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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1828
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Chapter 1828

Morrison had reached his breaking point. The woman was growing more and

more brazen by the day. Did she think he was invisible?

Stuffing a sandwich into his mouth and gulping down his coffee in a few swift

swallows, he stood up, his face the color of thunder, and marched out of the

hospital room.

By the time Rose reached Winston’s hospital room, a small crowd had already

gathered, mainly young women, all huddled around the small glass on the door,

trying to sneak a peek inside.

“Seriously, it’s really Winston?”

Enter title…

“Definitely, I almost bumped into him at the door. He’s staying in this room.

“I heard he came to R City, but why would he be in the hospital?”

“No idea, but it looks like he got into a fight, his face and head seemed banged


“A fight? If the media gets wind of this, won’t it blow up into a big deal?”

“Getting into trouble right after arriving in R City, if this gets out, it’s going to be a


Rose’s heart sank at these murmurs, a bad feeling creeping up on her. An

international movie star, in a brawl in R City and ending up in a hospital…

Scores of people were waiting for just one slip-up, and if this incident went

public, it would be a devastating blow to his career.

Her expression darkened. All of this hanppened because of her, and if anything

serious happened, she couldn’t escape blame.

Hospital security and a few plain-clothed individuals, likely Winston’s

management team, started to shoo the crowd away, sticking to a firm “no

comment” policy.

Once the hallway cleared, Rose approached the door, about to knock, when a

familiar force wrapped around her waist, Morrison’s familiar scent enveloping


She turned, finding Morrison beside her with a scowl, his arm possessively

pulling her close. He grunted at her gaze.

“Incorrigible woman.”

Rose was still brooding over the recent events, particularly that Morrison was

responsible for Winston’s hospitalization and the potential media frenzy. She

was far from pleased. As his voice fell, she pursed her lips and elbowed him

hard in the ribs.

Caught off guard, Morrison winced, his face momentarily contorted with pain.

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Rose shot him a cold glance and knocked on the hospital room door.

“Damn…” Morrison muttered under his breath, following her in as the door

swung open. He was determined not to leave Rose alone with that man named


Winston looked particularly unwell, and the overnight nurse arranged by

Morrison seemed uneasy. The room was also occupied by members of

Winston’s team. They greeted Rose upon her arrival.

Feeling a twinge of guilt, Rose asked, “Has the doctor been by? How’s he


Winston’s assistant, clueless about the true cause of his hospitalization,

attempted a weak smile at Rose. “Ms. Rose, what brings you here so early?”

After all, she was the current “big spender, and with Winston’s temperament,

getting him to suck up to anyone was tougher than climbing to heaven. So,

handling these patrons required utmost care.

Winston could afford to be haughty, but they couldn’t follow suit. They didn’t

have that privilege.

Though they were well aware that their relationship with Rose was purely

transactional. Without Winston, the Spotlight Beauty company’s products

wouldn’t achieve the desired market impact, and sales figures would suffer.

But, as the party footing the bill, they had to handle the matter delicately.

Rose offered a faint smile, “Winston was hospitalized, and I had to show my

concern. After all, I invited him to R City. If anything goes wrong, I can’t shirk


The assistant looked uneasy. “Ms. Rose, you exaggerate. It’s Winston who’s

caused trouble that may affect you”

Rose didn’t directly reveal that Winston’s hospital stay was due to a beating

from her so-called husband, which could spark media interest.

“What’s important is that he’s alright: “Fortunately, it’s nothing serious. He should

be up for our product launch.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Winston shot her a frosty glance. This woman, the epitome of a ruthless

capitalist, was first in line when there were benefits, but at the first sign of

trouble, she’d be the quickest to flee.

Did she not understand why he was in this mess? She was clearly avoiding the

real issue.

“Have you had breakfast?” Rose asked gently.

“Winston’s a bit grumpy. He’s not one for breakfast.”

Rose glanced at Winston, whose complexion was particularly sullen, and was

reminded of one of his absolute no-nos.

