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Shadows of Destiny

Chapter 47
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47 Jake Brighton’s Request


I was sitting in my office when my beta, Lukman, walked into my office to

announce Alpha Jake Brighton’s arrival. I thought my business with his pack was over. What was he

doing in my pack? I did not want to seem rude, but I wasn’t in the mood for a guest.

“Let him in,” I told my beta.

Alpha Brighton walked into my office smiling, and I wondered what the

occasion was.

“Good afternoon, Bane,” he said, and I

plastered a fake smile on my face to avoid being rude.

“Hello, Brighton,” I told him, and he nodded and sat down without me offering

him a seat. The man made himself


“To what do I owe this visit?” I asked

him, wanting to get straight to the point, and he sighed.

“I was laying on my bed last night thinking of how to improve my people’s lives when an idea popped

into my head,” he said, and I frowned at him.

“Shouldn’t you be discussing that with Volkov?” I asked, and he had an angry

scowl on his face.

“I can never discuss my people with that bastard. He has done enough,” he said,

and I wasn’t comfortable with his words.

As much as I wanted to dissolve the rule

of the north, I wasn’t comfortable having

such a conversation.

Jake noticed and frowned at me.

“Did I come on a bad day?” he asked, and I wanted to say yes, but I shook my head and smiled at him.

I couldn’t be happy or enthusiastic about anything. There were just two months left to the blue moon. If

I don’t do

anything and Sylvester claims Tamia, I would have to kill him to get her back. I hope she isn’t in love

with him. I needed to do something quickly.

“Care to elaborate?” I finally said, wanting to be rid of the man.

He smiled, adjusted his seat, and then looked at my shelf where I had drinks.

I deliberately didn’t offer him anything because I did not want to stand up.

“If you want some, you can pour yourself a glass,” I said, and he smiled and went to pour himself a

glass of brandy. He took a

sip and returned to sit down.

“I know what you did for my people was from the kindness of your heart, and I appreciate it,” he started,

and I was


“I was hoping you could allow my people to work in your region. Mostly part-time odd jobs in

construction and the factories, “he said, and I frowned at him.

“The income and experience will help develop my people, and if things get worse with the north, we

can abandon our lands and settle down in your region as members of your pack. I am willing to let go

of my leadership for the sake of my people,” he said, and I knew he was


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I had to respect the love he had for his


“I do not think that will be possible in the

south because we are highly populated,” I said, and his smile dropped.

“But,” I added, and there was hope in his


“I plan on visiting Leonardo Albert in the

east. They have land and jobs. Your

people will be able to settle and work there. He might even give you land to use to lead your people.” I

said, and he

frowned at me.

“Are you his friend?” he asked, feeling awkward about my suggestion.

“We are acquainted, and I know they need people for manual labour due to the current issues they had

with the north. and the fact that some of their people have moved to the south,” I told him, and

he smiled at me. 1

“When do you plan to visit him?” he

“I have an appointment for tomorrow. Mind you, I have an issue to discuss with him already, so you will

have to table

your matter yourself,” I told him, and he nodded.

“What time do you leave for the east tomorrow?” he asked

“Ten in the morning. Mountain Pack isn’t far from Greenwood. I will be there in two hours.” I told him,

and he nodded and stood up.

“I will return by eight tomorrow so we can leave for the place together.” He said, and I nodded.

Morning came, and Jake Brighton arrived earlier than eight. I knew he was desperate. I could see his

desperation, and I hoped Leo would ease his mind and put a smile on his face.

The people of Brighton needed a break. It was sad I couldn’t give them that.

We arrived at Mountain on time. I

expected Leo was waiting for me in his office. I had to commend the man for being civil.

We were offered drinks, and I opted to drink water instead. Beta Casper took us to Leo’s office, but I

asked Jake to wait so I could speak to Leo privately.

I entered Leo’s office, and he was looking bedraggled. His beard had overgrown, and he had dark

circles. I could tell he was not sleeping, but it wasn’t my business.

“To what do I owe this visit, Alpha Devin? He said. I did not know if he was in the right mood to discuss

my concerns. I knew Tamia was the reason for his

appearance. I did not understand why he

did not treat her well when they were

together. He must have thought she would always be with him hence why he accepted Amanda. It was

his loss.

“Alpha Leo,” I said.

“I do not know where to begin, but I need your help,” I added, and he was attentive.

“I do not know how good your

relationship is with Volkov, but I need you to help me inform Tamia that she is

my fated,” I said, and he exclaimed.

I knew I sounded like a madman, and it wasn’t far from the truth, but I needed her to know so she

would know that her

fated was out there and he was waiting for her. I was hopeful that would buy me


“I do not think that will be possible. She is Sylvester’s property now. I, too, wish I

could take her back, but we both know the

Wolf Lord never lets go of his trophies.”

He said, and I realised he had not heard of the wedding.

