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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1551
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As the three, Austin, Violet and Stacy, landed on the first step of the ladder floating in the air, they felt that their bodies were so

uncomfortable as if they were carrying something extremely heavy on their back.

That made them all suddenly stop climbing. They abruptly stood up and straightened their posture as an effort to counter the

invisible pressure that was exerted on them.

"Do you feel that? This stone ladder can detect our breathing and our cultivate base. The intensity of the momentum from the

universe that was exerted on us varies depending on the differences in our strength levels.

And because | am at the premium stage of Emperor Realm which is stronger than you two, the corresponding momentum exerted

onis also a lot stronger.

Therefore, having a stronger cultivation base doesn't mean that the person has an advantage when he climbs this stone ladder!

What a wonderful journey!"

Stacy said with great amazement. She had great expectations about what she would get at the end of the journey. Anyhow, she

felt like if the challenge was harder, the rewards would also be greater.

"Yes, you are quite right," Austin said in agreement.

Apparently, he also had the sfeeling as she did.

He had believed that it would be much easier for Stacy to finish climbing the ladder since she was much stronger than he and


However, after they all climbed the stone ladder, he found out that Stacy didn't seem to be more relaxed than they were.

What they had experienced indicated that the stone ladder could exert varying pressures according to each warriors" cultivation

base. This guaranteed that every warrior who climbed the stone ladder would bear the corresponding pressure. In other words, any

warrior would be tested by the ladder somehow equally.

"Let's continue to climb up," Austin suggested excitedly. He was curious about the reward they would get after he arrived at the

top of the ladder.

He smiled lightly at his other two companions as he took the lead to climb up to the second step. As soon as he did, he

immediately stood up to resist the pressure.

Sure enough, when he got to the second step, the pressure was much stronger than that of the first step.

Soon, Violet and Stacy also reached the second step of the ladder.

"Wow, the pressure is getting even stronger!"

Violet exclaimed and exhaled a deep breath.

"Violet, can you bear it?"

Austin asked her worriedly. She was the weakest among them. It made him more concerned about her safety.

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It seemed that although she was already tired, she could still bear it. "Hey, master, don't underestimate my power!"

Violet protested in a slightly displeased tone as she looked up at her master. Even with the slight annoyance on her face, she still

looked beautiful.

Violet was a nine-tailed demon fox who could change form. Violet transformed herself into a woman at the moment, who looked

quite beautiful and charming. Because of Violet's awesillusion power, she always looked even more enchanting than any

human girl.

Stacy, who was standing near her, also looked intoxicated with her charm.

Stacy was also a stunning woman. However, Violet's beauty was not inferior to hers. In fact, their beauties were incomparable

because they had different styles of beauty.

"All right. Let's keep climbing!" Austin replied simply.

At that time, he didn't have the mood to appreciate the two beautiful women around him. He just continued to climb up to the third


He immediately felt the exerted pressure on him. The intensity of the pressure surely increased again.

Without further delay, he then climbed up quickly.

Since he was climbing faster, he decided not to wait for Violet and Stacy anymore. He went to climb up quickly alone.

Every the climbed a step higher, the pressure exerted on his body becmore intense to the point that it was almost

irritating. Austin only felt that the pressure on his body was constantly superimposed. It was pressing at him continuously. He had

to do his best to resist it wholeheartedly. But somehow, he also felt more excited about this journey. He felt that he should soon

reach the top of the ladder.

After a long while, Austin had landed on the fiftieth step. Right then, he began to feel exhausted that even his breathing became


He had to stop for a while to get srest.

It wasn't long before Stacy finally caught up with him.

When she landed on the fiftieth step, a pink flush spread all over her cheeks. Small beads of crystal sweat were streaming down

from her forehead.

"How can you be so fast?"

Stacy exclaimed as she looked at Austin with surprise in her eyes.

"Oh, I am only a little bit faster,"

Austin said with a genuine smile.

"Ah! Master, | am so tired!"

Violet also caught up with them just then. Her breathing ca little ragged. She put a hand to her chest and gently patted it as

an attempt to even out her breathing.

