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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 10
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10 My Mates Are Despicable

I felt my heart losing its beat while Lazlo held me closer. He too didn‘t look in his senses anymore; he wa

s shocked at what just happened.

“Umm–,” he suddenly shook his head and let me go, stepping back from me as quickly as he could.

He felt it too.

“Give her the shirt back,” He ordered Maynard, who frowned first and then stretched his hand out for Lazl

o to grab the shirt and then throw it on my chest whilst he kept looking to the side.

I grabbed the shirt from slipping on the floor and walked my way to the bathroom to get dressed again.

My main concern was my wolf shouting Mate! Mate! At the sight of every single handsome guy.

‘Nia! You cannot do this, once in the bathroom, I started scolding her, ‘how

thirsty are you?‘ I know I was nagging the wrong person but this is how infuriated I was.

‘Go yell at the Moon Goddess. Do you seriously think I don’t know you cannot handle having a three som

e with such powerful and huge dudes? I am not the one deciding who should be our mate,‘ her com ment

regarding mating with the two at the same time made me gasp and cover my mouth in my hands.

I have heard about the ones having more than one wolf and how they like to do it together all the time.

I cringed because I wasn‘t in favor of it for myself. I could barely take off my shirt in front of anyone

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let alone have a threesome.

I‘ll go and speak to Thiago, I didn‘t continue talking on that topic because it was leading nowhere.

‘What about Lazlo? Are you not going to speak to

him about the mate bond you two just felt?‘ she raised a good question but since I saw it coming, I have

prepared an answer for her.

‘No! | scoffed, he put me through misery when he lied to his crazy ex about dating me and my wolf wants

me to speak to him, ridiculous.

I walked out of the bathroom once I have worn my shirt again and noticed the two and how

they were acting like nothing happened here before. Maynard had fallen asleep, taking a

nap like a child while Lazlo when saw me, straightened his posture in the bed as if he had something to t

alk about but I swiftly ran past Maynard‘s bed and exited the room.

Everybody has either returned to their dorm rooms or their homes so it was just

me running around the hallway in search of Thiago.

I didn‘t know how he likes to spend his evenings. I can only guess he is around somewhere because the

punished ones that live in the dorm rooms are not allowed to leave the school for more than a few hours.

After I have searched everywhere, I walked out to the front yard and lifted my face without any reason, a

nd spotted Thiago on the rooftop.

After gathering

enough courage, I climbed the stairs to the top and sneaked up behind up. He was not even using his ph

one as one would imagine. He was just blankly staring at the mountains as the academy was built near t


“Ahem!” | cleared my throat to announce my arrival but he didn‘t react to it.

*I wanted to speak to you about what you saw back in the room,” I murmured, wishing to have a civi lized

conversation with him.

“That‘s bold of you to come here even after that messed up thing you were doing with them,” I bet he clo

sed his eyes with pressure when recalling him.

“I wouldn‘t have if I had done anything wrong,” I said, sneakily sitting beside him but also keeping a good

distance as I have noticed that these alphas were pretty fucked up.

“What are you here for?” he asked, turning his face away from mine.

“I wanted to tell you what happened back in there,” I said, he didn‘t really care but I had to get the record


“Lazlo has lied to his ex about me. He has put all the blame on me and made it seem like I was the rea s

on he broke things off with Jessica. She bullied me and I rushed yelling at Lazlo and then–

then they–” Gosh! It was so hard to finish the sentence when he looked my way and stared at me with hi

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s icy stare.

“Maynard took off my shirt by force,” I finished and parted my lips to exhale the stress out of my body.

“Okay!” Thiago nodded, “and you want me to go and argue with him, fight with

him for you?” he raised his brow while questioning my motives and it irked me. I watched his face for a mo

“No! I don‘t want you to go fighting with your friends for me and I certainly didn‘t tell you all this –

I told –;” | pouted in rage, “I told you that because of the nasty comment you had passed on me.” I finished

“Firstly, they are not my friends and secondly, I don‘t care who you fuck. I was in a bad mood and decid ed

He got me thinking seeing me with the other two fools made him feel some sort of way, oh I was wrong!

“Fine,” | staggered up on my feet and

walked away from him angrily. As I heard his footsteps behind me, I stopped and turned over to complain.

“Why are you following me now?” I don‘t know what I was thinking or how my brain thought it was the righ

“Maybe you are forgetting that we stay in the same room,” he commented, walking past me and shov ing


It was bad. I needed to speak to Lazlo now since Thiago didn‘t care about the mate bond and Lazlo was s

“What happened in the room,” he had his arms crossed

and his body resting against the wall. I have watched Thiago walk past him and enter the room while Lazl

“That mate bond means nothing to me, I–,” ugh! I hate how I opened my mouth

again just to embar rass myself,