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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 61
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This incident would cause a butterfly effect. Once it got out of control, the entire Quest Group would go

down with it.

Xyla called Georgie immediately and the call was answered in no time.

“President Xyla, I was just about to call you but you called me first. I saw the news,” said Georgie,

sounding anxious.

“Georgie, I’ve taken responsibility for this and said that I would handle it myself.”

“I knew you would do such a thing. Although this looks like a huge crisis, a great opportunity is hidden

in it. If you can handle this situation well, Uncle Quest will definitely have more confidence in you. It’s

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like the saying, wealth comes from taking risks,” replied Georgie.

Georgie had always been this way. Xyla did not need to explain too much for Georgie to understand

her, and Xyla felt herself fortunate to have such a capable right-hand woman.

“President Xyla, I think our priority now is to suppress this incident. Before we have evidence, we can’t

let it cause more damage to the Quest Group. As for Josh Batton, once this issue is settled, everything

will get better on its own. He only has to stay quiet for the time being,” added Georgie.

“Georgie, I wanted to tell you the same things as well. To effectively deal with this crisis, I need you and

our public relations department in X Entertainment to help. First, release all of the scandals we have

about our competitors’ most famous artistes. Divert the netizens’ attention,” Xyla instructed gravely as

her expression became serious.

“Yeah, I planned to do that as well. Don’t worry and leave the rest to me.” Georgie sounded confident.

“Okay. Thanks for your hard work,” Xyla replied gently.

“Not at all. Compared to the disastrous public relation incidents before, this is nothing,” exclaimed


“Yeah. You just have to take care of this part and I’ll deal with everything else.”

Having said that, Xyla hung up. Turning on her laptop, she searched through the news about Imperial

Prime cutting corners during construction and found the source of the rumor.

A person with the username ‘Crazy’ had started it all by posting on Horizon Forum, County Z’s largest

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online forum. As soon as that post went up, it immediately induced a huge reaction, which resulted in

the topic ranking on the hottest searches.

Xyla quickly accessed the forum, found the post, and started tracing the poster’s IP address. In just a

few seconds, she had found the poster’s IP location was from somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. It was

easy to tell that this location was fake. Obtaining the poster’s true IP would require layers of decryption.

Xyla’s fingers speedily tapped away on the keyboard in an attempt to decrypt the poster’s cover-up,

trying to find the true IP address. Ten minutes later, she still had no results.

Needless to say that the poster must be an elite and professional hacker, otherwise, they could not

have hidden their tracks so thoroughly. However, Xyla did not lose heart. Her fingers continued to tap

on the keyboard as she tried other methods to crack this mystery.