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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 412
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Chapter 70 Trick The Trickster

I watched my clone get carried away from Warren after faking a broken ankle. The servants were so

worried about her that I could tell that whoever she was, she was loved here.

Yet, looking around, I was standing in my own garden, afraid to show my face.

Warren walked back to where I stood, making sure that no one else was around in the garden.

"She's gone?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

He nodded. "The resemblance is uncanny. You would never know she wasn't you."

I sighed, "Yes, I could tell that everyone in the pack believed that she was me, a better version of me."

That hurt.

"Are you okay?" Warren placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I...I..." words failed me at that moment. I couldn't lie to myself. I wasn't okay. All I could do was shake

my head. "I don't know! She was taking Raymond's side and everyone would soon follow suit, but that'll

lead us to destruction!"

I continued to murmur, not sure whether I was telling him or talking to myself. "What if... no one

believes me? They seemed to like her so much more."

Although I knew I had to figure this out, because I was the only one who knew she was working with

Raymond to lead our pack to destruction, it still didn't change the fact that all of a sudden I got


Perhaps, it was due to everything that happened lately in the palace, perhaps it was because I missed

my parents, or perhaps I was overly frustrated with the situation in the pack.... Whatever it was, all of a

sudden, it got to me.

Tears brimmed into my eyes blurring my vision, I was barely able to hold them back.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"It's okay." Warren gently pulled me into his arms and held me to his chest. He knew I wasn't really

asking him that question, so he just gently patted my back. "It's going to be fine. I promise."

I allowed him to hold me because at this moment, I needed the support.

I was well aware that being upset at this moment was useless, but I wasn't able to help it. "Sorry about

that. I didn't mean to be so... weak."

"You're not weak, Ciana. You just need a moment, and then you'll figure it out. I have faith in you."

The way his dark eyes locked on mine seemed to be silently passing strength into me.

"Thank you." I was a bit embarrassed. "I don't even have this kind of confidence in myself."

"You're Ciana, you'll always find a way."

His words and his bright smile warmed my heart. I looked at him feeling that much more hopeful. It was

no wonder so many fell prey to his charm.

Then it hit me like a lightning bolt. Was it crazy? Maybe. Was it slightly dangerous? I think so. But it

may work!

As I regained my composure, I pulled away and stared at him.

"I know that look." He analyzed my face. "It's your I-have- something-up-my-sleeve look."

"Uh, yes, I did think of something," I confessed, "But I'll need your help."

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"Of course. I'm here for you. Ciana. You know that."

"Okay, this may sound crazy. Well actually, it is crazy. But this is the only plan I have."

"I'm listening."

"I think fake Ciana has a thing for you. I saw the way she blushed when you helped her. The way she

got a little flustered when you spoke. She's definitely into you."

He shook his head. "No. What you saw there was a fish out of water. She got flustered because I

mentioned that we were close in the palace. She needed to make a swift getaway."

"I know girls, Warren. And that girl is into you."

He was silent for a moment, so I continued, "You use your charm on her... get her to let her guard down

so we can figure out what Raymond might be planning."

His eyebrows furrowed. "You want me to flirt with her? I don't think so, Ciana."

"Please Warren. I know it's a sacrifice, but you're doing this to help my people, not for a selfish reason.

You don't need to do anything immoral, just talk to her more and... smile at her."

I paused, and thought of what the servants were talking about earlier. "Besides, didn't they say you

were here to ask for her hand?"

He stared at me for a moment as if he wanted to correct me. His eyes glistened against the moonlight,

but he didn't say anything.

Finally, he let out a breath and shook his head. "I am not in full support of this, but I told you that I'm

here for you. Whatever you need from me I will do it."

"Thank you." I was grateful.

"Anytime." The words were simple but heavy.


Three days later, I crouched behind the bush with a black hoodie and baseball cap on. I had applied

some fake facial hair and light make up to give myself the features of a young man. It wasn't my finest

work but it would do in the dark.

Fake Ciana was at the edge of the garden tearing at something. I couldn't see what it was and the

moon was waning so light was limited out here.

Warren gave me a little signal letting me know that he was going in.

"Hey," Warren said, startling her. "Fancy meeting you here."

She whipped around with eyes wide open. She held some of the papers she had been tearing to her


Warren's steps faltered. "What are you doing? What are these?"

He crouched down and looked over the pieces of paper.

"These are pictures?"

My heart thumped in my chest. She was tearing up my pictures. All my memories and my keepsakes.

A slow anger bubbled up from inside of me.

Fake Ciana looked away a little shy. I could see the slight crease in her brows. "I don't look good in any

of them. They just don't seem like me.”

