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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38 WD Chapter 38

“I can’t believe her!” Camilla paced the hall. “Things worth having are worth working for ..what is she a Disney movie?”

What made it worse was the effect Phoebe was having on the gathering. Everyone gravitated toward her as if she was an important wolf


She was wolfless! Did they not know that? Phoebe was nothing, a nobody. Even her first mate recognized that fact. What was her secret?

Camilla paused, glancing at her own assets on display in her tight dress

She was clearly more impressive than Phoebe, who was practically flat by comparison. And yet..

Phoebe stood in the arms of the most influential alpha in the world

Jason was completely smitten. The look on his face when she played the piano was one of pure rapture. All night long he barely let her out

of his arms, always holding her close and often bowing his head to nuzzle and kiss her as if he couldn’t control the compulsion

Worse than Jason's apparent infatuation was the effect it was having on William. Prior to coming to Blue Moon, Camilla had all but

convinced him to take her as his chosen mate. With the romance of the Luna Ceremony she thought she would finally succeed, but

Phoebe’s speech and the way Jason acted ruined her plans. Even now, William turned down her advances, claiming he had a headache and

just wanted to lie down

Her body craved release and he was not delivering. Camilla continued to pace. She had never been so frustrated. It wasn’t easy, turning an


Chapter 38 Ww

head. William’s complex about his height made him an easy target, but his hope of finding his fated mate hampered her plans. And his

friendship with Jason greatly influenced him. William's desire for his fated mate mimicked Jason's obsession

Camilla sighed. Jason would have made a far better mate. The only reason she hadn't tried for him was because of Katrina. Who would have

thought that such a petite, unassuming female would unseat Katrina and take her place? If Camilla had known it would be so easy to usurp

the Alpha daughter she would have challenged Katrina herself

Jason was everything an Alpha should be: strong, handsome and tall

Camilla could only imagine what it would be like to be held down by such a powerful male while he took her. She shivered in anticipation,

her core heating up with just the thought. If that gray-eyed nobody could do it, then so could she

Coming to a decision, Camilla stalked off down the hall. Making her way to a quiet staircase, she headed upward, eventually reaching the

alpha floor. There she paused cautiously, listening for patrols. Blue Moon prided itself on its security, so there were always a few warriors

wandering the halls; however the alpha floor remained silent

Given the fact the Alpha, Beta and Gamma all lived on the upper floor, its safety was guaranteed. Added to that, the fact that the entire pack

respected their Alpha’s boundaries, none would dare enter his domain without permission. This left a blind spot any wolf without a sense of

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self-preservation could take advantage of

Camilla slowly stepped out into the hallway and moved further into the heart of the pack. Her nose wrinkled in disgust as she smelled

Lucille, whom she never liked, as well as Luna Norah, who never liked her. She also caught the smell of pups and snarled

Chapter 38 Ww

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It was ridiculous to think those orphans enjoyed the privilege of living on the alpha floor. They should be hidden away somewhere with the

omegas. Orphans were only useful as servants. With a huff, Camilla wandered further in. She had never been on this floor but all packhouses

shared similar floor plans

The alphas private suite would be in the heart of the floor. That's where she headed, reaching the final door past the common rooms. There

she paused, breathing deep and smelling the unmistakable musk of a male

in rut. It seemed he was as eager for release as she was

Smiling, Camilla pulled down her dress, letting it pool at her feet and leaving her completely nude as she hadn’t bothered with


Once he saw her, she knew he’d never look at that plain nobody again

Finding the door unlocked, she boldly stepped inside and strode into the suite past the sitting area, heading toward the bed before coming

to a stop

It was empty

Camilla frowned. The scent in the room was far too strong for its occupant to have been gone long. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened

and Phoebe exited wrapped in a towel. She laughed as Jason emerged a step behind. His arm snagged around her waist and he pulled her

back to him, growling as he buried his nose in her neck, nibbling on her marking spot and earned a moan in response

His other hand moved lower, reaching under her towel. Phoebe’s back arched as she pressed against him. They had only just finished in the

shower and he already wanted more. She chuckled as her gaze suddenly fell on Camilla and stiffened in surprise

“What is it?” Jason mumbled against her neck, feeling her tension and the smell of her arousal fading

When she didn’t answer, he finally looked up as a foreign smell

Chapter 38 Ww invaded his nostrils. His gaze fell on Camilla and his eyes suddenly shifted to amber, practically glowing as a snarl ripped out

of him. Rushing past Phoebe, he stalked toward the intruding she-wolf who dared interrupt his time with his mate in their private sanctum

Camilla stared open-mouthed at the Adonis approaching her, his erect member bulging out from under the towel loosely tied around his


Even as his hand gripped her throat, her wildest fantasies flitted through her mind. With a growl, Jason squeezed, cutting off her breath

Camilla’s eyes went wide as she struggled for breath, clawing at his hand, but Jason's grip was a vice. His claws sunk into her flesh, causing

pain to shoot through her as he dragged her back the way she came and tossed her down the first set of stairs. She rolled with a shriek,

crumpling at the bottom. She gasped for breath. Tears streaked down her cheeks as pain coursed through her. Hesitantly, she looked up to

see him, standing over her fur bristling as he fought his wolf for control. It was clear if his wolf

won, she would be ripped to shreds in moments

But why?