Austin's heartbeat sped up a little when he saw Violet gasping heavy breaths. Her breasts heaved up and down with it. At that

moment, although she was already looking tired, she was still a very charming woman with scanty clothes.

Among the three, only Austin's situation was the best. Although he felt a little exhausted, he easily becrelaxed after a

moment's rest.

"All right. | had enough rest now. I'll continue to climb. You two take a break here for a while and then continue as soon as you can.

Although it is a little hard and arduous to climb up the ladder, there may be a lot of gains after we land on the top," Austin

encouraged his two companions.

Afterward, he made his move and continued to climb up.

As Austin climbed higher and higher, the pressure exerted on his body continuously got heavier too. After climbing up to the

seventieth step, Austin's whole body was stressed. To climb up further, he had to release his physical strength and vital energy

force to resist the immense pressure.

Each extra step he took further made his body tired and stressed. His breathing cout heavy and ragged. Streams of sweat

now trailed his face.

Even his spiritual sense force, his spirit, and his will were all beginning to feel oppressed.

In short, the tremendous momentum from the sky was constantly troubling not only his flesh but also his whole being.

This was quite a lot of pressure for him!

When he reached the eightieth step, he stopped for a while.

A deep heave of breath cout of him abruptly.

The pressure he felt at that point was just too overwhelming. He soon found out that his waist was also bent down to a strange


He felt like he was carrying a few big mountains on his back. The pressure was so great that the blood inside his body seemed

close to bursting out at any moment. The momentum from the universe at this level was rather horrible.

Instantly, more beads of sweat began to run down from his forehead.

"Hi!" Austin exhaled and puffed out a big noise.

Meanwhile, he released 20 million pounds of physical strength. Besides that, the vital energy force inside his body was also

gushing out vigorously and formed streams of golden vital energy gas that surrounded his body to help him fight against the

formidable force pushing on him.

Moreover, the spiritual sense force in his Soul Sea was constantly being released, in order to resist the oppression of his spiritual

sense, spirit, and will.

With all these measures, Austin climbed up again.

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Boom... Boom...

The terrible pressure from the universe now becvisible and audible. It was falling from the sky and cswooping towards


Austin was climbing upwards with greater difficulty.

He gritted his teeth, bent down, clasped his hands, and continued to climb slowly. Meanwhile, lines of sweat kept streaming fast

from his face and his body.

With his sweat and effort, he finally reached the ninetieth step!

It was a hard process that granted a small achievement for him.

"I'll take a break now," Austin murmured quietly.

He did not want to waste energy now that he felt that he was both physically and mentally tired.

He also wanted to wait for both Violet and Stacy. He was wondering if they could reach his position.

At the ninetieth step of the stone ladder, the terrible energy from the universe was continuously radiating. Austin had to use strong

power to stabilize his body.

'The power and momentum from the universe are really powerful here!

However, if you can adapt to such powerful pressure here, it will bring great benefits to the improvement of your own strength.

Moreover, | estimate that the immense power here should be left by the masters of the Cyan Pill Valley tens of thousands of years

ago using the power of the law.

| suggest you to have a better understanding of the power and momentum here, and it will be good for you to have a deep insight

about the power of the domain, even the power of enlightening and the power of the law,"

the FlEmperor reminded abruptly in Austin's Soul Sea. In every critical moment like this, he would always give Austin some

useful suggestions.

'It's a good suggestion! Thank you!"

Austin replied at once. He had truly been grateful for the advice he got from the FlEmperor.

Realizing that what the emperor said made sense, he simply sat cross-legged on the ninetieth step of the stone ladder, closed his

eyes and quietly sensed the formidable pressure.

He slowly felt the formidable pressure that was still squeezing his flesh, his energy meridian, and blood veins. He also felt it

affecting his spiritual sense force, his spirit as well as his will.

At the stime, he felt his body and energy meridians silently resisting it. Somehow, he slowly detected that his body seemed to

be stronger during the process. His energy meridians becmore stable and his blood was racing furiously in his body.

Apart from that, under the honing of the horrible pressure, his spiritual sense force was gradually becoming more solid.

The FlEmperor was indeed right! He did gain great benefits from the situation.