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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1839
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As Austin walked around, he could see that he was in a tranquil medicine garden. It appeared ancient and peaceful.

In the middle of the medicine garden, there was a two-story, exquisite bamboo building. Beside it there were a few stationary

bamboo plants.

In the path leading up to the building, there was an elegant, small pond. The place looked like it belonged to a hermit.

When Austin looked around, he saw there was a beautiful sunglow. It resembled the stars all over the sky and it was sparkling

everywhere. Austin's eyes glowed in it.

He knew that the herbs that glowed were high-grade superior herbs. His eyes grew greedy at the sight of them.

A burst of beautiful music echoed through the garden and distracted him. He looked around, expecting an enemy to jump out of

the building.

However, the music was also caused by the high-grade herbs in the garden.

Austin remembered that rays of sunglow and music could be found on rare materials and precious superior herbs.

Glancing around, he noticed that everything around him was above the sixth or seventh grade of superior herbs. His jaw dropped


He tried to count them but they moved too fast, sprinting and ducking into corners. In the end, he managed to account for more

than twenty.

Using his previous herb knowledge, he identified the running ones as semi-omnipotent herbs.

If there were holy lords and reclusive elders in the garden, they would pass out at the sight of the semi-omnipotent herbs. He was

glad that he was alone.

He had heard the extremely old cultivators talk about semi-omnipotent herbs. By the sound of it, they would kill to obtain them.

The reason for the craziness surrounding the herbs was because they could prolong a life.

Previously, in the Northern Mine District of the East Mainland, Austin had witnessed how Brady brought back Elder Sharp of the

FlHoly Land by using two semi-omnipotent herbs.

Therefore, it was not hard for him to imagine how valuable the semi-omnipotent herb was.

"Okay. We're going to take the semi-omnipotent herbs first. They're the most important,"

Austin ordered with greed on his face. The group of semi-omnipotent herbs cowered in the corner, trembling so violently that it

looked like they were going to explode. Drool almost dripped from Austin's open mouth as he stared at them.


In an instant, Violet and the gnappeared. They charged at the herbs and the herbs cowered even further.

Utilizing his bodily movement skill, Austin joined them.

They ran and leaped and climbed around the garden, chasing down the herbs. Occasionally, one would slip out of their grasps at

the last second and they would grunt and chased it down again. After a while, they had wrangled twenty-five semi-omnipotent

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Austin gathered them all and put them in his Herb Ring. He looked at it with satisfaction before Violet pulled his attention away.

"Look! I see high-grade superior herbs over here!

It looks like they range from grade one to grade nine!"

exclaimed Violet while she excitedly pointed at the patches in the garden. Her delicate eyes were twinkling with tremendous


"Get them!

We need all the superior herbs this time!"

At Austin's command, the three of them rushed to the medicine field at the stime. They scrambled around, overwhelmed by

the assortment of herbs and other plants they could collect.

"That is a... reincarnation leaf!"

The reincarnation leaf was a small, purple tree on which there were six crescent-like leaves. Each of the leaves had a unique mark

which flashed with color. If one stared at the mark for a long time, they could see a depiction of the cycle of death and rebirth.

"And there are sunshine flowers!"

At their feet, scorching orange flowers dotted the grass. They had to squint as they looked at the flowers because they were as

bright as sunlight.

"Look, you two. This is the heavenly holy herb!"

They looked at the plant that resembled a dandelion and smiled.

With his senses overloaded, Austin kept spinning in circles and constantly recognized more superior herb varieties. Each one was

more rare than the last and Austin had never seen sof them anywhere in the Divine Continent. The outside world would lose

its mind if Austin were to show any of these to anyone.

The garden was so large that they walked and searched for hours, picking up anything valuable they could find. There were

superior herbs that had almost becextinct in the outside world.

Austin, a second-grade superior pill refiner, couldn't even distinguish sof the herbs. He guessed that sof them had

already becextinct in the outside world and that was why he didn't recognize them.

