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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband

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Fearful of causing a scene, Dalores quickly retrieved the bag, emptied its contents, and threw it back at

the girl. “Fine! Take it! It’s just a bag. Take it and get out of here right now! And don’t come back!”

Dalores’ face turned red with anger.

Worried about her reputation, Dalores looked around to ensure no one had witnessed the altercation.

The girl caught the bag and shook it before cursing, “Bitch, you’ve already used it! How much am I

supposed to take from a second-hand bag? If I knew you were so useless, I wouldn’t have asked for

your help!” Her voice grew louder, causing Dalores to feel embarrassed.

Dalores wished she could disappear into the ground. As she angrily turned to return to her workstation,

she noticed Natalie staring at her. Natalie’s gaze only fueled her fury. Losing control, Dalores stormed

towards Natalie, roaring, “Bitch, what did you do to seduce Draco? How is it that he listens to you and

not me?”

“You were the one making promises you couldn’t keep. n ov el oz -That’s not my fault,” Natalie retorted

indignantly. She didn’t believe a word of what Dalores was saying. Leaning closer to Natalie, Dalores

warned in a low voice, “Remember, this isn’t over.”

After her outburst, Dalores returned to her desk as if nothing had happened. “That little bitch is

definitely something,” she thought to herself. She had managed to win over someone as powerful as

Draco. The more Dalores dwelled on it, the angrier she became with Natalie. It was clear that Natalie

also wanted to hire acquaintances, just like Dalores did. But Natalie pretended to be innocent and got

away with it, leaving Dalores to shoulder the blame.

In that moment, Dalores made a firm decision. She would stop at nothing to ensure that Natalie and

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Tasha were kicked out of w Marks.

After escorting Tasha to her cubicle, Natalie returned to her seat and immersed herself in work.

However, her mind was preoccupied with the strange incident involving her laptop. She had searched

online for answers but found nothing. Although the issue hadn’t recurred, she couldn’t log in to the

website anymore, severing her only connection to the mysterious drug dealer. Frustrated, Natalie

decided to focus on her work for the time being and tackle her problems one by one.

As the day neared its end, Elizabeth packed up her belongings, intending to leave early. Natalie

glanced at the clock and asked curiously, “There’s still fifteen minutes left. Where are you headed?”

Elizabeth pulled out a powder compact and began touching up her makeup, enhancing her already

beautiful features. With a hint of wistfulness, she replied, “I have to go now. I’ve finished today’s tasks

anyway. Jorge is waiting for me downstairs, and I don’t want him to wait too long. See you tomorrow,

Natalie.” Natalie nodded and bid her farewell, unsure if Elizabeth’s relationship with Jorge was healthy

or not. Nevertheless, Elizabeth seemed happier now.

Shortly after Elizabeth’s departure, Tasha also prepared to leave. She approached Natalie’s

workstation, finding her still engrossed in her work. “Are you planning to work overtime?” Tasha


Natalie’s eyes remained fixed on the computer screen as she responded, “Yes, I haven’t completed my

tasks for today, but it won’t take much longer.”

“Alright then. Don’t stay up too late, okay? I’m heading home. Bye!” Tasha waved goodbye and left.

Natalie continued working diligently, and by the time she finished her design, she realized she was the

last person remaining in the office, surrounded by darkness outside. Suddenly, her phone rang.

“When will you get off work, you workaholic?” Brandon’s familiar and gentle voice brought a smile to

her face.

“What time will you pick me up?” Natalie checked the clock, discovering it was almost 7 o’clock in the


“Wait for me. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” After ending the call, Natalie swiftly packed her belongings.

Just as she was about to descend the stairs, she received a peculiar text message.

Initially dismissing it as spam, something caught her attention. The sender claimed to be Charis Turner.

Shocked, Natalie tapped on the message and read it carefully. “You haven’t forgotten me, have you,

Natalie? It’s me, Charis. You’re the one who set me up. I can’t wait for you to join me in hell.”

Before she could finish reading the first text, her phone began incessantly pinging with more messages

flooding in. Natalie’s fi**gers trembled, and beads of cold sweat formed on her forehead. With each

incoming message, her heart raced faster. Who would play such a cruel prank on her? Annoyed and

anxious, Natalie contemplated turning off her phone.

Suddenly, the messages ceased, plunging into silence. Natalie breathed a sigh of relief and prepared

to stow away her phone. However, the screen lit up once again, displaying an unknown caller. After a

momentary hesitation, Natalie answered the call, lowering her voice in an attempt to remain composed.

“Hello? Who’s this?”

“Are you happy now, Natalie? You’ve finally killed me…” A ghostly female voice emanated from the

other end, bearing a striking resemblance to Charis’s voice.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Don’t worry. I’ll escort you to hell personally. I’ll be back again soon!” The voice on the other end of the

line erupted into maniacal laughter, sending shivers down Natalie’s spine. Gripping her phone tightly,

she struggled with how to react. Taking deep breaths, she reminded herself not to show fear, knowing it

would only encourage the person behind the threats. With resolve, Natalie decided to hang up. But

before she could, the voice on the other end interrupted, “I’m looking right at you, Natalie. Hanging up

won’t change a thing.”

Natalie realized that it wasn’t Charis’s ghost haunting her, but rather someone alive who was watching

her nearby. Relief washed over her as she smiled and calmly responded, “Then come out and face me.

I wasn’t afraid of you when you were alive, and I certainly won’t be afraid of you now that you’re dead.

If you truly are Charis Turner, why don’t you reveal yourself and tell me what drug you used on

Brandon? It would save me a great deal of trouble. I could use the money I’d save to buy you some

more flowers.”

Silence fell on the other end of the line, leaving Natalie wondering if the so-called ghost had grown tired

of the charade. She decided to take a different approach. “Would you like to have a drink with me?”

Natalie suggested, maintaining her composure. “You sound tired.”

The ghostly caller responded with a chilling declaration, “I’m coming for your life!” Then, the call

abruptly ended, leaving Natalie staring at the blackened screen. Breathing a sigh of relief, she grabbed

her bag and hurried downstairs.

Waiting for her in the lobby was Brandon, who had been there for a while. Spotting Natalie, he rushed

over, concern etched on his face. “What’s the matter? You don’t look so good. Are you feeling unwell?”

Brandon took her bag and examined her closely.