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Sorry ex You'll Never Win Me Back

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

The sales couldn’t help looking at Nova, and somehow felt the person in front of her familiar. When the


heard the word “grandma“, she subconsciously reacted. This this should be Nova!

The woman who divorced Mr. King?

Nova’s grandma had passed away, which meant the grandma she mentioned was Mr. King’s grandma

Disdain suddenly appeared in the sales‘ eyes. As a woman divorced Mr King, how dare Nova continue


favor with the Kings? The shopping assistant thought Nova somewhat shameless

Nova was still measuring the jade bracelet in front of her But

The bracelet was made of pure jade indeed. But there were veins on it. Though it was the nature of the

jade, it

was disliked by grandma Just as she wanted to give it back to the shopping guide, the heard a friendly



Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

With the jade bracelet in het hand. Nova turned around to find Kelly and Linda walking toward her


Kelly was in all striles, while Linda was in all disgust. Linda cursed. “The world is so tinny! Why do I have


run into disgusting people!”

Zona darkened het face as she heard Kelly’s voice. She stweeted, “I had always thought you were a

dumbass who

wouldn’t speak with wisdom But it turned out I was wrong. You just made sense‘ The world is indeed


which is why there are always dumbasses who would find trouble for themselves as well as others. And


blame others for it‘ Don’t you think you’re annoying ”

The sales wete dumbfounded.

She subconsciously cast a glance at Zona and felt this woman was a bit too bold.

Kelly was marrying into the Kings, which was the most powerful family in the city. Even if Kelly was not,


was the daughter of the Bush, whose influence was soaring. No one dared to offend these two families.

But this woman the shopping guide wondered whether she was being confident or stupid.

Linda was sneering, and her eyes began flaming with fire in an instant. She roared, “You. !”

“Linda” Kelly hurriedly stopped Linda and shook her head toward Linda. She persuaded, “You are my


friend. And they are my sister and sister’s friends. No matter what, you shouldn’t be quarreling with each


Kelly used the right word and tone for criticism, which made the criticism unoffended and magnanimous.


Linda bit her lips and said helplessly, “Kelly, you’re too kind! You take her your sister, but what is she


you as? Has she ever treated you as her sister? If she didn’t mess things up, you would have been Mrs.

King and

you won’t have to wait until now!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Linda!” Kelly showed an embarrassed look.

Linda then turned away and remained silent.

The sales widened her eyes in shock. She didn’t expect the story to be so complicated.

She felt so lucky that she ran into such a big farce during her work.

The two women in front of her were both close to Mr. King!

Nova produced a wry smile. If she hadn’t known Kelly’s true color, she would have had the same

thoughts as

Linda did, and would even be thinking that Kelly was generous, kind, and tolerant.

But now, she was clear that Linda was but a scheme fodder.

Linda shouldn’t have the slightest awareness that she was being used by Kelly.

die a

Zona was extremely angry that she even laughed. She looked at Linda and said, “I am no goody–goody,

but I

am not so cruel as to watch you die. So, I’m telling you now that you’re being used. Be careful, or you