His morning mood was infamous. He used to put on a bit of charm for her, but

now, not an ounce was in sight.

Raising an eyebrow, she remarked, “Winston, breakfast is a must”

He glared at her, silent.

“You can’t fight properly on an empty stomach. Morrison had plenty just now.”

Winston’s lips twitched. Was she provoking him?

As if on cue with Rose’s words, the topic of her sentence appeared before them.

The assistant had no idea why Rose was bringing up a brawl and Mr.

Morrison when she was simply encouraging Winston to eat breakfast. He was

utterly confused until he saw Morrison and promptly greeted him with a cheery

smile. “Mr. Morrison, it’s such an honor to have you visit Winston”

In R City, everyone knew about the power of the Witts.

Winston was about to explode from his assistant’s reaction.

Morrison, with his air of aloof nobility, gave a curt nod and glanced at Winston.

“As the ambassador for my wife’s company, it’s only proper that I check in on


Winston was so frustrated. These two, Rose and Morrison, were as fake as]

they come.

His anger simmering, Winston’s lips twitched into a smile when he took in

Morrison’s disheveled appearance. “Did you have a run-in with a vampire last

night? You look absolutely drained.”

Morrison’s expression darkened instantly. Everyone turned to look at Morrison’s

face, and they stifled their laughter, not daring to make a sound.

“Rose has always been about looks, and with you looking like this, be careful

she doesn’t ditch you for a better face.”

With that, Winston turned to his assistant, stroking his own face, “How’s my face


“Winston, your face is always perfec. Even with the bandages and bruises

you’ve got an edgy charm that’s hard to fault”

Winston smirked, satisfied.

Indeed, while the assistant’s words sounded sycophantic, they were true.

Even with a white bandage wrapped around his head and bruises on his face,

Winston’s rugged features exuded a wild beauty.

He was reminiscent of those rebellious bad boys from high school who

managed to look even more appealing after a fight, the kind that left many girls’

hearts racing.

If it weren’t for his status, there would surely be plenty of women vying for his

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attention, regardless of his injuries.

“Rose, wouldn’t you agree?” Winston asked, turning to her.

Rose nodded, “Mhm.” As soon as she spoke, Rose felt a piercing cold gaze

drilling into her.

Winston’s mood seemed to have improved as he provocatively looked at

Morrison, only to burst into laughter upon seeing his already sour expression


“Hahaha, Rose, I honestly think you could do better. Come on, open those

bright, beautiful eyes of yours and tell me, who’s more worthy of your affection?

Me or him?”

Winston’s words made Morrison’s face contort with indignation.

The assistant nearly collapsed right there and then. What kind of otherworldly

conversation was this? Implying a preference between him and Mr. Morrison for

Ms. Rose’s affections? They were a married couple, for heaven’s sake!

What was Winston implying with those words? Didn’t he realize the terrible

social repercussions if word got out? Was he tired of his smoothly sailing


The assistant looked around the hospital room fearfully, noting only a nurse who

seemed just as bewildered.

Caught between embarrassment and resignation, Rose glanced at the assistant

but said nothing. Morrison stepped forward, pulling Rose into his embrace.

Narrowing his eyes, he threatened Winston, “If you don’t want to end up in the

morgue, think before you speak”

The assistant gripped the footboard of the bed, legs trembling.

This was a clear yearning towards someone else’s wife; it was no wonder

Morrison was livid.

Those in the entertainment industry might seem glamorous, but they were also

the most vulnerable. Every aspect of their lives was magnified, and a single

false step could ruin everything. Offending a powerful tycoon could ruin

someone’s life in an instant.

Winston’s personality was undeniably brash, but he had spent many years

abroad without making enemies. He was freshly back in the country, and

nothing had been settled yet. If a visit to R City meant stirring up such trouble,

how would they cope?

“Mr. Morrison, please don’t be upset. Winston was just joking.”

Morrison shot him a cold glance, “I have eyes; do I not know when someone is


The assistant was on the verge of tears. “So, you should take it as a joke”