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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 429
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Chapter 429

Philip looked at Wynn’s curious gaze and mused it over for a moment before saying, “Actually, Wynn, Nick knows Giada. He’s

just polite to me out of respect to her.” Giada? Wynn blinked. It suddenly occurred to her that Philip’s stepmother seemed like a

very impressive woman. She nodded to show that she believed him. “No wonder. And here I thought that you were…” “That I’m

what?” Philip was suddenly nervous. Did Wynn stumble onto something? “No, it’s nothing. We should just go to sleep now, okay?

I have a ton of work to do tomorrow." Wynn smiled and did not pursue that train of thought further. After a few days, Martha had

mostly recovered and started getting back to her old tricks in the villa again. When Charles saw how she mumbled to herself all

day about coming up with a name for the villa, he was once again flabbergasted. "Martha Yates, could you stop your ridiculous

plotting for one second? Isn't it enough for us to just stay here as one big happy family? Do you have to cause trouble all the

time?” Charles was at a loss. When he heard Martha calling up a lawyer, he had the feeling that she would eventually turn their

home upside-down. Martha hung up and glared at him, scolding him. “What do you know? All you ever do all day is play chess

with your geezer friends. Have you ever cared about what goes on in this family? Wynn was the one who bought this villa, so

why is it registered under that good-for-nothing’s name? I won’t have it! I insist on changing that name to mine, then that piece of

trash won’t ever be able to lord it over me ever again.” Acting like a hotshot, eh? What right did a useless layabout like him have

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to act like he owned the place?! He would not even let her take the master bedroom! It was such a luxurious and magnificent

room, and it would be totally wasted on a peasant like him!

Charles sighed and put down his newspaper. “Just hold your horses for a bit and listen to me.” “Why should I? Are you going to

try and defend that wretch again?” Martha glared at him and kept on ranting. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re planning,

Charles Johnston. You’re banking on the fact that he knows Nick Cage, right? Why bother sucking up to that trash? I asked

around, and no one else in the Land Registry knows Philip. Who knows what’s up with Nick Cage, bowing to that trash like that. I

bet that Cage guy is an idiot, just like you. “For all you know, both of you have fallen for Philip’s scam, hook, line, and sinker.”

Martha went on and on under her breath. Finally, Charles had had enough. He stood up furiously and barked, “You’re blind as a

bat! Go on, throw your tantrums! Let’s see how you deal after you get thrown out of here!” “Charles! Are you asking for a

whopping?! Why are you yelling at me?!” Martha stood up angrily and jabbed her finger at Charles’ face, yelling her head off. She

then pounced at him, scratching whatever skin she could reach. “Who gave you the balls to yell at me?! Imma scratch you to

death!” Charles fled from the villa, the perfect picture of a tragic figure, swearing as he ran. Meanwhile, Martha was left strutting

around the house like a victorious hen. After that, she put on some make-up, grabbed her bag, and left the house. She had made

an appointment with a lawyer to ask about changing the names on the villa deed, as well as to enquire more about how shared

finances would be split in the case of a divorce. Upon leaving the villa, she headed for the cafe they had agreed to meet at. On

the way, she called Joel as well. She had been calling him over the past few days, but he never picked up. Of course, Martha

heard the rumor that the Harrises had moved away from Riverdale.

Even Ronald’s company had supposedly moved away. Naturally, Martha was worried. Joel was her

dream son-in-law, after all. “Hey, we’re supposed to be going to the Hong Kong cafe. Where are you

going?” Martha looked out the window and realized that the cabbie was not going the right way.

Where was he heading? This was the road that led away from the city! “Hey, do you know the way? If

you don’t, I’m getting out!” Martha had some harsh words for the cabbie. “What an idiot! Why drive a

cab when you don’t even know the way? Are you trying to fleece me? I’m no tourist! Put on your meter,

I’ll lodge a complaint later!” Martha ranted on and on from the back seat. After a while, though, she

finally noticed that the cabbie wore a cap and a mask that covered his entire face. Whoa, could he be a


Martha panicked and slammed the car door desperately, yelling, “I wanna get out! Let me out! If you

don’t stop now, I’ll call the cops!” In response, the cabbie swerved sharply to the side. The entire car

turned, and Martha’s head smashed into the door. Her vision went dark, and she lost consciousness.

When she next woke up, she realized that she was inside an abandoned factory. Her hands and legs

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were tied to a wooden chair, and there was green tape across her mouth. Mmmgh-mmgh-mgh!

Martha’s hair was a mess, and she kept mumbling into the tape, feeling utterly terrified.

After a long while, someone finally walked through the door. He held a baseball bat, and wore a cap

and a mask. He stalked up to Martha and viciously ripped the tape off her mouth! Riiip! The skin on

Martha’s lips immediately tore, and she began to bleed everywhere! “Ah! Help, help!”

Martha took a deep gulp of air and instantly started screeching. However, no one responded to her

cries for help. The cabbie looked at the panicked, horrified Martha coldly. In a low voice, he said, “You

can save your breath.

We’re more than twenty kilometers away from the city, and this abandoned factory is the only structure within five square miles.

No one will save you.”

Martha was frightened out of her wits to hear that, and she continued screaming at the top of her lungs. “Shut up, shut the f*ck

up!!!” The cabbie abruptly lost his temper. He swung the baseball bat and smashed it against Martha’s head! Bam! Martha felt

her brain buzzing. She fell to the ground on cue, blood dripping gruesomely from her head. After some more time, when Martha

next woke up, she realized that her limbs felt weak and her head felt like it was going to split in two. Half of her face was sticky

with blood. She begged softly, “Please, don’t kill me! I have money, my daughter is rich. How much money do you want? I’ll give

you anything, just don’t kill me.” Martha pleaded from where she lay on the floor.