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Sassy Angel’s Secret Sin

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16 – Prove That You Are Sexy (Anj‘s POV) I breathed out, closing my eyes tight when he was

near me, but then I felt him walking past me. Slowly, I turned my head in his direction, seeing him looking

at the bookshelf as if

looking for a file.

“Take off that apron, Angela,” he snarled when I did not move. “It‘s making you uglier.” “Ah!” I forced a

smile, breathing in relief as I took off the apron in a hurry, but I froze again, gasping when I felt his lips on

my ears as he stood behind me. “Why Angela? Are you thinking I was asking you to take off your

clothes?” He whispered, breathing on my skin. I moved away from him and put my hands on my hips. “Of

course not! I may look ugly, but you can‘t deny I have a sexy body.”

He scoffed as he walked back to his table but did not sit. “I can‘t even remember your name, yet you

sounded as if you wanted to tell me another lie,” he said as he flipped the folder, he took from the shelf.

My eyebrows raised at him, shrugging my shoulders. “I‘m not lying.”

“Prove it!” He flickered his eyes on me, waiting for what I would do.

“What?” My heart raced that I could not even raise my eyebrows. He sighed, flipping another page. “Take

off your clothes and prove to me you have a sexy body. Otherwise, get out of my sight and get me that

coffee.” My lips quiver while my chest rises up and down with anger. I screamed in rage and walked out

of the study room, stomping my feet as I stepped back to the kitchen. I was still sniffling and crying in

anger when I reached the kitchen. “Elenita, he wanted a Chicken Caesar Sandwich instead of the crab

linguini.” I pulled a chair on the kitchen island and sat down without smiling. “And he also wants coffee.”

“Okay,” she said as if her effort was not wasted.

“Just like that?” I was horrified that Elenita tolerated such an attitude. No wonder Sky Mars has

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developed an unpleasant attitude, and that was because they allowed him to get whatever he wanted.

She heaved a deep sigh. “Of course not, but I know Sky. Don‘t sit there and prepare his sandwich and

coffee. I‘ll teach you.” She said, tugging me in my arm. If I were to decide, I would force him to eat the

crab linguini on the table. Not everyone has the privilege of eating a complete meal, especially delicious

and expensive ones. “Sky is really picky in his food. Either I would prepare it, or he would cook for

himself,” Elenita said as she handed me disposable plastic gloves.

“He knew how to cook?” I raised my eyebrows.

She smiled as if she was his proud parent. “You‘ll be amazed at what Sky could do.” She

pushed the bowl to me. “Whisk these all together,” she instructed, and I did as I glanced and watched her

take the marinated chicken from the refrigerator.

“You‘re like my mother,” I smiled at her, remembering Sister Grace. “You seemed to love Sky very


She pursed her lips but heaved a sigh as she looked at me. “Sky is like a son to me already,” she smiled,

turning her back on me as she cooked the chicken.

I was waiting for more stories from here, but she had already pressed her lips, waiting until the chicken

was cooked before ending our conversation with an authoritative order.

“Copy what I will do.” She said, giving me the bread. “Assemble that sandwich and do it nicely.”

I mirrored what Elenita did with the slice of bread, spreading it with the dressing she asked me to whisk

and topping them with lettuce, avocado, and sliced chicken. When we were done with the sandwich and

coffee, I sighed, confused about which one to bring to Sky.

Elenita took the tray and placed the food and drinks I made, pulled a chair, took the sandwich she made

and took a bite.

“Wait!” I gasped, shocked, while I watched her chewing the sandwich she had made. I breathed out. “Sky

would know it wasn‘t you who prepared this,” I cried, sniffling again as I felt tired already.

“Angela, I promised her mother and father that once he got married, I would teach his wife everything

about him, and then I will retire,” she said, pushing the tray gently toward me. The corners of my mouth

were downturned, clearly showing her I was not happy to hear what she had just said.

“Elenita, did it ever occur to you that I was not the woman of his dreams? As I told you, we‘re not

compatible and...” I racked my brain faster for any information that I could use to convince her that my

stay here was temporary. “I told you I don‘t care. Let this be a lesson to both of you for bringing such

disgrace to the sanctity of marriage, especially to you. Your mother must be worried right now.” She

glared at me. “Bring that coffee to him because if that gets cold, he will ask you to bring another again.”

I took the tray, left the kitchen, and walked back to the study room. When I opened the door, Sky was

leaning on the chair‘s backrest, his eyes closed, and with his even breathing, I could tell he was not just

resting his eyes. He must have fallen asleep while waiting for his coffee and sandwich

Carefully and slowly, I placed the tray on the coffee table. I could not risk putting it on his table because

there were lots of documents on top of it. Before leaving, I stopped in front of his table and gazed at his

perfectness. I was trying to figure out his intention of asking me to stay. Although I was sure that it had

something to do with what happened yesterday, somewhere deep in my heart, I was hoping it was something else. I had to remember that it was also my fault that his father was in the hospital, and I had

to wait until he called for me.

Yawning, I left the room quietly, but as I got out, I sighed because I had forgotten to ask him where I

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should stay for the night. Thinking of Elenita giving me more tasks, I did not bother going back to the

kitchen and went to his room instead.

His king–sized bed was waving at me, begging me to feel the softness of the sheets and

pillows, but I ignored its call and walked to his closet room. The paper bags were still there, and with the

number of clothes and stuff Elenita bought for me, I had no idea what to do with them. I never had many

clothes in my life, and I didn‘t see the need to have much. I walked to the bathroom, and for a while, I felt

like being inside a spaceship because everything I saw inside was alien to me. Sky‘s bathroom has a

modern and manly design, large enough to fit flat–panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, a toilet, a bathtub

that could accommodate two or maybe three people, a sink, and countertops. After half an hour of

discovering how to use the valve, I finally experienced the sprinkle of water like I was being bathed by

rain because the shower head was set up inside the skylight well in the ceiling. When I was done, my

eyes were half–closed already while drying my hair. I blinked a few times to wake myself up, and when

my hair was finally dried, I opened one of the cabinets, hoping to place the paper bags inside, but the

bigger space lighted the bulb in my brain. I dashed to his bedroom, took one pillow, and ran back to the

closet room. I opened the cabinet and crawled inside the empty closet, pulling it slowly to close the

cabinet door, making my space darker. When the light coming outside the cabinet drew me out of my

beauty sleep, I groaned and opened my eyes to see who had opened the cabinet door. “What in

heaven‘s name are you doing inside the cabinet?” Sky asked angrily as he opened the cabinet door


My mouth was half–opened, hoping to explain why I was there, but my eyes were pinned on his naked

body. Still shocked, I blinked a few times as I stared at his manhood like he was sending me a message.