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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 209
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209- The Mate Competition

He had me caged with his lips when I placed my

hands on his chest, and he moaned a little. I believe he thought I was going to deepen the kiss, but the

only reason I had placed

my hands on him was to push him back. The moment our bodies parted, Christina got in between us.

“What did you do? Why did you do that?” She started screaming at him, but that little smirk on

the corner of his lips was a hint that he had made out with me to piss off his sister.

“Dude! Fuck you!” Lazlo grunted in his mouth while I was glaring at Zander. I wanted to

push his sister aside and slap him.

“Why? Is it bad that I am not listening to you anymore? When you do it, it

is all fine, but when I do i–” Zander was shouting back at her when she grasped his hand to take him a

way from us.

“Let’s talk in front of them. Didn‘t your well–

chosen like it when he had attention on him? So let‘s talk —–” Zander was constantly talking while she

was pulling him into the woods, angrily.

“That was a dick move from his side,” Lazlo said, seeing me fuel up and breathing profusely.

“I cannot believe he did that.” I tightened

my fists, losing my control. “I will fucking kill him.” Although I was aware of my mate cheating

on me, I was still not happy about Zander kissing me. I was not ready to get intimate with anyone

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else after Thiago broke my heart.

“We will have a talk with him. I really didn‘t like his act.” Lazlo looked even angrier as he paced here an

d there.

“Don‘t you think we should go after them? What if she kills him?” That‘s when

Lazlo changed the subject because my body was beginning to heat up.

“I don’t care. If you want to follow them, go ahead. But I am not going after them.” I retorted as I walked

ahead of him. I didn‘t know where I was

headed, I just wanted to take a stroll silently.

“Then I will follow you instead,” I heard Lazlo say, but I kept walking. After an hour of power walking, I t

ook a turn and started walking back.

I was losing my mind, with no idea what to do or how to react. Lazlo silently turned around and kept foll

owing me.

“Okay! I hope this power walk calms you down,” I heard him comment after an hour of long silence. Th

e clouds had begun to shower rain at this point, and I didn‘t even feel like looking for a shelter.

I finally spotted Zander coming out of the woods, and I rushed over to have a word with him.

“Hey! whoa—” he smiled first until he saw me lunging at him and

pushing him back, “easy! I didn‘t know my kiss would turn you on so bad,” he still managed to joke whe

n he knew I was incredibly mad at him.

“What the fuck was that?” I shouted.

Lazlo stepped between us, but couldn‘t really stay there for longer because he didn‘t want to piss me of

f more than I already was.

“I just wanted to teach her a lesson,” Zander said. His explanation didn‘t help me. It just

confirmed that he used me.

“So you decided to use me for your ugly game of jealousy

with your sister?” I was talking loudly and was ready to punch him in the face.

“It is not like there is something so wrong. We are mates, aren‘t we?” He shrugged ignorantly. I was

shocked that he even said it.

“Zander! I have told you to not cross your limits. Yet you crossed your limits and kissed me.”

I kept yelling as his behavior angered me. He was acting like a moron, worrying about nothing but hims


“You need to stop acting like this. I didn’t do anything wrong. So what if I kissed

you just to teach my sister a lesson? Didn‘t you sleep with Thiago to teach Maynard a lesson?” Zander

bringing up miserable times left a bitter

taste in my mouth. I was so stunned by his comment that my lips couldn‘t even utter anything in my def


“You are crossing your limits,” Lazlo snapped when he saw my gaping face, “The fact that you are usin

g that excuse to get your hands on her without her permission just states how stupid and inconsiderate

you are,” he said, what I would have said to him.

“I‘m not trying to pick on her. I‘m just stating facts. I don‘t want her to think of me as someone who is go

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ing to sit in the corner and let her boss him around. I wanted to kiss her, so I did.” Zander, once he reali

zed he messed up, tried to explain his statement, but it went from one wrong to another.

“And I won‘t stand silent while you touch me without my permission. We made the rules, and you agree

d with them. You are an asshole for

this,” || finally snapped out of the frozen state and yelled back at him. I was getting angrier at him for

reacting so calmly. He didn‘t see his fault in this situation.

“Why are you taking it in the wrong direction? You are my mate, and I want you beside me. Why am I g

etting these looks for it? It was just one kiss. One kiss and I am getting crucified. Imagine how you

will react when I demand more than that,” He threatened

as he looked me straight in the eye. The determination on his face was another shocker to me and Lazl


If one can describe shock in words, I will

fail. My heart flipped in my chest when he expressed his expectations of this relationship.


Hey Fam,

Enya accepted Zander out of pity, but now he is demanding more from

her. Do you think she should give in and move on from Thiago?

Also leave a comment if you have seen the visual of Maynard Gray and Enya Foster?

Au Revoir

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