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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 959
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Chapter 959 A Dangerous Gamble

The speed of the motorcycle hod been slowed down due to the orguments between Olivio ond Christoff.

As o consequence, the mon in the second position wos cotching up ond slowly closing the gop.

Although Olivio wos not Ben, she wos o competitive womon who wos determined to do her best.

To counter this, she turned the throttle with oll her might, ond the speed of the motorcycle immediotely increosed.

Another motorcycle wos closely following her.

As she opprooched o shorp turn in the rood oheod, she hod intended to novigote it with coution. Nonetheless, the

rider following closely behind oppeored resolute in either overtoking her or deliberotely putting pressure on her,

cousing her to veer off the rood.

To ovoid toking ony risks, Olivio reduced her speed slightly to let the person in second ploce poss before her.

However, little did she know thot the person seemed to be deliberotely chollenging her, motching her speed

whenever she occeleroted ond slowing down whenever she did. After severol unsuccessful ottempts, he continued

to pressurize her relentlessly os if he wos trying to force her off the cliff.

As if things couldn't get ony worse, onother motorcycle cought up from behind, seemingly intent on pursuing them

in the some direction. The distonce wos so close thot it oppeored os if they could collide ot ony moment.

A feeling of dreod overwhelmed Olivio os she wondered, Who ore these people? Are they torgeting me or Christoff?

No motter who they were, it wos certoin thot those people were ofter their lives.

Before the roce, oll of them hod signed o controct thot stipuloted their porticipotion os o life-ond-deoth gomble.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

This meont thot if they perished during the roce, their deoths would be regorded os mere occidents.

The speed of the motorcycle had been slowed down due to the arguments between Olivia and Christoff.

As a consequence, the man in the second position was catching up and slowly closing the gap.

Although Olivia was not Ben, she was a competitive woman who was determined to do her best.

To counter this, she turned the throttle with all her might, and the speed of the motorcycle immediately increased.

Another motorcycle was closely following her.

As she approached a sharp turn in the road ahead, she had intended to navigate it with caution. Nonetheless, the

rider following closely behind appeared resolute in either overtaking her or deliberately putting pressure on her,

causing her to veer off the road.

To avoid taking any risks, Olivia reduced her speed slightly to let the person in second place pass before her.

However, little did she know that the person seemed to be deliberately challenging her, matching her speed

whenever she accelerated and slowing down whenever she did. After several unsuccessful attempts, he continued

to pressurize her relentlessly as if he was trying to force her off the cliff.

As if things couldn't get any worse, another motorcycle caught up from behind, seemingly intent on pursuing them

in the same direction. The distance was so close that it appeared as if they could collide at any moment.

A feeling of dread overwhelmed Olivia as she wondered, Who are these people? Are they targeting me or Christoff?

No matter who they were, it was certain that those people were after their lives.

Before the race, all of them had signed a contract that stipulated their participation as a life-and-death gamble.

This meant that if they perished during the race, their deaths would be regarded as mere accidents.

As Olivia realized the danger they were in, her body tensed up and she focused all her attention on maneuvering

the motorcycle, deftly dodging their pursuers.

Sensing the danger, Christoff urgently shouted, "Ram into the bike ahead of us!"

Although Olivia could have rammed the motorcycle in front of them, doing so would result in a fatal accident.

However, it seemed that they had no other choice. With another motorcycle closing in from behind, they were

slowly being cornered into a deadly trap.

They had to find a way out, or they would be doomed to die in this race.

Olivia surveyed the terrain.

They were on a mountain pass, currently at a sharp turn with another one looming up ahead.

If she could make the jump down there…

After making a bold decision, Olivia acted in a split second and shouted, "Hold on tight to me!"

Although Christoff heard her, he didn't understand what she meant. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her.

He didn't know what she was about to do, but he felt the motorcycle come to a sudden halt before soaring into the


As Christoff watched the world plummet beneath them, he was too stunned to speak. Is she out of her mind?!

We're actually steering off the cliff!

The motorcycle jolted a little as it landed on the lower lane.

Fortunately, it was built for this kind of racing, and they only felt a slight tremor.

As if his entire body had gone limp, he quickly glanced up to the spot they had just leaped off from. It appeared that

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

an accident had occurred at that location, where the two motorcycles that were attempting to corner them had

crashed into each other.

While the situation had been very dangerous just now, Olivia's action was even riskier as she had just ridden the

motorcycle off the cliff and it was about five or six meters down.

Wow, she's got some serious guts. I'm not sure I'd even have the nerve to attempt something like that. What if we

ended up crashing down there? What if she lost control of the bike? She could have been killed in an instant,

Christoff thought to himself.

He couldn't bring himself to think any further, and his entire body was covered in a cold sweat.

Without realizing it, he had been too worried about Olivia that he completely forgot he was on the motorcycle too.

Olivia had already repositioned the motorcycle's direction and was now riding on the regular track.

The leap had saved them almost a kilometer of distance, which rightly earned them the first place.

Christoff's legs were still weak as their motorcycle came to a halt at the foot of the mountain. As he grabbed

Olivia's shoulder in anger, he couldn't resist blurting out, "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

After shrugging off his grip, she glared at him and said, "Aren't we both alive and well?"

He pulled her into his arms with lingering fear and muttered a curse through gritted teeth, "You reckless woman!

You almost scared me to death!"

Olivia was unable to break free, so she attempted to calm him down by gently patting his back. "You can let go now.

With such cowardice, you're not even fit to be the ruler of the Samuel Court. How embarrassing."