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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 413
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Chapter 413 He Will Regret It

“All right.” Mary immediately went to get Winnie’s phone upon her request.

Winnie dialed Louis’ number after taking over the phone.

However, it was not Louis who picked up the call. Instead, it was a middle-aged woman.

Winnie furrowed her brows and asked, “Hello. I’m looking for Louis. You are?”

“You must be Mrs. Fairchild,” said the woman on the other end of the phone. “I saw the caller ID. I’m

Louis’ mother. He’s already asleep, and I answered your call because I was afraid you might have

something urgent to tell him. I’m sorry, Mrs. Fairchild. I heard that Louis was out with Mr. Fairchild for an

appointment tonight. That was why he got drunk and fell asleep right after getting home. If you don’t

have anything urgent, could you wait until tomorrow? I’m afraid it won’t be easy to wake him up right now

as he’s too drunk. Actually, he looked quite sober when he came back just now, but it seemed like the

aftereffects of the liquor he drank today were quite strong as he fell into a deep slumber right after getting

out of the shower. He wasn’t usually like this. By the way, Mrs. Fairchild, I believe Mrs. Fairchild has

gotten home safely, right?”

Louis’ mother had spilled the beans on everything Winnie wanted to find out.

Initially, Winnie wanted to ask Louis how much Xavier had to drink and why Louis didn’t stop his boss

from drinking so much.

However, before she could do so, Louis’ mother had inadvertently told her everything she wanted to

know. Winnie got her answer. The aftereffects of the alcohol they drank tonight were too strong.

Since Louis was already fast asleep, there wasn’t much Winnie could do.

However, Josiah’s call came in right after she hung up.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“What’s the matter, Ms. Garland? Why did you hang up the call right when I was about to pick it up? Did

you dial the wrong number?”

“No, it wasn’t that,” Winnie said. Then, Mary and the housekeeper in charge of cleaning came into the


Winnie decided against revealing too much in front of them and asked, “Where are you right now? Could

you come over?”

“Sure. I’m nearby. Wait up. I’ll come over in ten minutes’ time.”

“Okay. No rush.”

Winnie was already waiting at the study when Josiah arrived.

He sensed that something was wrong and asked Mary, “What happened? Why is your expression

looking odd too?”

Mary didn’t feel comfortable discussing her employer’s private matters and briefly explained, “Mr. Xavier

had one too many drinks and threw a drunken fit when he got home. He and Mrs. Fairchild got into a

fight. Mr. Xavier left just now, and Mrs. Fairchild is not in a good mood.”

“Huh?” Dumbfounded, Josiah frowned. “He was drunk and got into an argument with Winnie?”

“Yes. He even broke something,” Mary quipped.

“That’s not possible,” Josiah exclaimed in disbelief. “Xavier wouldn’t do something like that.”

“It’s true,” Mary said. “I won’t simply make up lies about my employers right under their noses.”

Josiah nodded. “All right. I’m going to take a look. Carry on with your duties. I’ll head to the study.”

Then, he hastened his pace toward the study and arrived at the door.

He knocked on the door when he noticed that the door was partially closed.

Winnie’s voice rang. “Come in.”

Only the floor lamp was turned on in the study, and Winnie was sitting right under it.

Josiah noticed the little scar on her cheek.

He immediately frowned and asked, “What’s the matter with your face? Did Xavier do that?”

Winnie did not answer his question and merely said, “He was really weird tonight.”

“Because he was drunk?” Josiah went over to examine the injury on her face. He heaved a sigh of relief

when he realized it was nothing serious.

Winnie murmured in agreement but soon frowned, “Even if he was drunk, his behavior was still

abnormal. He said some hurtful things that made me wonder if he didn’t take his medication during his

time in Alendor and became mentally unstable. I called you to come over and check on him, but he

accused me of having an affair with you for calling you in the middle of the night. Then, he hung up the


“Huh?” Josiah was flabbergasted. “How drunk was he to say such things? I’m going to give him a proper

checkup when he’s sober tomorrow. But I heard that he’d left. Do you know where he went?”

“Yes. I asked the driver. He went to Aqua Moana. I asked him to get lost,” Winnie replied.

Josiah didn’t know how he should react. “He’s sober enough to avoid drunk driving. Well, at least he

didn’t drive.”

“Of course. He reeks of alcohol. The housekeeper won’t let him out alone like that.”

“And you didn’t try to stop him at all?”

Winnie took a deep breath and pointed at her own face. “Look at this. Can’t you see that I’m mad right

now? Why would I stop him? I almost couldn’t stop myself from hitting him!”

Josiah was relieved to see that Winnie still had the heart to joke. “All right. Let me know when you plan to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

hit him. I’m going to pick just the right sword for you. Then, you’re going to unleash all your fencing skills

on him.”

Winnie let out a long breath. “Gah, this is so frustrating!”

“Don’t be upset,” Josiah said with a smile. “He loves you so much that when he wakes up sober

tomorrow morning, he’ll come back to apologize to you. Xavier would give his life for you, so he’ll be filled

with regret when he realizes that he said hurtful things to you while he was drunk. Maybe he’ll even

break a cup and ask you to slash his face as an apology.”

“That won’t be necessary. Anyway, do check him out tomorrow morning. I still think something’s not right

with him,” Winnie said. Then, she recalled the words that Xavier had said to her.

Winnie was utterly shocked when she heard Xavier’s hurtful words, so much so that she was left

speechless and couldn’t even muster up the anger to react.

In retrospect, however, she felt a little upset.

Back then, she refused to reveal the red marks on her body to him. However, at his insistence and

assurance that he wouldn’t mind, Winnie relented.

Hence, Winnie was taken aback when he suddenly blurted out that her body was disgusting in his

drunken state.

Does he really think that way? After all, drunk words are sober thoughts.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit bedroom with only a single bed in a worn-down residential area, Harold

relentlessly thrusted into Shania as if he was taking out all his frustration on her.

After a series of intense thrusts, the man finally cursed in a low voice and stopped, responding to the

woman’s desperate pleas. She had almost reached her breaking point under his forceful advances.

Then, Harold turned around and sat by the bed.

As soon as he sat up, she got up, lit him a cigarette, and lazily leaned against his shoulder, asking, “Is it

true that Xavier is dead? He won’t be coming back, will he? And you’ll be the one in charge of Fairchild

Corporation from now on, right?”