Finally, after searching every corner, the three of them had collected all the superior herbs in the garden.

Carefully, Austin placed each one into his Herb Ring.

Saving them this way was smart because they could grow and be removed when they were needed.

Once they had finished, Austin approached the small bamboo building at the center of the medicine garden. He still worried that

there may be an enemy hiding inside.

When passing by the small pond, Austin inadvertently glanced into it.

His feet stopped moving and he looked again.

Through the water, he could see four distorted light balls. There were two golden ones and two dark ones and he watched

perplexed as they swam around.

Looking more carefully, he realized that they were not light balls but fish.

They were the only things in the pond.

"Lad, these four little fish are not simple. | think they're as valuable as those semi-omnipotent herbs. Why else would they be in

this garden?"

the gnsaid, walking up behind Austin.

Austin trusted the gnto find him treasures. There had never been a twhen he had led him wrong. They both stared at the

fish for a while.

Austin nodded but didn't move towards the fish or say anything.

Like he was hypnotized, Austin followed the movements of the fish as they shimmered in the water.

The four fish moved slowly, like they didn't have a care or fear in the world. There was something to appreciate about their


"These four little fish remindof the profound idea of inaction and harmony that is recorded in the FlScripture of the Flame

Holy Land!"

Austin said, suddenly snapping out of his wandering thoughts.

'They really are more than just normal fish!"

Tempted by the thought that he might get something from the fish, Austin formed a big hand with his vital energy and drove it into

the pool.

The hand swam quickly through the clear water, reaching out towards the fish.

They scattered, darting around and between the fingers before he could clasp them shut.

When the hand resurfaced, it had caught nothing.

"No way!"

Austin looked from the hand to the pond and then back again.

After thinking for a while, he realized that the fish were only illusions. When he had tried to grab them, they turned to air and

vanished. He couldn't touch them, let alone capture them.

Determined, he tried several different techniques. He shot out the Five-element Sword Light but it went through them. Using the

Unrivaled Black Dagger, he tried to stab them but they remained intact afterwards. He thought attacking using spiritual sense was

a sure shot but it was just as useless as the rest.

With a sigh, he gave up.

"Forget it,"

Austin said in frustration. He spun away from the pond and walked into the bamboo building with Violet and the gnfollowing

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on either side.

As soon as he entered the small bamboo building, Austin immediately smelled the intoxicating scent of elixirs.

On the first floor, there were four rooms.

The first room they entered was a living room. In it, there was simple furniture and clean windows; the shadows of the bamboo

plants were swaying on the windows, making it look very elegant.

As they explored, they found that one of the other rooms was a bedroom.

Then there was a secret practicing room where several cleverly designed energy-gathering arrays were arranged.

Austin walked around the last room, picking up items and examining them. Before long, he had determined it was a pill refining


'Is the owner of this place a pill refiner?!" Austin thought, staring wide-eyed at Violet and the gnome. It appeared that they hadn't

caught on yet.

In the center of the room, an old elixir tripod sat. Austin looked closer at it and was surprised at what he saw.

Though the tripod looked very old, the shadows of a dragon and a phoenix emerged from it and flew about. They seemed to be

playing with each other.

"Grade five, six, seven, eight, nine!"

In a corner, there were jade bottles of all different sizes set on a wide table. As he opened the bottles and looked inside, his heart

thumped against his chest.

Every single bottle contained high-grade superior pills.

Austin couldn't believe it because fifth-grade superior pills were already extremely precious.

In the entire East Mainland, there were only two fifth-grade superior pill refiners. The three holy lands and three clans were

constantly competing for the two superior pill refiners.

He even had knowledge that the ancient sects in the Middle Pilgrim Land only possessed a handful of sixth-grade superior pills.

The higher the pill-grade, the more top cultivators would be drawn to them. Austin was seeing what many people alive had never

and would never see.

This room had pills all the way up to grade-nine!

Austin collected all the superior pills so quickly that he nearly dropped them.





