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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 212
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Jocelyn mixed the formula milk with practiced ease, her gaze drifting to where Melvin had kicked off his sneakers and climbed over

the playpen barrier to sit on the soft mat. He was eyeing little Euston.

He looked lost, like he didn't know where to begin, a bit agitated yet holding back the urge to be too rough.

His tentative approach was somewhat captivating to Jocelyn.

He didn't know that the child wasn't hers, but he still edged closer.

For sreason, this scene touched a tender spot in her heart.

"What are you doing?" Jocelyn finally shattered the strange, yet cozy tableau.

Melvin propped up on one knee and looked up at her, "He doesn't look a thing like you."

Walking in, Jocelyn lifted the baby and began feeding him, "He takes after his dad."

Melvin felt a pang in his chest.

Watching her tenderly feed the little one was somehow jarring.

"Your husband's got a side chick, and you're cool with that?" Melvin just wanted to know the extent of her tolerance for that man.

Jocelyn replied coolly, "As long as | don't know about it, it doesn't bother me."

Melvin was on the verge of explosion.

How much did she love that man? No, how desperate was she to cling to this marriage? To tolerate this much?

"So, if you don't see it, it doesn't matter?"

"Yeah. Seeing is believing."

Melvin laughed bitterly.

Back when his hands were clean with Willow, she was up in arms.

Plain and simple, she just didn't trust him.

"How much do you love him?" Melvin couldn't sit still. He stood up, looming over her.

Perhaps his voice was too loud, or his presence too intense, Euston stopped drinking his milk. His bright eyes were fixed on Melvin,

his little mouth puckered, ready to cry.

Melvin took notice.

He swallowed his anger reluctantly, reining in his emotions.

The child resumed his feeding.

Melvin was fuming inside. If it weren't for the fact that a crying baby could tear at a person's heart, he wouldn't have bothered.

Hearing Melvin's accusation, Jocelyn didn't answer but simply countered, "You've been with Dr. Layla for a while. Any chance we'll

be celebrating your engagement soon?"

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Melvin bristled, "Who told you | was with her?"

"The night | went to see you, she was the one who answered the door." Jocelyn spoke of the incident from two years ago as if it was

nothing more than a casual, old tale.

Melvin frowned at her, "She mentioned that to me."

"I called you because | wanted to know what secrets you were keeping."

Euston had finished his bottle, and Jocelyn lifted him up to burp him.

Euston rested against her shoulder quietly.

Jocelyn met Melvin's gaze for the first time, "I had thought about it. Whatever you would say that night, | was ready to stand by


She saw the surprise in his eyes. Then she smiled faintly, "Layla was the one who opened the door. She was pretty upfront, said

she was taking you to Angel City for treatment. Maybe it's women's intuition, but | could tell she felt more for you than just doctor-


"And you trusted her." Jocelyn remained composed, "So, at that moment, | felt like there was nothing left forto fret about.

We've always been out of sync."

Melvin remained silent as he listened.

His gaze lingered on Jocelyn, and he seemed to realize what he'd missed out on.

"She's a psychiatrist my ex-brother-in-law recommended," Melvin revealed, "Nothing more than a doctor."

Jocelyn nodded, "Yeah. None of that matters toanymore."

"But it matters to me," Melvin declared, his demeanor hardening, "I told you to wait for me."

"What's the point of waiting?" Jocelyn looked at him, "You couldn't even tellyou were leaving in person. You had so many

chances to tellthe truth, but you never did."

Jocelyn took a deep breath, still gently patting Euston. She fixed her eyes on Melvin, "Haven't you realized? Maybe we were only

meant for those three years. We can't ask for more. That was the only right tfor us."

Melvin found every word jarring, each one a signal that things between them were over.

It was a definitive end.

She was too calm, too composed, like she was just discussing something she no longer cared with him, with no emotion left.

Someone still with feelings wouldn't act like this.

He couldn't sense any turbulence in her.

Standing there, Melvin suddenly didn't know what to do next.

Just leaving would bruise his pride.

Yet, he couldn't think of anything to say that would give him the upper hand.

"The kid needs to sleep. Could you please close the door on your way out? Thanks." Jocelyn said politely.

She wasn't too distant, nor too dismissive, just maintaining a perfect balance in their current relationship, like an old friend she'd

greet and nothing more.

Jocelyn carried Euston upstairs, while Melvin remained below, not leaving immediately.

Looking around in the house, he could sense the other man's presence in this so-called home, picturing their happy family life.

This was the life Jocelyn wanted.

Melvin didn't want to shatter her dreams, yet he couldn't help himself.

If that man had stayed true, maybe Melvin could have let Jocelyn have her wish.

But he hadn't.

Jocelyn settled the child in bed and tucked him in a blanket. Then she stood at the window, finding Melvin's car still there.

He hadn't left yet!

What on earth was he planning?

Just as she pondered how to get him to leave, she heard the door close, followed by the sound of the car engine.

Returning to the window, she saw Melvin's car drive away.

Only then did her heart settle.

Sitting down, she thought about the words Melvin had rushed to say.

Deep down, she wasn't as composed as she seemed. The moment he showed up, she panicked as always.

Turns out, it wasn't just him who couldn't let go. She hadn't either.

Melvin sat in his car and lit up a cigarette as he dialed Zachary's number.

"I need you to keep tabs on Castiel, and that woman," Melvin's tone was charged with anger, his voice crackling with fury through

the phone.

"Should | keep his life?" Zachary's voice was steady, almost soothing with a certain gravitas, exuding the aura of a man who was

master of his domain.

Melvin gripped his phone tighter, the temptation to say 'no' was overwhelming.

But then, the image of Jocelyn cradling their child flashed through his mind, and he held back, "Just getsphotos of him

and that woman getting cozy. If you get anything, send it my way."

"Having second thoughts?" Zachary seemed unusually chatty today, taking the rare opportunity to prod his ex-brother-in-law.

Melvin took a drag of his cigarette, "I'm damn frustrated, that's all!"

Zachary chuckled lightly, "Your sister told me, it's all your own doing."

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"What right do you two have to judge me?" Melvin snapped back, "Just so you know, you and my sister are divorced."

"No need to remind me," Zachary replied coolly, unbothered, "But I've got one up on you - the child your sister had is mine."

Melvin swore if Zachary were in front of him, he would definitely give him a punch.

"You feel like hitting me?" Zachary knew Melvin too well, his tone dripping with disdain, "How's that illness of yours, by the way?"

"Shouldn't you already know if I'm well or not with the doctor you find for me?" Melvin's plea for help was devoid of any

pleasantries, but Zachary was used to it by now.

After all, he was Yasmine's little brother.

Zachary wouldn't have even picked up the call if it was someone else.

"Layla's got a thing for you. Why don't you give it a shot with her?" Zachary enjoy teasing him, "Your beloved lady is someone

else's wife now. If you keep this up, you'll be nothing but a home-wrecking 'other man."

Melvin's internal storm was a whirlwind of emotions, but he knew Zachary was right. Yet, admitting it was the last thing he wanted

to do.











