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The Bound Between Us

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

Cason couldn’t figure out a solution. He had just returned home and had been handling things super

carefully. He hadn’t pissed off anyone, as far as he


Then, Demi called again, sounding even more desperate than before. “Cason, did you piss off anyone?

Is someone out to get you? Do you realize how serious this is? Your future could be ruined.”

Demi wouldn’t stop nagging and it was really getting on Cason’s nerves.

1 don’t need you to remind me,” Cason snapped into the phone before hanging up.

Ray was freaking out. “Cason, what on earth did you do? There are always people with bad intentions

in Riverdale. We should’ve kept a low profile. It’s clear someone’s got it in for us, the Kirkwood family.”

Amanda chimed in anxiously, “Cason, say something.”

Cason thought hard. Besides Anastasia and Herman, he hadn’t crossed anyone recently.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

The sudden knock startled everyone. Cason collected himself and went to open the door.

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Seeing law enforcement officers, his face changed slightly, but he tried to keep his cool. “Can I help


The officer showed his badge. “Is Ray home? He’s suspected of illegal activities. He needs to come

with us.”

When Ray heard they were there for him, he went pale.

Cason looked at his father helplessly, watching as he was taken away by the law enforcement officers.

As Ray was being led away, he shouted at Cason, “Cason, you have to save me, Cason.”

“Ray!” Amanda ran out after them, feeling extremely anxious.

The Kirkwood family was suddenly in a crisis and Cason was totally lost.

That night, Cason was restless. He made countless phone calls, pleading for help. But all his pals and

close associates found excuses to dodge him.

Cason was so pissed off he threw his phone. Amanda could only cry in the living room, urging Cason to

figure it out and save Ray.

The problem with the Kirkwood factory was real. The Kirkwoods were in the food business. If their

products were found to exceed harmful substance limits, it would spell disaster for them.

Once they lost their credibility, there was no getting it back.

Not long after Ray was taken away, the news leaked. Business partners of the Kirkwood factory started

showing up demanding compensation.

Cason hid at home, not daring to go out. He only dared to peek through the peephole.

There were lots of people outside, all there to collect debts.

Amanda was in tears and too scared to make a sound. That night, mother and son were on edge,

jumping at the slightest noise.

People kept calling the house to collect debts, so Cason had no choice but to unplug the phone.

By dawn, the debt collectors finally left. Amanda couldn’t take it anymore and fell asleep. Cason sat on

the living room couch, his mind a blur.

After a while, there was another knock on the door. The sleepy Cason was instantly alert.

His heart was pounding as he went to the door. When he looked through the peephole, he saw Demi.

Relieved, he opened the door, pulled Demi inside, and quickly closed the door.

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Demi was stunned by this cautious behavior. Cason asked, “What’s the situation with the law firm?”

Demi snapped back to reality. “The landlord came this morning to terminate our lease. He wants us out

immediately. The families of the harassment and divorce cases you took on are protesting outside our


The harassment case was a suicide where Cason had helped the perpetrator for money. The victim

couldn’t bear the humiliation and had jumped off a building.

The divorce case was domestic abuse where the husband had custody of the child due to Cason’s

false claims about the wife’s mental health. The husband, only wanting revenge on the wife, dumped

the child on his elderly parents who couldn’t take care of him properly. The child died in a car accident.

The child’s mother couldn’t bear it and committed suicide by taking sleeping pills. Cason was complicit

in these tragedies. Now with the victims‘ families protesting, his reputation was ruined and he might

face legal consequences

Hearing this, Cason turned as white as a sheet. He slumped onto the couch.

Suddenly, Cason exploded, “Who organized the families to protest? Who leaked my overseas issues?

Demi, besides you, nobody else in–country knew. Did you betray me?”