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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20

Xandar opened his eyes and tried not to make a sound as he looked up at Lucianne, who was holding

her book in one hand. She was already halfway through it. He peeked at the cover, and realized that it

was a book on the neuroscience behind wolf-behavior.

Her hand left his hair when she wanted to flip the page. His animal whimpered but, externally, Xandar

remained silent. After flipping the page, she continued stroking his thick, brown locks, and he was

brought back to bliss. He kept his eyelids low to enjoy the moment.


After a few minutes, Lucianne spoke while she was still reading, “It’s amazing how you don’t have to use

the washroom after sleeping for four hours. How do you even hold the pee in?“(This will be daily

updtaed at www.jar.com)

His eyes shot wide open, and he looked up at her, “You knew I was awake this whole time?”

Still reading, she said, “Of course. Breathing patterns are different when one’s asleep or awake.”

He chuckled and hugged her thighs even tighter as he thought about how she had already caught him

even before he knew he was caught. He wondered if he had read some neuroscience book behind

Lycan behavior before this.

“So, do you really have no need to pee?” She asked, still in disbelief.

Xandar groaned and snuggled into her thighs as he complained, “Can’t you just let me hold you a little

longer? The toilet break can wait.”

She looked up from her book and said sternly, “If you pee in my bed, Xandar, I’m requesting for a room

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His eyes lit up. “Great! Then you can come live with me!”

She narrowed her eyes and said, “Nice try, your Highness. If you don’t need a toilet break, let m e go,

because I do.”

He pouted and snuggled deeper into her. “Just a little while longer. You feel so cozy.”

“Xandar, for the past four hours, I’ve been putting water into my system but I haven’t gotten out of here.

Let me go. I need to pee.”

Xandar groaned and turned to lay on his back to let her go. After seeing her retreat to the bathroom and

hearing the door close, he suddenly felt the urge to empty his own bladder. (This will be daily

updtaed at www.jar.com)It was then he hoped that she would come out of the bathroom soon so he

could use it next. When he heard the sound of the toilet being flushed, he sighed in relief and waited for

her to

come out.

When she emerged from behind the closed door, Xandar dashed in. “My turn. Thanks, babe.” And he

hopped into the bathroom without even closing the door behind him. Not wanting itt o get awkward,

Lucianne closed it for him from the outside and took the book she was

reading to the couch, continuing from where she left off.

When Xandar came out, he admired his mate’s serious look when she read, her elbow supporting her

head on the armrest. Xandar smiled to himself at the sight. He then dropped down on the couch right

next to her. Their eyes locked and she asked, “Better?” 1

He pecked a kiss on her nose before declaring in a deep voice, “I am now.” He lifted her up and placed

her on his thighs. His arm went across her shoulders and guided her head to lean against his body. After

pecking a kiss on her hair, he inhaled her scent as Lucianne continued to flip the pages.

They enjoyed the silence for a moment before Lucianne asked, “Is Christian okay?”

Xandar took another whiff of her scent before he responded, “Yeah. He must’ve done quite a lot of

damage. The doctors said that the rogue would only wake up tomorrow afternoon.”

“Mm. That’s good. We’ll be safe for now.”

Xandar stiffened at the words ‘for now’. ‘For now’ is never good enough when it came to Lucianne’s

safety. He gently lifted up her chin to get her attention. Lucianne’s eyes were torn away from the page as

she met Xandar’s lilac orbs. With assuring eyes, he uttered, “You’ll be safe for now and for all your life,

Lucianne. I won’t let anything hurt you, I promise.”

“Xandar, it’s sweet of you to say that but, one way or another, there’ll always be a lurking danger. And I’m

not defenseless. I can protect myself most of the time. You don’t have to promise me that.”

She was about to return to her book when Xandar held her chin up as he whispered in despair, “Let me.”

He begged in desperation, “Let me protect you. Let me take care of you. Please, Lucianne. Just let me.”

His sincere gaze made her heart melt. She was familiar with the feelings of belonging and of having a

family but it still felt different with Xandar. The emotions she felt when he said those things ran deeper,

sending a pleasurable warmth into the darkest and most dormant parts of her being. She was touched,

and her lips curled upward before she leaned in to peck a kiss on his cheek as she whispered, “Thank

you.” 4

The shock on his face was evident. He had been hoping for a kiss from her since the moment they met

but he didn’t expect to get one so soon. Even his animal was stunned for a moment before it howled in

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joy in his head.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)

When he recovered, he realized that he anted to feel more of the sensation that her lips gave him. His

hand reached for her cheek, stroking the smooth skin there in slow motions. And he was gazing

longingly at her small, pink lips.

Xandar started closing the distance between them. When his lips were merely an inch away from hers,

she whispered, “Xandar, before you do this, I need to talk to you about something.”

He moved away from her face only enough to study her expression. She looked guilty and

sad, but why? He whispered back in concern, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Lucianne hesitated, and looked down as she asked, “If I agreed to…be Queen, what do I have t o…give


Give up? Xandar was walking on eggshells as he tried to guess what his mate was afraid of losing

before saying very cautiously, “Well, I hope that you would be able to come live with m e so…you may

have to give up your room in the pack house.”

“Okay.” She said, and was waiting for him to continue.

He scratched the back of his head as he continued in obvious struggle, “Uh… You might not be able to

travel back-and-forth daily from here to Blue Crescent so you might have to…not be their Gamma


She bit her lip as she whispered, “Okay.”(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)

Xandar was running out of things to say. He took her hands into his as he asked, “Baby, help me out

here. What is it that you’re really concerned about losing?”

She was still avoiding his gaze. Reluctantly, she took back her hands and muttered, “Um…” Lucianne

swallowed a lump in her throat before her voice came in a despairing whisper, “Do I have to give up

fighting with the wolves in rogue attacks?” Her neck stiffened as she waited for him to respond.