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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38 Thirty Eigh

Sheila’s point of view

"The pack is under another attack." Killian was quick to speak, his eyes holding a cautious fear. "It's the

Dark Circle. They are here for the stone."

"The stone?" I repeated, my eyes traveling to the witches. I didn't know every detail of it, but I'm aware

the Dark Circle is desperate to have the phoenix stone. They want all four for some reason, and so far

they only have two.

Killian's tingling touch on my skin pulled my attention to him. "Stay here with the witches, Sheila. I will

send some warriors here."

Subconsciously, I nodded, watching Killian leave with Brielle.

I moved closer to the witches' courtyard. I had to warn them that the pack had already been invaded by

the Dark Circle army and they were after the stone.

Their chants had already reached the sky, and the flames around them blazed deadlier.

Valerie held the white orb in her palm. At every chant she muttered, the orb glowed a blinding shade of

white light, its brilliant light swallowing Valerie's deep purple eyes. She stared intensely into the orb like

she was seeing something in it.

The flames burned profusely, the witches were chanting at the top of their voices, and Valerie's gaze

grew more intense. I felt the strong energy that danced around me. It was overwhelming to the point

that it caused something within me to stir.

The flames around us reached the skies, accompanied by the witches' chants, and then everything

died. The burning flames on the torches died, the witches stopped chanting, and the blinding white

glow in Valerie's eyes was no more, but the white orb still glowed fiercely.

Valerie was smiling, seeming as though she had knowledge of where the stone was in the pack.

Quickly, I hastened to her side. "The pack is under attack by the Dark Circle army, and they are here for

the stone," I informed her as quickly as I could.

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Valerie's brows shot up; her face went pale instantly. There was a frown on her features. She glanced

around at the witches who were drawing closer. Gwen motioned to Valerie. Valerie parted her lips to

speak, but before she could, unknown figures appeared, stalking the roofs of the witches' quarters,

wearing black outfits that covered half of their faces.

The witches around Valerie took a uniform stance. Before anyone could do anything, more unknown

figures rushed into the courtyard surrounding everyone. Everything happened incredibly fast. Valerie

and the witches' coven attacked, and so did the unknown figures. They were witches as well. There

was a blast in the courtyard that sent everyone flying. My body collided harshly against the cold,

heartless ground.

I groaned at the harsh impact and the pain that washed through me.

As I pulled myself up, the whole atmosphere within the courtyard was hazy. Everyone was covered in a


I felt tight hands grip my shoulder. I turned to find Valerie's affrighted face. "Head to the witches'

cemetery now!" She shoved the glowing white orb into my hands. "Retrieve the stone; the Dark Circle

mustn't get their hands on it."

Valerie's eyes snapped to her left, her fingers dancing in the air as she aimed for three Dark Circle

witches that lunged at us.

With a snap of her fingers, their hearts jumped from their chests, making a sound against the bloody


Her deeply worried gaze met mine, and without being told twice, I was up on my feet. My legs were a

little shaky from the harsh fall, but I kicked it into motion, navigating my way through the mist that

blinded everyone.

I was out of the witches' quarters, but I could hear the loud growls that echoed around me. Those dark

witches didn't come alone; they were at the packhouse and castle.

I raced in the opposite direction, clutching the orb in my hand. Frankly, I didn't know where the witches'

cemetery was. Ria told me about it, along with the wolf cemetery where we buried the young wolves,

but I haven't been to the witches' cemetery.

I kept running when suddenly I was surrounded by four Dark Circle minions. Their eyes narrowed on

the white orb in my hands. Using their non-human speed, they lunged at me.

I ducked, slipping my hand underneath my dress to my ankle boots, where my dagger was. I gripped it

firmly, diving it into the heart of one of my attackers.

I watched with a smile as his face was drained of life and his body desiccated. He collapsed to the

ground. I took a quarter second to send a grateful thanks to Killian. He was the one that gifted me the

dagger. I was told it had been magically enhanced by the witches' magic to ensure it was poisonous

and effective. This was my first time testing it, and it was simply wonderful.

I smiled deeper, but my smile didn't last long as another attack lunged my way. I swung my legs against

one of my attackers. Before I could retract my legs, they were gripped by one of these godforsaken

things, and I was tossed hard against the ground.

I bit my lip to prevent the groan from escaping, but my hand never abandoned the white orb that kept


I threw my dagger sharply, and it aimed perfectly at his chest. He soon turned pale and dropped dead

on the ground.

The remaining two came at me again. I was up on my feet, pulling my dagger from the dead man's

chest. They were almost on top of me. Before I could attack, their hearts jumped from their chests. My

eyes stared in horror at the new cavity in their chests. I turned around and saw Gwen. She tossed

away the bloody organs of those men that were in her hands. At once, their bodies kissed the dust on

the earth.

"Thank goodness it's you," I told her. "I have no idea where the witches' cemetery is."

"It's this way," she led the way, and I followed suit with the orb in my hand.

From afar, I could see the faint outline of the cemetery coming into view.

We were still a far distance apart when she choked on her breathing, unable to gasp for air. She fell to

the ground, gasping. I was by her side in a hurry and, as quickly, we were surrounded by a few witches

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and wolves. Rogues. Without a doubt, the Dark Circle army.

"Run!" She looked me in the eyes, and I nodded. I clutched my dagger even tighter, sprinting straight

for the cemetery, some wolves trailing behind me.

Suddenly, the earth around us shook mildly, and it was as if a charging current of electricity passed

through me. It brought me to a halt, and when I turned around, I saw Gwen bending against the

ground, her hands dug into the ground, and her eyes glowed brightly.

Immediately, there was a strong force that sent everyone flying. I heard the loud sounds of neck-

snappings with blood flowing on the earth. It was the first time I had to witness a channeler at work. A

witch gifted specifically with the ability to steal magic from anything that has an atom of magical energy

in it. She must have absorbed magic from the earth and everything within.

Gwen's eyes became normal, and she looked my way, urging me to keep on moving as more of the

army of the Dark Circle approached her.

I continued running to the witches' cemetery without looking back.

I reached the cemetery with the glowing white orb in my hands. Gwen said it would help me find the

stone. I kept walking through the tombstones, but nothing was happening. It was frustrating as I felt my

heartbeat pounding in an unusual manner.

I moved past a white pillar, and the orb glowed brighter. I stopped in my tracks, and it glowed brighter in

front of the tall pillar stone. There was a symbol on it.

I trailed my fingers on it, and it stopped on the pentagon symbol on the pillar. It glowed goldenly, there

was a creaking noise. I turned around to find a small opening behind me. And then I saw it. A blue


My legs moved with haste, and I grabbed it from its spot. The white orb glowed brighter. This was the

powerful phoenix stone. But it looked like any ordinary stone.

I didn't have time to ponder further on the stone, as I heard threatening growls echoing around the


My beating heart spiked twice its normal rate. I turned to leave the cemetery, but I was surrounded. all

wolves. Some were in their full wolf forms, while others were in their human forms, having beastly

claws and sharp canines extending from their lips.

I took careful steps backward as they circled me, eyes vicious, and their aura screamed a threatening

danger that frightened me.