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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 502
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Chapter 502 Who Are You To Slap Me!

The butler led Amanda and Elias to the living room. He served them tea as they waited for


She glanced at the man beside her. He seemed extremely exhausted, and yet he insisted

on coming.

“Are you really okay?” she asked.

“It doesn’t matter if I’m okay or not anymore. We are here, and tonight, we must take

Aiden. with us no matter what.”

He picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip of the tea that was served. He frowned.

“Foreigners are foreigners. They don’t understand our tea at all. It tastes terrible.”

Just at that moment, Symeon’s voice resounded. “Is that so? Why don’t you tell me what’s

wrong with this tea? I’m all ears.”

Amanda’s body stiffened.

Finally, this was the day she had been waiting for all the while. She wasn’t entirely

confident that she could successfully take Aiden away tonight.

Symeon walked up to them and sat opposite them. Amanda and Elias remained

motionless, as if they were the owner of this mansion.

Elias looked at Symeon, sizing him up from head to toe as if he was a stranger.

In fact, it was the first time Elias met Symeon since his amnesia.

The look in his eyes made Symeon feel strange. Why does he feel like a stranger to me? Is

it an


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“Even if you despise me, there’s no need to look at me with such eyes. It makes you seem

hypocritical and pretentious.” Symeon chuckled softly.

Elias narrowed his eyes slightly. “It seems that we knew each other before this.”

Symeon was puzzled, not quite understanding what Elias was saying.

Elias stared directly at the man in front of him. “Since we know each other, why did you

trouble my wife and take away my son? Don’t mention DNA tests. I don’t believe them at


Whether he truly believed it or not, he would never admit it in front of Symeon, whether

he truly believed it or not.


Symeon was stunned for a few seconds. He even doubted if Elias had amnesia. How could

he pretend as if we had never known each other before and forget about everything that

had happened?

He asked, “Are you suffering from amnesia or dementia? Why aren’t you bringing up the


Elias smiled. “You’re right; I did lose my memory. I had a car accident and forgot

everything that happened before that. If you have the time, you can help me remember

what had happened before. I’m all ears, but if you’re busy, give me back my son, and I’ll

leave immediately.”

“I expect nothing less from a married couple. Do you guys think that I’m an easy target?”

Symeon looked at Amanda. “You acted all weak in front of me, and that was all a mere

show. You promised not to appear in front of me and Aiden anymore. You even promised to

give him to me. Was it all a temporary measure? Were those lies? About you having a fight

with Elias?”

She had become a complete b*tch to him, and her acting skills were quite good.

She remained indifferent. “If I didn’t say that, you wouldn’t have let me go. I came to

Esmos with you because Melissa kidnapped Aiden and threatened me to do that. She lied

to you that Aiden is your son so that you would return the child back to me.”

Elias said in a deep voice, “So, Melissa is the cause for all of this. Why don’t you bring that

woman out so that we can interrogate her in person?”

Symeon didn’t say anything and looked at the bodyguard beside him.

The bodyguard, who immediately understood the meaning of that gaze, left.

After a while, the bodyguard brought Melissa to the living room. When she saw Amanda

and Elias, her eyes widened. She turned around to escape, but she was forcibly stopped

by the bodyguard.

“I’ve brought the person, so the rest is up to you. After all, I had no idea about any of this.

Please uncover the truth.” Symeon had no intention of interrogating her because he had

already done so, but Melissa refused to say a word.

Amanda stood up and walked up to Melissa without saying a word. She slapped Melissa in

the face.

Melissa was dumbfounded, touching her face and looking back at Amanda. “Who do you

think you are to slap me?”

“Who? You’re asking me who? How dare you ask me that?” Amanda let out a disdainful


She was so angry that her blood was boiling at Melissa’s shamelessness.



The two men remained indifferent, silently watching the scene.

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Symeon was more curious about the truth. Judging from Amanda’s action, he had a guess



Disgust grew stronger and stronger in him. He didn’t want to have any relationship with a

woman like Melissa, but a sense of foreboding dawned upon him.

“If it weren’t for you, would we be turning our backs against each other? And you’re

asking me that?” Amanda shouted angrily at Melissa.

Melissa turned her head guiltily, not daring to meet Amanda’s eyes. “I don’t understand

what you’re saying. What does it have to do with me?”

“Why are you still hiding things from him? Don’t forget that you are locked up by him! He

can go for a DNA test with your daughter at any time. I don’t believe you can forge the

results while locked up.”

“Shut up! I don’t understand what you’re saying at all! I am innocent. I don’t even know

why I am locked up here.” Melissa clenched her teeth.

She believed that no one would ever know about it as long as she didn’t reveal the truth.

Amanda let out a cold laugh. “Four years ago, we both delivered at the Benecy Hospital. I

had a baby boy, and you had a girl. You pitied me, so you took care of me. I was grateful

to you, but that’s not a reason for you to drag me into this mess. I have no obligation to

bear the consequences of your deeds. You have no right to keep my son with Symeon


Elias cast a cold glance at Melissa before shifting his gaze to Symeon, who sat silently

opposite him. “Did you catch that? I certainly did. If your intelligence is insufficient to

comprehend, allow me to interpret it for you. This woman falsely accused Amanda in order

to prevent you from taking away her child.”

Symeon’s expression contorted with anger as he met eyes with Melissa and demanded,

“Tell me that this is not true.”