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Secretary’s Secret Lover by Zayla Quinn

Chapter 265
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Chapter 265 Can You Die?

Ellen suddenly laughed.

“You’ll do what I want you to do, right?”

Ellen was gorgeous. Even without makeup, she had a soul–stealing charm. When she smiled, she was


beautiful as a flower.

Jamie’s eyes were gloomy, and he said coldly, “I’ll consider it.”

For a moment, he wanted to say, “I’ll cancel it as long as you promise to give me a child.”

However, he was proud, and his contradictory personality would not reveal what he wanted to say. He

would only compromise indirectly.

Perhaps, if Ellen said something sweet, Jamie would break his sturdy shell and give his heart to her.

“I want you to die, is that okay?

“Can you die?”

Ellen asked twice, her expression serious. She was not joking.

The bright light that appeared in Jamie’s eyes disappeared, and his handsome face once again turned


Jamie stared at Ellen. “Do you hate me so much?”


Ellen’s stomach was in so much pain that she almost couldn’t take it anymore. She struggled to speak

and only wanted him to leave quickly.

“Jamie, you better die with Fiona. That way, you’ll go to hell and be together forever.”

Jamie couldn’t take it anymore. He suddenly bent his knees and squatted down, pinching Ellen’s sharp


thin chin. He said ruthlessly, “Ellen, how dare you be so vicious in front of me?”


Ellen thought it sounded like a fantasy story.

Cody ordered people to harm Ellen and then locked her in the villa to beat her. This matter had

something to

do with Fiona.

Fiona was so vicious. Who did she rely on?

Ellen just sincerely wished the shameless couple to be together forever. Was she vicious?

However, she didn’t care.

Ellen didn’t care about Jamie’s opinion.

During this period, Jamie had been falsely accusing her.

Ellen didn’t care at all.

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“Mr. McBride, this is who I’m. I have been vicious in your heart for so long. Haven’t you gotten used to


After meeting Jamie again, Ellen knew that goodness was the most useless in the world.

Kindness meant that one would be bullied.

The only memories Ellen had of Jamie were about humiliation. The Robbins Group was delisted, her


was hospitalized, and all sorts of other things were either related to him or Fiona.

Today, both of them should be responsible for what happened to the Robbins Group and Ellen’s family.

Ellen looked at Jamie with hatred and said word by word, “I only hate myself for not being strong

enough and vicious enough. Otherwise, I would have killed you and Fiona and let you go to hell


In a split second, Jamie’s eyes became gloomy.

His hand suddenly fell down, grabbing Ellen’s slender neck and slamming her into the bedside cabinet.


Ellen coughed violently from the impact.

Jamie ignored her painful expression, his voice sounded like it came from hell, cold and cruel. “Ellen,


need to be taught a lesson.”

Jamie stood up and carried Ellen to the bed with one hand.

Ellen hit the bed hard again.

Fortunately, the bed was soft, so it didn’t hurt much.

Seeing Jamie approaching her, Ellen panicked and asked, “Jamie, what are you doing?”

Jamie leaned over and gave a strange smile.

Why did he have to discuss this with Ellen? If he wanted to do something, he could just do it directly.

“Having a child is a chance to atone for your sins. Let me tell you, even if you have a child, it won’t be

able to

offset your previous sins!”

As Jamie spoke, he pressed down against Ellen, and he began to take off her clothes quickly with his

slender fingers.

“Get lost!”

Ellen roared angrily. She could no longer bear more pain tonight.

Without the painkillers, Ellen did not know how long she could hold on.

But no matter what, she had to hold on until her father’s surgery. Ellen could not bear Jamie’s torture


“I can’t do it anymore.”

Ellen tightly held onto the cloth covering her body, preventing it from pulling it away. Her face turned

pale from the pain.

When Jamie saw how reluctant she was, anger suddenly rose inside him, and his voice was indifferent



“Don’t think that I’ll let you go just because you pretend to be pitiful.”

Jamie pressed down cruelly, and Ellen felt as if her chest was being squeezed heavily.


The blood in Ellen’s throat surged up and sprayed onto Jamie’s chest.

His white shirt was dyed dark brown.

