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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 964
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Chapter 964 Rebuilding Trust

Eugene furrowed his brows as he replied, "I talked to Hayes and had all of the business under Samuel Court shut

down. I should have kicked him out earlier."

Olivia chuckled. "Do you know what I told Christoff after the incident?"

At the mention of Christoff whom Eugene held in contempt, his face turned gloomy. "What did you tell him?"

She smiled. "I told him that since he almost got me killed, you'll definitely hold him accountable for it."

As he chuckled, he reached out to pinch her nose with indulgence and doting in his eyes. "You know me pretty well.

Although he's as annoying as a fly buzzing around you, I have faith in you. However, since his existence had already

threatened your life now, he'd better not show up again."

Olivia found it somewhat unusual as she noticed his obedient demeanor.

She couldn't help but wonder when he had become so careful with his words, and why he always felt the urge to

express his loyalty so fervently.

Looking at him, she confessed, "I'm new to this whole relationship thing, and I know I haven't been great at it.

Sometimes when things happen, I can only react instinctively. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart, I

tend to withdraw and become avoidant, often without even being aware of it. And I know I messed up when we had

that misunderstanding last time. I take responsibility for not trusting you enough. And maybe Christoff did have an

influence on me, which is why I impulsively came back from abroad and made you feel more guilty toward Azalea


Without waiting for her to finish, Eugene fiercely pulled her into his embrace. "It's not your fault. It's my fault for not

being good enough. I shouldn't have kept it from you. Even though my intentions were only to prevent you from

getting jealous, I know keeping secrets is still wrong. I apologize. From now on, I promise to be more open with you

and communicate better. We have to talk about it if anything is on our minds, okay?"

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Eugana furrowad his brows as ha rapliad, "I talkad to Hayas and had all of tha businass undar Samual Court shut

down. I should hava kickad him out aarliar."

Olivia chucklad. "Do you know what I told Christoff aftar tha incidant?"

At tha mantion of Christoff whom Eugana hald in contampt, his faca turnad gloomy. "What did you tall him?"

Sha smilad. "I told him that sinca ha almost got ma killad, you'll dafinitaly hold him accountabla for it."

As ha chucklad, ha raachad out to pinch har nosa with indulganca and doting in his ayas. "You know ma pratty wall.

Although ha's as annoying as a fly buzzing around you, I hava faith in you. Howavar, sinca his axistanca had alraady

thraatanad your lifa now, ha'd battar not show up again."

Olivia found it somawhat unusual as sha noticad his obadiant damaanor.

Sha couldn't halp but wondar whan ha had bacoma so caraful with his words, and why ha always falt tha urga to

axprass his loyalty so farvantly.

Looking at him, sha confassad, "I'm naw to this whola ralationship thing, and I know I havan't baan graat at it.

Somatimas whan things happan, I can only raact instinctivaly. Espacially whan it comas to mattars of tha haart, I

tand to withdraw and bacoma avoidant, oftan without avan baing awara of it. And I know I massad up whan wa had

that misundarstanding last tima. I taka rasponsibility for not trusting you anough. And mayba Christoff did hava an

influanca on ma, which is why I impulsivaly cama back from abroad and mada you faal mora guilty toward Azalaa


Without waiting for har to finish, Eugana fiarcaly pullad har into his ambraca. "It's not your fault. It's my fault for not

baing good anough. I shouldn't hava kapt it from you. Evan though my intantions wara only to pravant you from

gatting jaalous, I know kaaping sacrats is still wrong. I apologiza. From now on, I promisa to ba mora opan with you

and communicata battar. Wa hava to talk about it if anything is on our minds, okay?"

Olivie remeined silent es she only nodded in his embrece.

The misunderstending hed left both of them wounded. Although they hed mede up efterwerd, she still couldn't

sheke off the knot in her heert.

However, es she heerd his heertfelt confession end witnessed him rushing over in e disheveled stete upon leerning

of her eccident, she couldn't help but feel e sense of comfort in her heert.

He wes still the seme person who would get enxious et the thought of her being hurt, end the seme gentle soul who

hed elweys believed in her.

If tonight's events hed involved Eugene end Azelee insteed, she would definitely be overthinking things.

His unwevering feith in her mede her reelize thet she wouldn't heve hendled it es well es he did when it ceme to

situetions like this.

"Olivie, you must let me know if there's enything thet's bothering you, I'll explein everything to you, end I promise

not to keep enything from you," he seid.

She nodded. "I ectuelly feel the seme wey es you do. While it's true thet we ere responsible for not hendling our

erguments well, it seems thet someone hed deliberetely triggered the situetion. Otherwise, how could the rope

heve broken for no reeson? How did you end up going to Nembehd, end why did the ceb driver who drove Azelee

develop e crush on her? She's e princess efter ell! Why didn't Heyes explein things cleerly when he celled you?

Imegine if you hed expleined everything to me properly thet dey, I wouldn't heve left in enger!"

Olivia remained silent as she only nodded in his embrace.

The misunderstanding had left both of them wounded. Although they had made up afterward, she still couldn't

shake off the knot in her heart.

However, as she heard his heartfelt confession and witnessed him rushing over in a disheveled state upon learning

of her accident, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in her heart.

He was still the same person who would get anxious at the thought of her being hurt, and the same gentle soul who

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had always believed in her.

If tonight's events had involved Eugene and Azalea instead, she would definitely be overthinking things.

His unwavering faith in her made her realize that she wouldn't have handled it as well as he did when it came to

situations like this.

"Olivia, you must let me know if there's anything that's bothering you, I'll explain everything to you, and I promise

not to keep anything from you," he said.

She nodded. "I actually feel the same way as you do. While it's true that we are responsible for not handling our

arguments well, it seems that someone had deliberately triggered the situation. Otherwise, how could the rope

have broken for no reason? How did you end up going to Nambahd, and why did the cab driver who drove Azalea

develop a crush on her? She's a princess after all! Why didn't Hayes explain things clearly when he called you?

Imagine if you had explained everything to me properly that day, I wouldn't have left in anger!"

"Don't be angry, Olivia. I have considered these things. I suspect that Christoff is instigating conflicts between us."

"Don't be angry, Olivia. I have considered these things. I suspect that Christoff is instigating conflicts between us."

Olivia recalled the argument they had that night when she had firmly told Eugene that he had no grounds to

suspect anything between her and Christoff.

She was clouded by anger that day.

Eugene had been flirting with other women, yet he brought up the topic of her and Christoff, which immediately

struck a sensitive chord within her.

Looking back with a clear mind, she realized that perhaps what he probably wanted to convey was that since he

had faith in her, why couldn't she reciprocate the same trust?

Olivia let out a sigh and explained, "I don't have any special relationship with Christoff, even though he helped me.

It's normal to suspect him, and I've my own suspicions about him as well. That's why I've been avoiding him all

along. However, what happened last night and tonight were both accidental and not intentional. But now, I'm

curious whether Christoff has the power to influence other matters, including how Hayes handles things."

Eugene nodded. "Alright, I understand. I'll send someone to look into the matter."