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The Barrister's Love in Town

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Chapter 579 Do You Still Love Her Like You Used To?

Symeon couldn’t help but smile upon hearing that Amanda had successfully acquired the


Meanwhile, Casey was overjoyed as she held the three toothbrushes. “All those days

locked in the basement were worth it. At least we have this.”

Amanda reassured her, saying, “Don’t worry. I’ll arrange for a DNA test. We’ll soon find out

if Peter is your father’s son.” She carefully stashed away the toothbrushes and then turned

to Symeon. “Please take me home first. I miss my husband and son.

However, he said nothing and focused on driving.

Casey’s smile gradually faded, She could understand Symeon’s anguish at seeing the

woman he loved reunite with her family.

Afterward, nobody spoke for the rest of the journey.

When the car finally stopped outside the Winters Estate, Amanda unbuckled her seatbelt,

stepped out, and waved at them. “Drive safely.”

Casey smiled faintly and nodded.

Then, Symeon turned the car around and drove off.

She glanced at him, hesitating to speak, but couldn’t hold back any longer. She finally

asked. “Do you still love her like you used to, even though she doesn’t feel the same way

about you anymore?”

Symeon looked at her in the rearview mirror and replied, “You’re worrying about this now?

Your concern should be how to confront your father in court.”

She said nothing in response, but she felt he was avoiding the question. She surmised that

Amanda was the unattainable love in his life. Amanda was undeniably extraordinary and

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

brilliant. Not only did she effortlessly collect the samples, but Casey also recalled her own

embarrassing failure and the days she spent locked up in the basement.

Soon, the car pulled up outside her rented apartment. She unfastened her seatbelt and

stepped out of the


Symeon rolled down the window and informed Casey, Dulcie wants to see you. Come over

to my place



With that, the man turned the car around and left.

She couldn’t help but notice that he had no interest in her. It was clear that his heart

belonged entirely to Amanda, and she questioned whether she still had a chance to gain

custody of Dulcie. However, she quickly pushed those thoughts aside since her priority

now was to deal with her father.

Meanwhile, at the Carter Residence, chaos ensued as the couple engaged in a heated


“Eleanor, do you think you’re above the law? Who gave you the right to lock up Casey in

the basement? Don’t you realize that’s illegal?” Philip’s anger flared, and he kicked the

coffee table in frustration.


Eleanor was trembling with fear, and she clung to Peter. She silently urged her son to

intercede on her behalf since this had been their agreed-upon plan.

Peter, equally frightened, stammered, “D-Dad, please forgive Mom. She did it for the

family, and Casey has always had issues with both of us, so Mom felt like she had no


“Go upstairs now! This matter doesn’t concern you. Your only concern should be to

maintain a good relationship with your sister. Whether she and I take this to court or not

doesn’t burden you at all.” Philip “didn’t want the dispute to strain the relationship

between his children.

After hearing this, Peter had no choice but to scurry upstairs.

She watched her son’s departure in panic. She was now cornered, and without even a

human shield. “Dear, please, don’t be angry. I’m scared… Her legs gave way, and she

sank to her knees.

Philip looked at his wife’s frail, weeping figure and roared, “So, now you understand fear!

Did fear cross your mind when you locked Casey in the basement then?”

“Dear, I didn’t want to! But can’t you see why your precious daughter returned? Besides

hitting me, she came back to steal from your safe! Don’t you see? She has ulterior

motives!” Eleanor began to fabricate lies again.

He pushed her hand away. “You’re talking nonsense! She doesn’t even know the

combination to my safe. What could she steal?”

“There’s a corporate seal in your safe! Can’t you see? Plus, she is your daughter, so

perhaps she has knowTI the code for quite some time. She knows you won’t do anything

to her, so she dared to be so bold.”

“Why didn’t you inform me, then? Why did you lock her up in the basement without my


“I… I just wanted to avoid more arguments between you and your daughter. I intended to

teach her a lesson, not harm her. You saw the food and drinks in the basement when you

went there, right? I put them there. I didn’t want to hurt her; I just wanted her locked up

for a few days to make her reflect on her actions.”

Tears welled up in Eleanor’s eyes as she desperately clung to Philip’s clothes, hoping to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

convince him of her sincerity. She couldn’t afford a fallout with her husband yet, especially

since she hadn’t secured her share of the inheritance.

He said nothing because he didn’t want to argue with her anymore. Instead, he turned and

rushed to his study, intending to check on his safe.

She quickly followed him into the study and discovered where he hid the safe. It was

embedded in the wall behind a pair of paintings. She hadn’t expected him to be so


Philip opened the safe and meticulously checked its contents. When he found that all his

documents. contracts, and the corporation seal were still inside, he finally felt a sense of

relief and closed the safe.

The following morning, Casey decided to drop by Galaxy Bay after a night’s rest. She had

been missing Dulcie and hadn’t seen her for several days. She even brought a delicious

strawberry shortcake as a special treat for the little girl.

As soon as she stepped inside, she was greeted by Dulcie, who rushed up to hug her.

“Miss Casey, it’s been. so long since you visited! Do you have a boyfriend now?” The little

girl blurted out.


Casey couldn’t help but chuckle, amazed at how observant and clever Dulcie was for her

age. “No, sweetie, I don’t. But hey, I brought you a strawberry shortcake. While saying

this, she showed the cake.

Dulcie’s eyes widened in delight, instantly captivated by the cake. “Wow! It’s a strawberry

shortcake! Hooray for Miss Casey! I want to have a slice!”

“Of course! Let’s go.” She led Dulcie to the dining room and opened the cake box, cutting

a small piece and placing it on a plate in front of Dulcie.

“Remember, just a small piece for now. We want to keep those teeth healthy.”

“Got it! Just a little piece,” Dulcie agreed.