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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 580
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Chapter 580 How Dare She Deceive Me?

Dulcie had barely taken a few bites of her cake when she heard her father’s approaching

footsteps. Startled, she quickly set down the cake.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?” Casey was oblivious to the situation.

It wasn’t until Symeon entered the dining room that Dulcie obediently settled in her seat

and wiped her mouth clean, and Casey realized what had unsettled the little girl.

“Who allowed you to eat the cake? Don’t you care about your teeth?” Symeon’s

expression soured when he noticed the cake on the table.

Frightened, Dulcie grabbed Casey’s hand, hoping she would defend her.

Casey gently patted the child’s head and then turned her attention to Symeon. “I told her

that eating a small amount of cake once in a while is fine. After she’s done, I’ll make sure

she brushes her teeth.”

Symeon, placated, pulled out a dining chair to sit down and turned to Dulcie. “Is this why

you didn’t go to kindergarten today? Are you planning to play truant?”

“I haven’t seen Miss Casey for a long time, and I want to spend some time with her. Dad,

please, can I go to kindergarten in the afternoon?”

Seeing Dulcie’s pleading look, Casey interjected. “Let Dulcie stay with me for a while. You

can get on with your tasks, and I’ll take care of her.”


you that free? Don’t you have any work? Is Elias that lenient with you?” Symeon mocked


Unfazed. Casey replied, “I’ve already resigned. I don’t dare to continue working in his

company. Right now, my top priority is to settle my shareholdings.”

He didn’t say anything more and ate a few bites of breakfast before getting up and


Once Symeon had left, Dulcie regained her composure and whispered, “Miss Casey, Dad’s

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gone. Can I have another bite of cake? It’s really tasty.”

“Sure, but only two more bites, or you might get cavities.”


Casey couldn’t help but laugh. Throughout their time together, she had developed a

maternal bond with Dulcie. However, she remained hesitant to reveal that she was

Dulcie’s biological mother, fearing that the child might not be ready to accept this reality.

Throughout the following week, Casey devoted her days to Dulcie, accompanying her and

immersing herself in Dulcie’s world.

Meanwhile, Symeon was swamped with work and barely seen around the house.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Casey answered the call and found it was Amanda on the line, likely with some good news.


Amanda’s voice came over the phone. “Casey, the DNA test results are out. I believe that

if you show these results to your father, he won’t want to take legal action against you

anymore. Instead, he’ll likely seek a divorce with your stepmother.”

“What are the results?” Although she had her suspicions, she sought confirmation.

“Your father does not share a biological relationship with your younger brother. However,

your stepmother and your younger brother are indeed biologically related. That should

clarify matters.”

“Where is the DNA test report? I’ll deliver it to my father.”

“No need. I’ve sent the DNA test results to your father. I believe he’s on his way home to

confront stepmother.”


“Should I head home now?” She was sure that Eleanor would cause a scene and deny

everything. As such, she felt she should go and support her father.

However, Amanda advised, “You can head over tomorrow. Tonight will undoubtedly be a

sleepless night, but I believe your father should be capable of handling this situation. If he

can’t, how can he manage such a significant company?”

“Alright, I’ll listen to your advice.”

After ending the call, Casey smiled, feeling a sense of relief. She owed Amanda a great

deal this time. After everything was resolved, she decided to treat her to a meal as a

token of gratitude.

After contemplating for a while, she decided to call her father to check on him.

She dialed Philip’s number, and it was quickly answered. Philip’s furious voice emanated

from the phone! “Why are you calling at this time? Are you here to laugh at me?”

“Dad, if you insist on thinking that way, I have nothing to say. I just want to reveal the

truth. Why are you being so unreasonable? Do you want to be deceived by that woman for

the rest of your life? Do you want to raise someone else’s child forever?!”

For some reason, she always ended up arguing with her father whenever they talked. It

was impossible to


“I don’t need you to interfere in my affairs! You said the DNA test I did before was fake,

but can you guarantee that this DNA test is genuine? Right now, I trust no one but


With that, Philip hung up the phone.

Casey stared at the disconnected call, seething with anger. Her father had become so

obstinate that he couldn’t accept the undeniable truth right before his

Nothing could bring him back to reality!


Meanwhile, as Philip was driving home, he was about to explode with anger. It wasn’t that

he didn’t believe in the DNA test. It was precisely because he believed in it that he was

seething with fury.

However, he didn’t want to ruin his reputation in front of his daughter, so he could only

vent his impotent

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He chose Eleanor as his wife, and he had repeatedly assured Casey of Eleanor’s character.

Yet, he never expected that he would be made to wear such a humiliating label in the end.

Philip parked his car in the garage and stormed into the house, holding the DNA test

results with an imposing air.

Dylan approached. “Mr. Carter, what’s going on?”

“Get out of the way. Where is Eleanor? And that little brat! Call them out for me! I want to

settle accounts with them!” Philip roared.

Dylan was genuinely startled. “Tll find them. Peter just got home from school, and Madam

seems to have gone to play cards.”

“Playing cards! In this situation, she’s still thinking about playing cards! Go and call her



Philip, clutching the DNA test, sat in the living room. He could feel his hands shaking.

How dare she deceive me like this? She’s incredibly audacious!

After what felt like an eternity with no sign of Eleanor, Philip’s anger had reached its

zenith, and he had no outlet for it. His hands trembled as he retrieved his phone, dialed

Eleanor’s number, and impatiently awaited her response.

Once the call connected, Eleanor’s voice came through, and she sounded like she was still

engrossed in her card game. “Darling, what’s going on? I’m in the middle of a card game.

I’ll be back home later. Don’t let Dylan rush me. I’ll return in a little while…

“You better get back right now! Do you hear me? Come back immediately, or I’ll kick your

parents out of my house!”

With that, Eleanor, who was on the other end of the phone, was stunned. It took her a

while to figure out what was going on. Her voice trembled as she asked, “Darling, what’s

wrong with you? Why are you-

Philip hung up the phone. If Eleanor didn’t come back, he would first kick Eleanor’s mother

out of the house he bought.