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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 311
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Chapter 311

Magnus slowly shook his head. “No. Im just a bit parched.

Dr. Frankie was delighted to hear this, as it was the first time Magnus had asked for water during his

stay here “Alright, I’ll get you some water right now”

With that, Dr. Frankie walked towards the water dispenser in the room, preparing water at the perfect

temperature for Magnus

Now that Magnus regained consciousness, James felt a wave of relief wash over him. He strode over

and asked quietly. Mr Magnus, are you feeling better?”

“Yeah, I’m alright. It feels like I’ve just awoken from a dream My head is still a bit foggy but not as

heavy as before Magnus replied, pointing to his body “There’s still an itching sensation all over my

body it’s a bit uncomfortable

“Dr Frankie. Dr Frankie, come here! Mr. Magnus says he’s still feeling uncomfortable James anxiously

rushed over to Dr. Frankie and dragged him over

Caught off guard by James Dr Frankie nearly spilled the water he had just fetched Easy, take it slow

James hastily took the water from Dr. Frankie and pushed him towards Magnus Hurry, he’s not feeling


Dr Frankie was also somewhat nervous After all. Belle provided the antidote, and although he had

tested it, he wasn’t sure if it would trigger any side effects

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“Mr Magnus, where do you feel uncomfortable? You must tell me in detail I can’t be sure if these are

indeed the antidotes”

Before Dr. Frankie could finish his sentence, James grumbled, “What? You re not even sure, and you

gave it to Magnus? Have you lost your mind?

“What else could I do? You’re well aware of Mr. Magnus condition if we delayed further, the virus would

have continued to eat away at him like a nasty termite. If we werent at our wit’s end, do you think I

would have used the antidote Belle provided?” Dr. Frankie passionately defended himself. As a doctor,

the most intolerable thing is to be threatened by disease My mentor and I have experienced countless

failures, and we have to admit that the poison used by Belle is too despicable! Not being able to

develop an antidote is our greatest sorrow

James knew this was the case He only complained a bit, but he hadn’t expected Dr. Frankie would say

so much. It seemed that Dr. Frankie had been under a lot of pressure these days just like him

“Dr Frankie, you know I didn’t mean it that way” James said apologetically, “The most important thing

now is to heal Mr. Magnus as soon as possible. As for that vicious woman, Belle. I hope I don’t catch

her Otherwise, I will teach her a lesson that there are some people in this world who should not be

messed with!”

While Dr Frankie and James were arguing. Magnus gradually regained his strength. He raised his hand

to signal them to stop arguing. I’m fine, just a bit itchy and sore Nothing else

Despite their little argument. Dr Frankie and James never stopped caring for Magnus “Mr Magnus, your

body hasn’t shown any adverse reactions This proves that the medicine is definitely the antidote. The

itchiness and soreness are due to the extent of your previous poisoning I’ll prepare some medicine for

you to speed up your


James added “Magnus a lot has happened while you were ill. Once you’re fully recovered, I’ll fill you in.

Or you could ask Natalia. She’s been by your side all this time, barely eating or sleeping she’s lost

quite a bit of weight

At the mention of Belle Magnus felt an ominous feeling James, go fetch my wife I wish to see her

He missed Natalia dearly. He remembered her kiss and her comforting words. She had promised to

travel the world with him and their son Jonas He wanted to tell her he was fine and ready to fulfill that


James laughed. “No problem, I’ll be on my way Dr. Frankie, I’m leaving Mr. Magnus in your hands. If

you can’t get him back to his old self soon, you’ll have to answer to my fists. He joked raising his fists at

Dr Frankie. He then headed to Jonas villa to fetch Natalia.

Dr Frankie now certain Belle’s antidote worked, felt a huge weight lift from his shoulders. He began

formulating a recovery plan for Magnus, aiming to get him back on his feet in no time

Magnus was eager to cooperate with Dr. Frankie. He remembered Natalia’s gentle care and

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encouraging words. He remembered her singing to him during his delinum. He remembered promising

to recover quickly, promising to take Natalia and little Jonas on a worldwide tour, promising to let

Natalia do anything she wanted

During those unbearable days when it felt like he was being fried alive in hell’s kitchen, Natalia had

been by his side every step of the way Now that he had finally to rid himself of that soul–sucking

poison, his only job was to recover and fulfill any promise he had ever made to Natalia

Dr Frankie had been bustling about in the hospital room for half the day, and Magnus had been

following his directions without question. Just then, James, who pick up Natalia, rushed in Magnus,

something’s wrong”

Magnus raised an eyebrow “What is it?

“Look, Magnus I went to pick up Nat, but when I got there, May told me that she had come home,

grabbed a small bag, and left again in tears. She thought Natalia was crying because you were ill and

in the hospital, so she didn’t ask, afraid it would upset her more. I immediately went to find Jonas, and

he said Natalia told him to and take care of himself Mr Magnus what

Before James could finish, Magnus was already struggling to get up from the bed in horror, What? She

said that to Jonas”

“Yes, Jonas also said that Natalia told him to listen to his father and be a man Magnus, the more I

listened, the more it felt wrong, so I panicked that he was sweating profusely