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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 193
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Chapter 193 Everchanging Battles


“What’s the point of telling you about it? What can you possibly do? Besides, they told me

to never tell anyone about it, or else they’d kill Zoey!”

Willow hastily explained herself while trying to hold back her tears.

“Calm down, Willow. They won’t kill Zoey just like that. What they really want is for you to

help them solve the puzzle. Zoey will be safe until you arrive.”

She was finally convinced.

Meanwhile, Sylvia had brought along Diatoran’s special forces and caught up to them.

Willow didn’t expect Caspian to call his comrades for help.

She surmised that it was the best call of action considering that Zoey was kidnapped by



She couldn’t tell whether or not his comrades would be able to save Zoey just yet.

Sylvia spoke up, “Caspian, let me lead our men for a frontal assault and rescue the


“Calm down, Sylvia. We don’t have any advantage going into the tunnels. We won’t be

able to see anything and would just be sending our men to their deaths if we fight them

head–on,” replied Caspian.

Sylvia continued, “Then how about General Anderson’s troops? It can be less risky.”

Willow was surprised to hear about John Anderson.

She could not comprehend how Caspian and Sylvia could simply just ask him for help.

John was supposed to be a general, even above Sylvia by rank.

“It’s not a matter of troops, it’s a matter of the terrain. We could funnel as many of our

soldiers as we want, but it’s just sending them into a meat grinder of a tunnel!” explained


He then pondered for a while and came up with another solution.

“I have an idea.

I’ll bring Willow into the tunnel and rescue Zoey myself. The rest of you, stay outside and

assist me.”

Both Sylvia and Macy were shocked to hear his proposal.

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Sylvia tried to change his mind. “Caspian, this is too risky! I don’t agree with your plan.”

She felt that Caspian should not risk his own life to face the adversities alone when he

had. subordinates he could count on.



Macy also chimed in, “Caspian, I don’t agree with your plan. Why don’t we tag along with


Among his special forces, Sylvia and Macy were both exceptional fighters.

Sylvia continued, “Macy and I can bring Willow into the tunnel and rescue the hostage.

The Tigran scuns should lower their defenses when they see that we’re all women. If

anything were to happen to you, I wouldn’t be able to face myself again!”

The rest of the special forces were also trying to stop Caspian after he laid out his


Willow was utterly confused by the scene. She wondered why they were so concerned

about Caspian’s safety and if he had some hidden special identity.

Caspian waved his hands, dismissing his comrades‘ concerns. “Enough nonsense, all of

you. I’ve already made up my mind. Follow my orders and remain here. They won’t try

anything funny until they can solve the puzzle anyway.”

Sylvia remained concerned. “Caspian, they have about 400 to 500 men inside the tunnel.

We won’t be able to help you in time if you were to fight them!”

“500 of their special forces soldiers is

ng to me. They won’t be able to harm me in due time. If you guys were to launch an

assault into the tunnels, you’d simply be turned into target practice for them,” answered


Both Sylvia and Macy were unable to convince Caspian to change his mind.

“Get in the car, honey.”

He then opened the door of the Rolls–Royce and got into the driver’s seat.

Willow nodded her head and got into the passenger seat.

Both Sylvia and Macy remained as per Caspian’s orders.

Sylvia watched as his car gradually disappeared into the darkness before giving a call to


“What’s the matter, General Frost?” asked John.

He had already sent out multiple teams to head for Dragon’s Hill.

Sylvia skipped greeting him and laid out her requests, “A shift of directives. Please have

your men make haste. We’ll be standing guard outside of the tunnels of Dragon’s Hill to

protect Lord Caspian.”

“I understand. I’ve already mobilized the tanks and helicopters. They’ll be making their

way to Dragon’s Hill as soon as possible.”

He then hung up the call.


Meanwhile, in South Aridlands, special forces soldiers were heading out toward Dragon’s

Hill in tanks, armored vehicles, and even helicopters.

Caspian held his foot on the gas pedal, speeding through the darkness.

“Hubby, is John really going to send his troops?” asked Willow.

“He will. I believe him,” answered Caspian.

She then laid out her suspicions, “Do you have some special identity of sorts? How else

could you simply ask for help from General Anderson of all people?”

Caspian calmly explained, “It has nothing to do with my identity. We’re simply servicemen

working together to protect our country. John can’t possibly watch Tigran special forces

attempt to steal Diatoran’s treasure right from under our noses.”

“Huh? You mean that it’s the Tigran special forces that kidnapped Zoey?”

Willow was dumbfounded by the reveal.

As far as she was concerned, special forces were elite combatants of a country’s military

that symbolized the best of what the country had to offer.

She was still unable to figure out why she was being targeted. “Why would they need me

to solve the puzzle? It’s not like I know anything about it. Is it really all just because of my


Zander had been an expert when it came to studying the Cosmic Octagonal Nexus, while

Willow never attempted much to learn about his expertise.

Caspian replied, “Perhaps they hope that you’ll be able to help. What about your

grandfather’s book? Maybe there’s an answer somewhere inside it.”

“I brought the book along. They seem to be really interested in it as well. Let me have a

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Willow then brought out a yellowed book.

She began to study its contents under the car’s interior lighting.

Caspian quietly continued their journey toward Dragon’s Hill.

Three special forces soldiers stationed to guard the tunnel entrance were surprised by a

car suddenly appearing before them.

Both Caspian and Willow stepped out of the car.

The Tigrans were surprised as Taylor had mentioned to only allow Willow to enter the


The three of them collectively pulled out their handguns, wanting to deal with Caspian



In the blink of an eye, Caspian had already rushed in to strike the Tigrans.

He managed to knock all three of them onto the ground with a few powerful punches.

He then swooped in and picked up their handguns.

“On your knees!”

He aimed a gun at the men and declared, “On

The three Tigran soldiers slowly crawled up to their knees and remained still.

Everything had happened so fast that Willow could not even properly react to the scene.

One of the Tigrans angrily shouted, “Willow Stewart! You broke your promise and brought

your husband along! We’ll have to kill the hostage now!”

“Shut your

mouth! Call Taylor right now and tell him that if he wants to solve the puzzle, I’ll be

coming along with Willow. Otherwise, he’ll never get to see the treasure kept beyond the

locked door!”

Caspian seemed confident that they wouldn’t simply harm Zoey,

One of the men brought out his walkie–talkie.

Meanwhile, Taylor was going through his plans inside the tunnel.

His walkie–talkie soon rang up.

“Mr. Taylor, bad news. Willow has arrived, but she brought along her husband Caspian as
