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Slumdog Billionaire Husband by Rayden Berg

Chapter 652
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Chapter 652 The Next Plan


The sound was mixed. It was unknown whether it was from a recording or a transmission signal. The

instrument was slightly glowing.

Dr. T pulled out a chair and sat down. Then, he opened a notebook and began to record something.

The text was in French. If Gerald was here, he could probably find out a lot of things.

When Dr. T finished writing, he had filled a whole page of the paper. He silently read it a few times and

memorized it in his heart. Then, he contentedly tore off the page, lit it up, and burned it all up.

Then, he placed the chair back down and lay down in the chair. A smile appeared on his face.

After lying down for a while, he sat up again and walked over to a table.

The drawers on his table were all locked by complicated code locks. He pressed continuously on one

of the locks. Then, he picked up a notebook and a pen from the drawer and began writing

“I haven’t recorded for a long time!

“Today, all the things I have in Sacramento have been transported over It took less time than I thought I

thought it would take half a month, but I didn’t expect Philander to be this helpful. In just 10 days, they

were delivered here. I can give him an award someday.

“Well, maybe let him reach the super level. Although his talent is not very good, I… I have some ways.

However, things are getting fewer. I have to economize on it!

“Gerald has exceeded my expectations. The possessor of Dragon Bones is indeed extremely terrifying,

especially after he became a super expert…

“Maybe it has something to do with the crisis. The young Watchmen of this generation are really fast at

absorbing bones. Of course, they haven’t felt the drawbacks of absorbing bones yet!

“After many years of summary, ‘it’ is right. Those at Flame Decay are the strongest. Unfortunately,

there is still a gap in talent between Blaine and me. If I reach Flame Decay, everything I want to do can

go on perfectly! But I feel this day will come soon.

“I have to be wary of Gerald. I long for him to be my man. I really admire this guy. It seems that I should

learn from Blaine to find potential ones among those who have not learned martial arts to cultivate. The

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

people I have now have a limit on their talent. Jaden is good, but he has always been wary of me. This

damn guy has not trusted me after so many years. Moreover, I have not been able to get a clear

understanding of his ability

even now.”

After that, he wrote a long paragraph but crossed it with lines when he felt something was not quite


After resting for a while, Dr. T picked up his pen and continued writing, “Yes, just as I thought, there are

not many people in Sin City who are willing to go back, excluding those Night Watch refuses to accept.

Gerald is still young. If Zackary was here, things would be different. Zackary is so cunning!

“Of course, all of this is in my plan. Roland should have died a long time ago. Gerald helped me!”

It was as if he was writing a diary, continuously recording and writing a lot of things, and then erasing

the words with lines.

Finally, he wrote. “I got in touch with them again. I see the future somehow, and I am one step closer to



“A wonderful day!”

After he finished writing, a smile appeared on his face. He looked at the words for a while and erased

some.. Then, he closed the notebook with satisfaction and pulled open the drawer.

Inside the drawer, there were several notebooks that were almost identical.

Dr. T closed the drawer and locked it. Then, he found a bottle of red wine and poured it into a glass. He

walked into the air and looked up at the sky. He raised his glass slightly and said, “Cheers!”

It was unknown to whom he was talking.

Gerald did not know what had happened to Dr. T. Of course, other than Dr. T, no one else knew what

he was recording and what he was doing, including his men.

His real laboratory was not allowed for anyone to enter. He did experiments and inventions without an


This was the horrible part of Dr. T. He was once the strongest scientist of Night Watch!

However, no one knew what he was thinking. He would help Night Watch, make them stronger, provide


suits, and even provide some ideas.

However, he seemed to be on the opposite side of Night Watch. This was a madman! No one knew

what he

was thinking.

Gerald had a peaceful time in these 3 days. He mostly spent his time keeping order.

After 3 days, most of the people who were willing to leave the city were gathered in the Eastern District.

There were many, and they would leave the city in batches.

After 3 days, Gerald and the others also completed the registration. Some who wanted to leave could

not get registered because the given time had passed.

Gerald did not stay for long. The 11 people who came along, including Ari, left on Christopher’s plane.

This time, their destination was the headquarters of Night Watch!

This was the first time Gerald had returned to the headquarters of Night Watch since he became the


After arriving at the airport, Gerald looked at Ari and asked, “Ari? Are you going to the headquarters

with us?”

“Hell, no!” Ari curled his lips, rubbed his hands at Gerald, and said, “Give me some money. I’ll go back

to Sacramento to find my granddaughter!”

Gerald was speechless. Theo took out a bank card and said, “I’ll give you the password. There is a lot

of money in it. Just use it as you like.”

“Perfect!” Ari said with a smile.

Beside him, Eugene carried Cordell with a smile. “Mr. Pham, do you want to go to Valor Temple with

me? It’s not far from here!”

Indeed, both the headquarters and Valor Temple were in the same province.

Ari thought for a moment and said, “It’s OK. Then I will go with you first and then go to Sacramento.”

Eugene nodded, turned to Gerald, and said, “Mr. Kenneth, we will leave now!”

“Goodbye!” Gerald said with a smile.

After they left, Gerald and the others also got into the car and quietly headed to the headquarters of

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm



They got in the car directly inside the airport Now, Gerald and the members of Team 11762 were

treated like superstars. Their stories were constantly playing on the TV. They probably had to wear

masks in the streets.

Soon, they arrived at the headquarters of Night Watch The headquarters of Night Watch became lively

again. From a certain point of view, this place was as prosperous as a small town.

Their car stopped in the middle of the buildings. After Gerald and the others got out of the car, they


straight in.

In the office, Jacob was sitting, holding a document in his hand. He was reading it with a bitter smile.

Zackary was holding a cup of tea and enjoying TikTok

“Yo, you’re back!” When Zackary saw Gerald, he said jokingly, “You are the leader of American Night


but what have you done?”

Gerald coughed and then said, “It was just nominal. When Blaine comes back, I will give the title back

to him.”

“Do you believe that he will never come back for the rest of his life after hearing your words?” Zackary


at Gerald and mocked him.

After that, Zackary thought of something and said, “But it’s okay if you don’t come back. Jacob and I

will deal

with the matters of Night Watch. Your goal is to make yourself stronger. It is not worthwhile to spend

time on things of Night Watch. I will call you to discuss some big things!”

Hearing this, Gerald said happily, “So… I can leave the headquarters?”

Zackary nodded. “I don’t require you to be in a certain place. For the time being, there shouldn’t be any

powerful Elite Ghosts coming. What are you going to do next?”

“To find a way to reach the level of Flame Decay.” Gerald touched his nose and said, “But I don’t have


ideas now. Next, I should continue to search for the remaining Dragon Bones!”

“I will go back to Washington and continue to run the restaurant.” Charles touched his nose.