She looked over her shoulder as a warrior arrived summoned by Phoebe’s mindlink. He stared at the naked she-wolf at his Alpha’s feet. This

was certainly not a sight he ever expected to see

“Get this thing out of my sight!” Jason growled. “And find out how she got into my suite without being stopped!”

“Y-yes Alpha!” the pack warrior seized Camilla’s arm and dragged her away

She struggled, casting a pleading look toward Jason, but he had already turned away. His arms wrapped around Phoebe, who had hurriedly

put on a robe before following them. He breathed deep, taking in her scent

Chapter 38 WZ to calm himself

“Angel, are you all right?”

“I'm fine,” Phoebe assured him, leaning into his chest. She had been surprised when she realized they weren't alone, but she hadn’t been


Jason groaned, trailing kisses down her neck, reaching her mark

Phoebe shivered as tingles shot through her like an electrical current. With a growl, he swept her off her feet and carried her to their

bedroom, kicking the door closed. He set her down on her feet as they reached the bed

Capturing her mouth, he tugged open her robe before tossing it aside

Her body was warm against his and his erect member still ready for her

With a groan, they fell back onto the bed. Her back arched, pressing her pelvis against his, but the adrenaline coursing through him

required something more

Jason stood, turning her over and pulling her hips toward him until she stood bent over in front of him. Phoebe tensed. This was not the

first time he had taken her from behind, but it had always been on the bed. He thrust into her far more savagely than ever before. She

moaned in surprise at the sudden intrusion, but it was quickly masked by pleasure as he withdrew and thrust into her again

Their bodies slammed into each other with a fast, unforgiving pace

Phoebe groaned, her insides aching. She struggled to keep herself propped up as he forced her over the edge. Her body tensed and

squeezed him as he filled her, claiming her with savage possessiveness before they both collapsed in satisfied exhaustion


Jason slowly stirred, pulling Phoebe close to nuzzle her. Phoebe sighed as he nibbled her ear. She shivered and chuckled, but didn’t dare

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Chapter 38 Ww move, afraid her body would not respond

“Did I hurt you?” Jason gently pulled her to face him

“..No,” she smiled. “But next time maybe warn me.”

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Jason chuckled, kissing her, savoring her soft lips. Before meeting Phoebe, Jason used to roll his eyes whenever Lucille and Ben hunkered

themselves into a convenient corner and spent hours, kissing and touching each other. He wondered how they could go at it with such

indiscrimination, but now he understood

When Phoebe was close he couldn't keep his hands from reaching for her. When she wasn’t nearby he longed for her and often had to fight

himself not to go searching for her. Her scent was intoxicating and he couldn't get enough. The spicy note to her scent flared, confirming

her desire for him and his chest rumbled with a growl

“Sorry, angel,” he muttered. He had never wanted to take her like that: like a crazed animal, but there was no denying how satisfying it had


There was something about claiming her with no semblance of self-control

that stirred him and his wolf. “Was it...”

She pulled him close, kissing him. Their tongues twisted around each other, enticing him. But instead of satisfying him, it only stoked his

appetite. Phoebe smiled as their lips slowly parted, “It was invigorating.”

“Good,” Jason sighed. As long as she hadn't been hurt, then it was all right. Even so, he felt her discomfort through their bond. No doubt

she was still recovering and more than a little sore from the rough way he claimed her. “Let me make it up to you.”

“And how are you going to do that?”

“Well,” Jason kissed her, “I'll kiss you until it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Chapter 38 Ww

“That might take a while. It might take all night.”

“I don’t mind,” his lips drifted down her neck, working his way to her chest and teasing first one breast, then the other

Phoebe moaned. His mouth was so warm and his tongue incited waves of pleasure as her core ached for him. She should be tired, too tired

for more, but that didn’t change the fact she wanted him, longed for him

“Jason...what about..that she-wolf..” Phoebe sighed. She recalled the intruder well enough, but her mind had difficulty maintaining the

thought as he stimulated her

Jason growled, not wanting to be reminded, but answered her, “I'll talk to William in the morning. He can deal with her.”

Phoebe nodded. It was a shame it had come to that. She had no sympathy for Camilla, but William would be devastated. It was bad enough

she tried to force William into marking her, but that she would even dare to seduce Jason, who was happily mated. Not only did the she-

wolf have no shame, but she also lacked common sense

“Don’t think about her,” Jason kissed her before moving lower again, slowly making his way past her navel. Phoebe shivered in anticipation.

All other thoughts were quickly left behind