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The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate by Fire Sprout

Chapter 9
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Chapter 9


The next day, I made sure I behaved as normally as I could. I did all my chores and I even helped out

with setting up the upcoming party.

I would have loved to join the party to see how it would go but sadly, I had more important things to do.

I do not know how those parties are held because I have never attended those kinds of events.

Nobody would invite the pack’s runt to their gathering. I was shunned totally.

Looking back now, my status in this pack was really low. I was like a housemaid.

I did the work but I received no reward for my efforts. Instead, I was the target of insults and gossips.

Now, alpha Bryan wants me to be a tool to facilitate his political alliances when he discovered another

use for me.

I don’t feel any longing for this place at all. It was the epitome of bad memories for me.

My good memories pertained to my wolf, Silver and my friend, Sadie. Everything else was part of a

traumatic memory.

I crosschecked my luggage before howling to the night sky. A faint howl from Sadie replied me.

Before leaving, I would meet with Sadie so I can see if she had obtained the wolfsbane I requested

from her.

I still hadn’t forgotten about what the mate bond did to me. It was better to block my ability to sense

mates and focus on my pups.

I felt a burst of motherly love sprout in my heart at the thoughts of my kids. I couldn’t wait to see my


The party started in full swing.

When I saw that everybody was in a partying mood, I held my luggage in my jaws after I morphed into

my wolf.

I began my escape.

If the guards and sentries were not really focusing on monitoring me, I was confident that I could make

it past them successfully.

As I began my sprint. I could see a group of people hurrying to my shack. Alpha Bryan, alpha Jake and

Lily was at the forefromt of the group of


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The glimpse I had of alpha Bryan’s and alpha Jake’s faces assured me of their mounting fury.

I picked up my pace. I can’t allow myself to fall back into alpha Bryan’s clutches. If I am caught this

time, I would never have a chance to escape again.

Alpha Bryan would imprison me if I am caught and my pups would be aborted.

I weaved through all checkpoints to arrive at the shack I and Sadie built. I knew the area the Silver

Crescent pack occupied because of the days I sneak out to meet Sadie and those times I do chores

around the pack.

When I got to the shack, I saw that Sadie was already sitting on the threshold that led to the interior of

the shack.

I shifted back into my human form.

I noticed Sadie’s eyes were red and puffy. It was obvious she had cried and for it to remain as red as it

was, she would have been crying for hours.

“Sadie, what happened?” I asked as I sat down beside her.

I tried to keep down the nervousness and vigilance strumming through me. I was in a hurry because

my pack had already noticed my absence and they will be here soon. Still, I tried to be a good friend


Sadie shook her head, “It’s nothing. I agreed to date that alpha who had been wooing me only to

discover I wasn’t legitimate. I was the other person in their relationship. He had another girlfriend that

everybody recognized.”

Her words made me remember the hideous offer alpha Jake had offered to me previously.

It was basically the same thing.

We are beautiful but for some reason, everybody just thought the only position fit for us was being a

concubine or a mistress.

Anger and sympathy rose within me.

I patted her shoulder softly in consolation.

“Sadie, don’t worry about him. It is the same thing you advised me with, I

will say to you. Don’t mind that alpha. He doesn’t know what he is missing.” I consoled and she finally


She brought out a package from the pocket of her trouser. She passed it

to me.

“Thankfully, before we fell out he had given me the little bit of wolfsbane he got.” Sadie turned to face

me, “Are you sure about this?”

I nodded.

“Guard me.” I said before I opened the package and then, I put a small portion in my mouth.

As soon as I swallowed, a bone crushing pain followed. Itchiness and a tearing feeling accompanied

the substance to my stomach. It felt like somebody was grounding my bones to powder and after the

person was done, the person healed me up to do the same process again.

I should have taken the wolfsbane when I was in a safe place but I wanted to take it now.

I don’t know if alpha Jake could feel the remnants of the mate bond so I didn’t want to let that risk be

out of my calculations.

I don’t want alpha Jake to track my position with the broken remains of the mate bond he and I shared.

In between the soul numbing agony, my sensitive ears picked up the sound of howls and paws hitting

the floor.

The pain flowing through my body calmed and I could feel that the faint connection between me and

the mate bond I shared with alpha Jake is blurred.

“Where are you going?” Sadie asked as she stared at the bag with me.

It was like she was just noticing my luggage and dressing.

“After alpha Jake rejected me and got Lily as his mate, he proposed to have me as a concubine to my

pack’s alpha.” I said hurriedly as I righted my posture that had become unsavory from the intense pain.

“He wants to have you as concubine?!” Sadie’s anger and shock was understandable but I did not

know why she was repeating my words. “Then I fainted and it was known that I was pregnant. In order

to keep me and my pups safe, I had to leave. They are looking around for me now.” I continued.

“You are pregnant?!” She related again. Her mouth was open in shock.

“Why are you repeating my words?” I grumbled.

Sadie stood up, “You have to leave now! But how will we keep in contact? I don’t know where you are

going to go!”

“I don’t know where I am going to go either but I want to be as far away from Silver Crescent Pack as

possible. I don’t want to have anything to do with them.” I said, “If the moon goddess wills it, we will

meet again.”

I tucked the package containing the wolfsbane in the bag containing my belongings.

“I wish that I could follow you.” Sadie mumured and I smiled at her.

“It is the thought that counts. Besides, I can’t let you be inconvenienced by my messes.” I said before

listening carefully to the approaching voices. “Sadie, go back to your pack quickly, I don’t want to

implicate you. My pack’s alpha might insist that you are an accomplice if you remain here at the shack.”

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I advised her before shifting back into my wolf.

Sadie gave me one last look before leaving.

‘Goodbye. I said me ntally before I dashed out.

I continued running as fast as I can.

I felt bad for stressing my wolf like this but she didn’t complain because it was for our greater good.

In this situation, we both have to put in our best.

I felt sorry for dealing a huge blow to her power by taking wolfsbane but both of us had to make that


I don’t want us to get hurt again.

I know there is still a possibility out there that our second chance mate might be a man of good

upbringing and he would love us, I am still fearful of the other chances of getting a bad mate or a mate

that would reject mé again.

If I experience rejection again, I might run mad. Rejection deals pain on both me ntal and physical


I would not even want my enemy to be rejected by their mate.

I took unconventional paths when I could and I left my pee in places I did not pass to mislead my

pursuers but strangely, I still felt them closing

the distance between us.

I kept pushing my muscles to their maximum.

I must not get caught!

I used to like the smell and feel of the forest as I ran but right now, I had no time to appreciate the view.

All I concentrated on was just to run and to run some more.

“Avery! If you turn around now and come back home, I will forgive your tre spa ss.” Alpha Bryan’s

booming voice traveled through the forest to get

to me.

‘A home?’ I snorted derisively.

Silver Crescent Pack wasn’t my home. It isn’t even fit to be called a home in the first place.

It was a prison that had alpha Bryan had the head.

I in particular was the sheep alpha Bryan was rearing.

He was asking an impossible thing of me. I can never turn back because that would be the end of me.

Did he think I was a kid? I would never be able to call for his cheaply

veiled intents and words.

He did not even think of how he and his pack members treated me before asking me that question.

To me, it was this escape or nothing!

There wasn’t a third possibility.