction as well. Then, he was a little surprised. Logically speaking, Jenny

would not just sit idly by.

Jenny chuckled and raised an eyebrow at Alec. "Someone is already going over. Of course,

I have to give the chance to rescue the damsel in distress to someone who needs it."

She obviously had no issues going over to help. However, she certainly had to leave it to a

more suitable person to do the job. At that moment, the said person was already heading


Right when Lilith was about to slap Marigold, Gilbert arrived in time. He grabbed Lilith's

wrist and shook her hand away aggressively. "What are you doing?"

The other women were a little scared when Gilbert suddenly appeared. Taking advantage

of the fact that he was only hostile toward Lilith at that moment, the rest of them quickly

slipped away. They didn't dare to go against Gilbert.

Lilith saw the coldness in Gilbert's eyes, and she knew he had no feelings for her at all. It

was inevitable that she felt a little hurt.

However, Gilbert didn't care if she was hurt at all. He glanced at her coldly before walking

to Marigold. Suddenly, his gaze changed, and he looked worried. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Marigold nodded. It was fortunate that Gilbert came in time.

"You should have notified me as soon as you were in trouble." Who knew what would

happen if he had arrived a little later?

Marigold knew what she was doing. She saw Jenny smiling at her in the near distance and

knew even if Gilbert did not appear, Jenny would come over. Of course, she would not tell

him that.

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She leaned against Gilbert, looking slightly frightened. Then she said, "I didn't expect she

would do this."

Seeing her scared, Gilbert felt even more heartbroken. He immediately hugged her and

looked indifferent at Lilith. "Are the Kruegers the ones calling the shots in Bardoff City


"She provoked me first!’ Lilith could not accept defeat, especially when she saw Marigold

acting weak next to Gilbert. She desperately wanted to tear her mask off.

Gilbert didn't care about what she said. He just looked coldly at her. "You'd better

apologize now. Otherwise, I have no idea what I might do."

"Apologize? I am not the one at fault, so why should I apologize?" Lilith already refused to

admit defeat, to begin with. At that moment, Gilbert even wanted her to apologize to

Marigold. How could that be possible? He could dream on.

Gilbert didn't mind it too much when she didn't apologize. It was perfect that she didn't.

Otherwise, he would not have a suitable reason to attack the Kruegers.

He wrapped his arm around Marigold, turned around, and left. However, before he left, he

said, "The Kruegers, huh? Perfect. I will let you face the consequences."