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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 3607
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"Austin, it's really you!"

"When did you cback?"

Austin's father and elder brother exclaimed in surprise and delight.

"It's so good to see you again. We missed you!"

Austin's mother cto her senses, realizing that the man standing in front of them was indeed her younger son. She quickly

approached him and held him in her arms.

The reunion of the family was expected to be a heart-warming one. His mother immediately told him to sit on a nearby grassy

slope so that they could talk more comfortably, and so that he could answer all of their questions.

Austin had no choice but to answer all of them, including why he suddenly left Earth last time, where he had gone, what he had

been doing all this time, and why he suddenly cback.

His family sat with him and listened intently to his every adventure in the unknown worlds and universes.

They were extremely shocked and couldn't help but gasp every tAustin told all kinds of miracles, dangers, and exciting

moments that he had encountered.

As residents of Earth, the outside world to them was simply too wonderful and exhilarating.

"So, that means you are a divine god now?" The three of them couldn't believe what they just heard.

After hearing all of the things that Austin went through to beca divine god, they all looked at him with inquisitive eyes. They

stared at him up down and were trying to see what had changed.

"Oh my! It really happened! My son is now a divine god!"

Austin's mother was so thrilled that she was laughing while crying. She even pinched parts of Austin's body several times to

observe the difference.

"But Austin, they said that the bodies of divine gods glow brightly, and they also have those rings of light above their heads.

Why don't you have them?" his brother Chad asked seriously.

"Oh, that? Look at this,"

Austin said with a nonchalant smile.

After that, his body gradually emanated soft lights that enveloped his entire body. Even his hair glowed sacredly.

He looked exactly like a god descending from heaven to the mortal world, which was mostly depicted in legends and ancient


"Whoa! It's true!

You have really beca divine god!"

Austin's family exclaimed in surprise.

"Ha-ha! That doesn't actually mean anything. You can't judge a warrior's strength through that.

You'll understand better once you improve your cultivation base in the future,"

Austin said as he burst into laughter. He couldn't help but tease them a little since they were acting like kids.

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"Austin, | want to clear the matter about this evil baby hidden in the Karakoram Mountain. You're definitely sure that once it gets

out of there, its power will be so devastating to destroy the world?"

When Austin talked about the evil baby, his parents and brother immediately wore serious expressions on their faces.

They couldn't really grasp how it could happen, so they were more curious than surprised.

At the back of their minds, Earth had always been a peaceful place. Sure, there were conflicts among governments of various

countries, superpowers which often launched small-scale wars against ssmall countries, as well as skillings in the martial

world. However, these were still incomparable to what was happening outside.

Then, all of a sudden, Earth had something to do with the destruction of the world.

It was a little inconceivable for Austin's family. They always thought that such things could only happen in movies and .

"So, you cback here on Earth to deal with the evil baby and save the world?

That's awesand dangerous at the stime! It's like you're a superman who has been tasked to defeat the strongest monster

to save everyone.

I'm so proud and scared for you!"

Austin's mother couldn't contain her feelings and blurted it all out.

"That's right! We don't know how exactly we should feel about it."

His father and brother also affirmed what his mother said.

Austin felt a little awkward afterward. He was just compared by his family to ssuperhero, like those fictional characters that

were very famous to the citizens of Earth. But he still tried to understand their concern for him.

Then, Austin found an opportunity to change the topic.

"By the way, mom, why aren't you cultivating in the mountain god's temple of the Peace County? Why do you have to cto the

Hiding Area?" Austin asked out of curiosity.

"Oh, that. Well, it's a long story."

His mother let out a deep sigh before she told everything that had happened to them.

It turned out that after Austin left Earth last time, his family had stayed in the mountain god's temple in the suburbs of the Peace


However, several years later, the people of the Court finally found them.

Before Austin left, he had set up several powerful arrays around the temple.

This was to keep his enemies from approaching the temple and disturbing his family.

However, the people of the Court still took their chances. They used their high-powered explosives, earth-penetrating

missiles, and even nuclear bombs.

But even after using every single one of them, the arrays stood still and didn't budge at all.

Austin set up defense arrays, attack arrays, concealment arrays, and those that are related to tand space. In short, Earth's

technology wasn't enough to overcthem.

In fact, any outside attack would not only be resisted, but would also be transferred to other places.

As a result, all of the explosives and weapons that they aimed at the temple were rendered useless.

Thus, Austin's family would be totally safe as long as they stayed inside the temple.

Afterward, the people of the Court seemed to have given up in attacking and decided to withdraw their forces. Consequently,

there was no movement for several years.

However, after all the peaceful years, sudden news cout from the western martial world that Austin had re-appeared. It also

stated that he was badly injured by the divine gods of the Court, so he was fleeing to the East.

Moreover, svideos were also released as proof of the incident. In those videos, it could be seen that Austin was covered in

blood and was being chased by a large group of holy knights.

Upon hearing the news and watching the videos, Austin's family grew extremely worried.

Therefore, in the moment of desperation, they decided to sneakily leave the temple to find an opportunity to save Austin.

But to their surprise, the people of the Court instantly appeared out of nowhere just as when they were about to leave the


That was when they realized that everything was just a ploy of the Court to lure them out.

The news and videos about Austin's appearances were all fake and manipulated.

As a result, Austin's family was trapped in the Hiding Area near the border by the people of the Court, running for their lives

day and night.

Fortunately, Austin's mother had already reached the premium stage of Sky Realm and had also comprehended her sword intent to

the Perfection Stage. With such outstanding strength, she was able to protect her husband and son for several years. Later on,

they accidentally broke into this deserted area.

Then, the people of the Court still cand surrounded them on the small mountain.

"l see."

After listening to all of his mother's stories, Austin finally understood why his family was forced to leave the Peace County and why

they were in this deserted area.

It was now clear that all of this was because of the Court.

"Well, it's alright. Now, there are enough reasons to end the existence of the Court,"

Austin said with a terrifyingly cold expression in his eyes.

Previously, he cto Jerule city and fought with the god of the Court.

But before he was able to finish his business, the door to Gods' Hometown suddenly appeared, so he had to leave in a hurry.

After he left Earth, the Court still didn't stop causing trouble for him and his family.

Unfortunately, before he could have settled all accounts with the Court, their members had found his family and chased

them tirelessly to get back at him.

If he hadn't gone back in time, there was a huge possibility that his family already fell in the hands of the Court. Who knew

what they might have done to them just to get every information they wanted about Austin?

Right now, it could be said that the Court, an ancient organization on Earth, was on the brink of destruction because they

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angered Austin to the core.