“I am desperate. Please help me. My wolf and I have been suffering. You know what it is like. You have

a fated. Every day I lay awake wishing I had taken her away from that dinner and dealt with the

consequences later. That way, she would have been mine, and Sylvester wouldn’t have her because

she wouldn’t be in the east to begin with. Please, Leo, I will give anything for you to tell her the truth

about me,” I pleaded desperately, and he leaned forward.

“Why are you desperate? I told you Sylvester sounded possessive of her. I doubt he will let her go. She

is his trophy. The best advice I could give you is to try and visit their annual sports in four months. The

trophies are allowed to attend. I plan on attending so I can see

her too. She no longer bears my mark. She would recognise you, and then both of you can decide…”

he said, but i

interrupted him and shook my head. 1

“I do not have that much time, Leo,” I

said and bowed.

“Sylvester will marry and claim her on the blue moon night. They have

celebrated their engagement,” I said, and he exclaimed. I looked at him. His hands

were shaking, and tears formed in his

eyes immediately. It was clear he had not let go, and I had come to the wrong person for help.

“What?” he said in a low voice. I could

hardly make out the sound if it weren’t for the fact that I could read lips.

“They are getting married, Leo. I am desperate.” I said.

“In that case, I will advice you to let her

go,” he said, and I shook my head and banged my hand on the table. 1

“Don’t ask me to do what you couldn’t

do, Leo. I just want you to help me.” I

pleaded, my hands shaking.

“Please, I will give anything..” I said, and

he shook his head.

“Did it occur to you that she is in love with him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him? Tamia

isn’t the type to be forced into a union. I can’t take that bliss from her by telling her about you. I can’t. I

know what happened to me with Amanda. My bliss was taken from me the moment I caught Amanda’s

scent. It ruined my perfect life. It ruined

everything that I held dear, Devin. I can’t allow Tamia to go through that kind of turmoil. It is easy to

chase after your fated if you aren’t in love, but it is torture when you have already given your heart

to another. No matter how strong the pu was, I could not stop loving Tamia. I sti love her, and I always

will. If she is getting married to Sylvester, I will advis

you to reject the bond and let her be.

Please. She does not need to be torn

between her heart’s desire and fate. It wasn’t easy for me; I do not want her to have the same

experience,” he pleaded with me. Although the news seemed to break his heart, he was still looking out

for her.

“I can’t let her be. I can’t,” I told him my truth, and he sighed. 1

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“Then I wish you the best, but I won’t help you to mess Tamia up,” I told him, and I was mad that he

would see my plea as an attempt to mess Tamia up. I did not understand his logic, but I knew he was

still hurting. I had come to the wrong person for help. There was no way he

would help me get with Tamia. He was

selfish like that.

Jake Brighton was ushered into Leo’s

office, and he explained his matter to Leo.

“Why haven’t you taken your idea to the north? I am sure the Wolf Lord will have a

solution,” Leo said, repeating my words,

and Jake got angry.

“I can never go to that bastard for help. He imposed development tax on my

people and then sent his enforcers to attack my people when we couldn’t pay,” he said, and Leo shook

his head.

“I do not think you should be quick to judge. I do not know what is happening in the north, but I doubt

the Wolf lord did that to you. Two days ago, enforcers came here with a written order that we are to pay

development taxes henceforth or face the consequences. I panicked, but my beta

talked some sense into me. I called the

Lord’s office, and his beta was shocked. They never passed such an order. I believe.

the issue was from the council. There is a

possibility he doesn’t know of the attack on your people.” He said, and Jake shook

his head.

“He is marrying your ex-wife. He

wouldn’t want her to see him as a

monster by taxing and attacking her

people.” Brighton said, making a valid

point, and Leo sighed.

“Very well. I still doubt the lord had something to do with it, but I am willing to offer your people part-

time jobs. I cannot let them settle here because you are under the north, and I do not want trouble with

the north,” he said. 1

Jake was happy about Leo’s response. It was clear he wasn’t expecting to get anything from it, but Leo

came through.

I thanked Leo for his time, even though he did not agree to help me. I understood his position but could

not give up on my


Jake and I returned to Greenwood, and I teased him about his pack being named after his last name,

and he found it funny.

“It was a settlement, and my ancestor was the alpha. It was called Brighton’s pack, and as they grew,

the settlement became a village, and it was named after the pack,” he explained, and I laughed. I knew

he would soon retire, which was why he was taking all the steps necessary to secure his people and

help his son rule with ease. I had to commend him for it. I would have been happier if my father had

been as strong as him. 1

Jake’s wife was taken from him by Lord Maurice Volkov. They were only nineteen

when it happened, but he held firm for the sake of their twins and was still

holding firm. I respected the man greatly. 1

“I would like you to visit Brighton, so I can host you, Devin. You have been most kind to us. I want my

son and daughter to meet you. I think you can come and unwind in Brighton. We might not be

developed, but our environment is serene and good for the soul,” he said, and it sounded like a good

idea because I needed to think, and I couldn’t do that with my mind muddled up.