Of course they don't seem like you, you little witch. They were

of me.

Warren let out a soft little chuckle that had her smiling slightly. "You look great Ciana. In fact, you

haven't changed much at all. You are still as striking as ever."

He was good. I gave him a thumbs up in my mind.

"That... that was so kind of you to say," she replied softly and shyly.

Then Warren skillfully started other casual topics, and her full attention was drawn on him. It appeared

to me that she truly enjoyed his company.

Now that the plan was in full motion I could relax a bit.

I continued to watch them from a distance. Making sure to catch onto everything she was saying.

Suddenly, I felt something, or someone, was behind me. Then I smelled a faint but familiar musky,

masculine scent, which

reminded me of the forest after a fresh rain.

I whipped around and saw a shadowy figure watching me in the distance. I couldn't see that person's

face as it was mostly hidden. I tilted my head to the side and watched the figure as he watched me. A

chill creeped up my spine.

Then he suddenly bolted.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew this figure. They seemed so familiar to me. So I did the only

logical thing I could

think of.

I chased after him leaving my original plan to play itself out.

Warren could handle it alone. I trusted him.




I pushed my legs faster trying to get rid of her. But when I Youchers looked over my shoulder there she

was. How the hell was she so fast?

I wove through the thick trees trying to confuse her a little bit. When I was sure I had lost her I hid

behind the tree trying to catch my breath.

But as soon as I peered my head around the tree I saw her standing only a few feet from where I was

hiding. I quickly ducked away from her view and cursed silently.

"You know I saw you, right? You literally ducked behind the tree just now."

I closed my eyes wishing that this was not happening right now. I had only meant to be looking after

her. Now this complicated a lot of things.

I let out a heavy sigh and plastered on my best poker face. "You caught me." I kept my voice stone cold

and stern. She needed to believe that I was someone else.

I held my hands up in my mock surrender keeping my hood plastered on my head.

"Take off your hood."

"You didn't say please."

"Do it!"

Slowly, I lowered my hood and watched for her reaction carefully. Her eyes went wide for a second or

two and her lips parted in a small gasp.


My heart stopped in my chest. How the hell could she tell it was me? I couldn't even recognize myself

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looking in the mirror.

Then I realized that she was just testing me. If she knew it was really me, she could call me "Your

Highness" or "Prince Theo" instead.

So I kept my composure and didn't respond.

"Is that...you?" She took a step toward me. Her eyes were solely focused on me. They never strayed or

wandered anywhere else.

I was a little taken aback, because the person standing in front of me had the face of a young man-an

average looking young man.

She did a good job on her disguise, but I knew it was her, because I'd been keeping an eye on her from

afar, and because no one else had that pair of stunning eyes.

Those shining blue eyes of hers.

I'd seen them so many times in my dreams lately, and now they were right in front of me. I didn't want

to move away from them.

I didn't know how this happened, but somehow, we were looking at each other's disguise, and it

appeared that we both knew who the other person truly was.

"Ah you have found him!" Nelson practically came out of the woods and said to her. Then he turned to

me. "Tallis, I have been looking everywhere for you!"

This was perfect timing.

"Tallis?" Ciana blinked. "Who are you both?"

Nelson bowed dramatically, "My name is Nelson. Enchanté. I am the grandmaster of the traveling

carnival, young lord. I am in charge of entertaining young and old minds."

"A carnival?" Ciana looked between me and Nelson. "And how do you know him?"

Now was my cue.

"My name isn't Theo. I don't know who told you that but whoever did is incredibly stupid. My name is


She stared at me.

Nelson chimed in, "Young sir, Tallis is my younger brother. Did you mistake him for someone else?".

Her frown deepened. "How is it possible..."

"You don't have to believe me. This is just simply a true fact."

My hair had been dyed to blonde and I had placed some blue contacts in my eyes. I had allowed the

stubble on my chin to grow out a little more giving me that rugged look. I hated it but it did the job in

regards to concealing my identity. For everyone else anyway.

"Tallis, you can't run off like that. You make me worry." Nelson walked up to me and patted my back.

“We are a family, we move as one unit."

She completely ignored Nelson as her eyes continued to scan my face.

Nelson smiled at Ciana again, "Well, we have much preparation to do. See you around, young sir!

Tallis, let's go."

Ciana kept her gaze on me like she was trying to unmask me. I could tell she didn't believe me but that

didn't matter. She could continue to second guess.

As long as she couldn't verify it was me, that was all I could ask for. I could watch after her, keep her

safe from a distance. She wouldn't know it was me, once everything was back to normal, I could go

home and leave her in peace.