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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107

Alphas and Lunas from all over the world had gathered in the wide courtyard of the old royal mansion. It stood empty for months but in the

last few weeks cleaning crews had prepared it for their visitors. Rather than disrupt every pack’s Winter Solstice celebrations the king and

~ queen opted to move the Royal Solstice Ball to the New Year

And that wasn’t the only change

In the past the Ball had been one night and only the most prestigious alphas invited. This year, the festivities were stretched out for a week

and all alphas and lunas regardless of status encouraged to attend. The king and queen would remain in attendance and make themselves

come and go at their convenience

1s available for attendees as well as a full kitchen and maid staff to provide proper

hey would stay for the duration of their visit so the mansion was mostly for alphas.

of smaller packs. kven the king and queen were staying in their own estate though they would spend most of their time at the mansion for

the various scheduled events

While a few muttered about tradition, the changes were definitely welcomed. The king had not limited the attendees’ escorts, allowing

them to bring what they were comfortable with for support and security of themselves and their lunas. They were also encouraged to bring

their pups

making it a real family-friendly event

Expanding the Ball to a full week meant alphas could stagger their

Chapter 107 a7

visits, though as expected, the first night was the most crowded and highly anticipated. This would be the first official public appearance of

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the king and queen and none wanted to miss it. In years to come, they would brag that they were there to witness this momentous event.

This was truly the beginning of a new age for werewolves the world over

Icicle lights and lanterns hung along the eaves, creating a bright and magical atmosphere. Pups darted from one buffet line to another,

filling plate after plate with delicious offerings. There was even an ice cream bar for them to indulge in as they saw fit as they sat the

numerous tables to enjoy. As there was no assigned seating there was no need to stand on ceremony and the pups had no difficulty relating

to each other regardless of status

For the adults, there was an open bar as well as servers who carried platters of drinks and hors d’oeuvres. All drinks and food was free of

wolfsbane and some of the finest to be found. In past years, royal guards had stood along the edge of the courtyard as a subtle reminder

they were under the jurisdiction of the king. However, tonight those guards were missing. In fact, they didn’t see any security personnel for

the king or queen not realizing the servers themselves were the guards. Their disguise allowed them to mingle with the crowd, keeping an

eye out for any dangers to their king and queen

The atmosphere was pleasant and low-key. Everything had been painstakingly arranged to create a welcoming and relaxed experience, quite

different from the tense one they were used to at such gatherings

As the night progressed, a call turned their attention to the royal entrance, “Now entering King Jason Aiman, Queen Phoebe Aiman, Prince

Blake and Princess Emma Aiman.”

Chapter 107 w

With a smattering of applause they now understood why pups had been allowed as their gazes looked at the young prince and princess

rumored to be adopted. They stood mirror images of their parents with the young prince sporting a tailored suit and his sister in a pretty

blue dress

The king wore a black suit with a tie that matched the color of his queen's ice-blue gown. But it was the queen who was the real star. She

stood regal in her gown sparkling with rhinestones. It hugged her gentle curves and accentuated her ever-growing belly, confirming the

announcement made a few weeks ago. Very soon the royal family would be expanding, though the attendees weren't sure if they believed

she was really caring twins

The queen's rich, dark hair was carefully tamed in a bun and she was crowned with a dazzling diamond tiara with topaz accents. Though

Jason preferred simple attire for himself, he had no qualms in making his Luna shine. She seemed a little embarrassed with the attention but

not to Jason's gentle caresses. A server brought them a tray with drinks for them and the prince and princess

Finally tearing his attention away from his queen Jason addressed the crowd raising a glass for a toast, “Friends, fellow wolves, the last year

has been a year of change and upheaval. It hasn't been easy and it has left some very deep scars. But we stand here tonight: stronger and


“As your King, I swear to rule with a clear, level-head, and to honor the Moon Goddess who bore us. We are wolves with bonds that bind us

to our packs, our families and to our mates. And I swear, 1 will always respect and defend those bonds with my life. So tonight, let's

celebrate our bonds and through them honor the Goddess who continues to bless us.”

Just a heads up: novelenglish.net is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter—visit

us now and continue your journey!

He raised his glass to the moon shining above. They followed his

Chapter 107 * gesture, toasting the moon. Phoebe followed suit though her glass was only filled with the same sparkling juice as the pups.

There was no evidence to suggest werewolf pregnancies were affected by alcohol like human ones but she and Jason were not taking any


After the toast, Jason led his queen down to mingle with the crowd

The newly-crowned prince and princess followed them for a time before growing bored and moved off to find guests their own ages. If the

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others thought Jason and Phoebe would be more anxious about their pups wandering off they were mistaken. With security out in full force

and mingling among the guests there was never a moment watchful eyes were not monitoring the pups’ every move

The first to greet the royal couple were those with the closest personal ties: Alpha Reed and Luna Chloe, Alpha Zain and Luna Chandler,

Alpha William and Luna Lily, Alpha Hymen and Luna Kleio, Alpha Atticus and Luna Koko. All were eager to catch up especially Lily who was

showing her own baby bump. The lunas chatted easily as if they were sisters and the alphas were completely at ease with one another,

showing no signs of aggression or animosity despite the difference in their overall rank

Gradually, others found themselves drawn toward their queen. It was like the tide slowly coming. Jason watched without comment but his

chest swelled with pride. None could compare, none even came close

“I can’t wait for our pups to be able to grow up together.” Phoebe chuckled, drawing Lily close. Pups had an easier time getting along when

the age gap between them was not overly great

“I know,” Lily agreed, “although I'm so nervous.”

“No need to be,” Chloe assured her. “You'll be a fantastic mother.”

“But you, twins?” Kleio clapped. “I can’t believe it! This has never happened before...or at least has never been recorded.”

Just a heads up: novelenglish.net is the only place to read the complete version of this book for free. Don't miss out on the next chapter—visit

us now and continue your journey!

Chapter 107

“Neither can we,” Phoebe said. “I still don’t know if it is a fluke or completely normal. I've reread Eris’s journal so many times but she makes

no mention of it.”

“I can’t believe you have her journal!” Kleio said. “I hope I can see it sometime.”

“Of course, I actually brought it with me intending to give it to you,” Phoebe said. “I was hoping New Moon could make a copy to preserve


There are also several entries that are too hard to read. I wondered if they

could be restored.”

“Absolutely! It's our area of expertise, after alll”