The red blood was a great deterrent to Jamie.

Jamie understood that because this was Ellen’s blood, he felt he was severely injured.

“Why did you vomit blood?”

Jamie’s voice was not as cold as before, and it sounded a little bit hoarse.

Ellen said with a smile, “That’s how cancer patients are. They tend to spit blood.”

Ellen was smiling, but Jamie didn’t believe her. He only thought that she was deliberately teasing him.

Jamie was in a mess. Ellen thought that he would be angry. Bookmark NovelsReads.com for more

chapters and latest update Unexpectedly, he just got up and went to the bathroom. It just took him a

few minutes to have a quick shower.

Then, Jamie came out and carried Ellen into the bathtub.

When Jamie was removing Ellen’s clothes, Ellen’s entire body froze. The next second, she pushed him


Jamie hugged her tightly. “Don’t move. It’s dirty. I’ll help you clean it.”

Ellen’s throat felt sore. She did not listen to Jamie and continued to struggle.

“I don’t want you to wash it,” Ellen said in disgust.

She thought that Jamie was dirty. He slept with many women. Ellen didn’t know if he got sick.

Jamie could tell that Ellen hated him, but so what?

What Jamie wanted to do would not stop just because Ellen found it disgusting.

For example, Jamie slept with Ellen, bathed her, and forced her to have a child for him.

His tone was cold and forceful. “If you move again, I’ll have sex with you here.”

“You make me sick.” Ellen disliked Jamie.

Jamie did not respond to Ellen. He stripped her and pressed her into the water.

Jamie held Ellen’s waist and said, “We have had sex many times. Now you find me disgusted?”

As Jamie washed her body, Ellen was expressionless. Then she blushed.

Jamie changed the water after wetting Ellen’s body. The water became clear. It was no longer terrible.

Jamie had suffered a lot in the three years abroad. His back was full of injuries, but his hands were


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Jamie’s knuckles were slender, and his nails were clean. There was a faint crescent moon at the

bottom. His

hands were beautiful.

They were as good–looking as his face.

However, when Ellen touched Jamie’s hand, she would feel a callus in his palm. When it touched her

skin, Ellen’s skin would have a tickling.

After that, when Jamie touched every part of Ellen’s sensitive part, Ellen would instinctively avoid him.

Jamie snorted, “You don’t know how lucky you are. Do you know how many women are waiting in line

to sleep with me?”

Jamie straightened Ellen’s face, looked at her, and said with dissatisfaction, “It’s your fortune that I sleep with you. Do you understand?”

Jamie had always been confident in this aspect. He was handsome, and he was good in bed.

The prerequisite was that Jamie was willing to coax his sex partner.

In New York, other than Fiona, Ellen was the only one Jamie was willing to coax.

Ellen did not fall for his trick. Her face was cold, and she said indifferently, “The water is cold.”

Jamie’s words didn’t work on Ellen.

Even though Jamie looked unhappy, he had to use a towel to cover Ellen and carry her to the bed.

Ellen was a little tired. After lying on the bed, she did not say anything and did not care about Jamie


Anyway, the groom tomorrow would not spend the night with her.

Ellen wanted to sleep, but her stomach was too painful. When she closed her eyes, it was like

someone was cutting her stomach with a knife.

Halfway through, Ellen heard the door close and thought that Jamie had left.

Not long after, Ellen heard a slight noise. Jamie brought a cup of water to the bedside and got a few

pills for


Ellen hid her head into the quilt and muttered, “I won’t take medicine.”

The medicine Ellen took was specially made. Any other medicine was useless, and she couldn’t take it.

Jamie scooped Ellen out of the bed and forced her. “Eat it before sleeping.”

“I won’t eat it.” Ellen closed her mouth tightly and shook her head.

Jamie ignored her. He opened Ellen’s mouth and stuffed the pill into it.

The medicine was too dry, and Ellen could not swallow it. Her throat was sore.


She let out a retching sound and was about to throw up when Jamie fed her a cup of water.

Since Ellen did not want to drink, Jamie held her chin and poured the water into her mouth. The water


her clothes.

Seeing that Ellen did not cooperate, Jamie leaned over his warm lips and gagged her.