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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96

“Is there a bonus?” Rosalynn asked.

Wayne chuckled, “There is-”

“Well, thank you, President Silverman,” Rosalynn started to get up, but Wayne suddenly pulled her onto

his lap.

Rosalynn was startled

“Wayne, this is a branch office, and there are cameras!” Rosalynn whispered, reminding him.

But Wayne held her waist, making it impossible for her to move.

“I should’ve known earlier that you’re so amazing.” Wayne fondled her waist.

“President Silverman!” Rosalynn held his hand, “No intimacy in public places, that’s your rule.”

Wayne frowned a bit.

“Screw the rule!”

“Wayne, I just took down those guys’ arrogance. If they see this, what will they say?” Rosalynn spoke

seriously. “No one will acknowledge my abilities, they will only say that my success is all because of

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Wayne choked

He finally let go.

Rosalynn quickly adjusted her clothes and looked at Wayne with some disdain before walking to the

door, waiting for him.

Wayne always felt looked down upon by Rosalynn.

At first, it made him angry, but now he’s just full of grievances,

Why can’t he even hold her?

He picked up his phone and sent a message to Sean.

Asking him to delete that bit of surveillance footage from the meeting room. Then he got up and walked

to the door.

Rosalynn opened the door for him and followed him out.

By now, quite a few people in the company knew about Rosalynn’s heroic exploits.

Most men looked at her with subtlety

As for the women, some were disdainful, while others looked up to her

Following the usual routine, Wayne would leave the branch office first while Rosalynn stayed to handle

some minor matters. Today was no exception.

Rosalynn stood by the elevator, watching Wayne enter

He didn’t look at her but kept his head down, playing with his phone.

Yesterday at the airport, Wayne had forced Rosalynn to unblock him from her contacts.

As the elevator doors closed, Wayne put away his phone and looked at Rosalynn

Rosalynn’s phone buzzed twice

She glanced at it.

President Silverman. Just fool them for a bit.

President Silverman: I’m waiting for you to have dinner.

Looking at the message, Rosalynn suddenly felt a little dazed.

It seemed like an everyday conversation between a secretly dating office couple, just before they got

off work.

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As soon as the thought crossed her mind, Rosalynn shivered in fear.

She quickly pinched her palm to wake herself up.

There wasn’t much to deal with at the branch office, so Rosalynn simply patrolled the place with the

general manager in charge. Suddenly, a sneering voice came from behind.

“Well, isn’t this Secretary Tesdal?”

That voice…

Rosalynn turned around.

She saw a fashionable woman in her mid-twenties, swaying her hips as she walked over.

“Ms. Fuller”

The general manager quickly greeted her.

Claire Fuller-the daughter of Maddie Fuller’s sister.

Rosalynn had met her once before.

Claire crossed her arms, sizing up Rosalynn with a more contemptuous look, T’ve heard my cousin is

quite willing to spend money on you, looks like it’s

true, huh? But… Olivia would never dress so extravagantly and seductively. You, as her substitute, are

not up to par, are you?”