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She Shocks The Whole World After Retirement by Emperor's Song

Chapter 801
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Chapter 801: Hidden Rules


Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

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On the other side, after Xiao Shu said goodbye to Yu Huang, he didn’t walk towards the end of the plate. Instead, he

returned to the mountain peak where the Black Shark Bird was resting.


At this moment, the Black Shark Birds living on the cliff realized that there was one bird baby missing. The mother

birds were in a riot. Because Xiao Shu wasn’t injured and didn’t bleed, the mother birds didn’t smell any strangers.


Unable to find the whereabouts of the bird thief, the bird mother was very anxious and became irritable. She lost

her temper at the cowardly male birds beside the bird nest.


A bird mother cursed in bird language, “Useless thing, not only can’t you give birth, but you’re also lazy. I told you to

take good care of the child at night, but you dozed off! Now that the child has died, you’ll die with him!” After

cursing, the bird mother roared and rushed towards the bird father. She actually bit the bird father’s neck with her

sharp beak. Then, she threw the bird father to the ground.


The bird was thrown to the ground. It opened its mouth uncontrollably and let out a shrill cry of pain.


If Yu Huang was here, she would realize that the male bird didn’t have sharp teeth in its mouth.


The female bird, who had sharp teeth in her mouth and was born to be good at flying and fighting, became the

main fighting force of the Black Shark Birds. The strong were respected. Among the Black Shark Birds, male birds

were only useful for warming beds and mating. And the bird father, who was supposed to take care of the children

last night, was attacked by the bird mother because of his negligence. No clansmen stood up to help him.


In fact, the bird mother, who had lost her child, even rushed up bravely. She opened her sharp teeth and bit the

bird father’s neck until it was riddled with holes. Then, she pushed the bird father off the cliff!



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The bird father’s let out a tragic cry as he fell down the cliff before slamming into the ground.


The group of parasitic crabs under the cliff smelled fresh blood and swarmed towards the bird father. The reason

these parasitic crabs were stationed under the cliff over the long term was because the corpse of a delicious and

huge male bird would appear every few days.


Xiao Shu was lying on a concave rock by the cliff. He witnessed the scene of the bird father being thrown off the

cliff by the bird mother and could not help but smile. “What a heartless bird. Rong’er is the best.” Xiao Shu waited

quietly until the sun set and the moon rose into the sky before flying up the cliff.


Even though a bird baby had just been stolen last night, these young birds would still gather at night and play with

each other.


However, the Black Shark Birds sent a few female birds on duty tonight.


Xiao Shu counted five in total.


He returned to the bottom of the cliff and hid in the crack to cook. When it was almost dawn, Xiao Shu flew to the

edge of the cliff again and sprinkled some rice on the places where the young birds often played. Then, he returned

to the cliff.


The plate where the Black Shark Birds lived was isolated by the sea, and there was a mysterious magnetic field in

the sea. Only the Black Shark Birds could fly past that sea and go to other plates. On this plate, the Black Shark

Birds were the strongest. Apart from them, the One-Eyed Wolf Beast and the Terrestrial Alligator were also very



Whether it was the One-Eyed Wolf Beast or the Terrestrial Alligator, they all knew how to climb rocks. Therefore,

the Black Shark Birds placed their most precious bird babies on the grassland by the cliff to play.


In their opinion, the cliff was the safest place.


It had been more than three thousand years since an intruder had entered the Kunlun Mystic Realm. Therefore, the

living Black Shark Birds didn’t know about the existence of humans at all. Naturally, no one would expect that the

disappearance of the bird baby wasn’t caused by the Terrestrial Alligators or the One-Eyed Wolf Beasts, but by Xiao

Shu, an intruder.


The next night, the bird mothers were still cautiously guarding the entrance of the tribe to prevent beasts from

stealing the bird babies. The female birds accompanied the children to play games by the cliff.


Suddenly, a bird baby discovered rice grains all over the ground where it often rolled.


The bird baby cried out and lowered its head to eat.


When the bird fathers heard the bird babies’ cries, they also ran over in a swarm. Although this group of bird

fathers was tall and strong, as the weaker party in the group, they could only eat the food that their spouses and

children had finished. They might not be able to eat such delicious rice grains in their entire lives.


Every year, only in the middle of summer would the bird mothers take the trouble to fly to other plates to bring

back some rice for the bird babies to eat.


The last time the bird fathers ate such a good thing was when they were cubs.


Upon discovering the delicious rice grains, the bird fathers turned around and stole a glance at the mothers. Seeing

that the mothers were not paying attention, they actually selfishly pulled all the baby birds away and threw them to

the side while they laid beside the pile of rice and pecked wildly.


Xiao Shu saw this scene. A smug smile appeared on his lips.


What a group of silly birds. Ten thousand years had passed, but they were still as bad as before.


After eating Xiao Shu’s poisonous food, the birds actually fainted and fell to the ground. After confirming that the

stupid birds had fainted, Xiao Shu walked out of the darkness.


The bird babies were shocked to see Xiao Shu.


They had only seen the Black Shark Bird, the Terrestrial Alligator, and the One-Eyed Wolf Beast since they were

born. This was the first time they had seen a creature like Xiao Shu, so they were naturally curious.

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What kind of demon beast was this?


Two-legged beast?


It looked so weak, so… delicious!


However, Xiao Shu, who was judged to be ‘weak and delicious’ by the Black Shark Birds, actually carried away the

strongest bird on the ground. It had passed on the most outstanding genes to several children. Xiao Shu carried the

bird and flew down the cliff.


The cubs were dumbfounded.


This was the first time they had seen someone who didn’t steal bird babies and only stole bird fathers!


The cubs came back to their senses and immediately spread their wings to run in the direction of the bird mother.

As they ran, they shouted in their language, “Mom! Daddy was stolen by a monster!”


Xiao Shu carried it all the way to a river. He placed a bottle with a special fragrance in front of the bird father. The

bird father smelled the fragrance and woke up slowly. When he opened his eyes and saw a strange-looking person,

the bird father immediately let out a roar.


Xiao Shu roughly lifted bird father’s head and pressed his forehead against his. He forcefully formed a soul contract

with bird father and turned around to sit on it. He ordered it to carry him across the sea to another plate.


Xiao Shu stared at the blue sea below and felt that he had forgotten something.


He thought for a moment before remembering what he had forgotten.


He seemed to have forgotten to tell Yu Huang that there was a special magnetic field hidden between every plate.

Only by successfully subduing the strongest demon beast on that plate could one leave this plate with the help of

that demon beast and go to another plate.


It was said that as long as the Kunlun Sect disciples could successfully subdue the strongest demon beast on the

plate they would land on, they could pass the test and become the successor.


Presumably, a smart person like Yu Huang should be able to discover this hidden rule.