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Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 315
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“Yes… That’s why we had a fall-out. President Xyla, if you wish to blame me, go ahead. I’m willing to

take full responsibility,” Georgie Clementine said.

“I know it wasn’t a good idea to offend Fred Thomson… He has a strong background, but I… I just

couldn’t help it,” Georgie added.

“Why should I blame you when you have done nothing wrong at all? If I was there, I would’ve hit him

harder than you did,” Xyla Quest said before subconsciously clenching her fists.

Why was hell empty when demons roamed the world?

After picking up the laptop on her desk and booting it up, Xyla quickly tapped on the keyboard several

times. Very soon, she managed to hack into Fred’s phone. When Xyla saw two encrypted photo

albums, she quickly opened one of them. Immediately after that, all sorts of disgusting images came to


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There were photos of Fred doing unspeakable things to young girls, boys, and popular teenage

celebrities from the entertainment industry. In the pictures, the boys and girls seemed to be in pain. In

fact, some of the bedsheets they were lying on were covered in blood.

Meanwhile, the teenage celebrities were all unconscious, and all of them had their eyes shut. Xyla

could recognize all their faces. She had seen them all on television. One image after another came into

sight, and Xyla felt as if each was a needle poking into her eyes.

Xyla’s perception of perverts had turned upside down. Everything she was now seeing made her feel

goosebumps all over her body.

There were around twenty children and a dozen teenage celebrities in total in this photo album.

Likewise, Georgie saw everything clearly. She immediately clenched her fists tightly and looked at Xyla.

“He really is a sadistic and heinous pervert. He has actually tortured so many children, and even male


“How many of these children were sent there by the company, and how many of them were forced to

do this? They have suffered so much. xo.com fast update I can only imagine how painful it was,”

Georgie added.

“Or rather, how many of them were tricked by him to be there? The teenage celebrities all seem

unconscious. Could he have drugged them before raping them?”

Georgie gritted her teeth toward the end of her sentence. She was extremely angry, but there was

nowhere for her vent.

Xyla was so angry that she didn’t want to speak at all. Her hand on the touchpad was shaking the

whole time. These images had thoroughly shocked her. Xyla no longer wanted to continue looking at

them, but she forced herself to open the other photo album.

In this album, there were short clips of him with the children and teenage celebrities. Fred tortured each

one of them in unthinkable ways, and Xyla felt nauseous just watching them. However, Fred was

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unaffected by their responses. The more the children seemed to be in pain, the more excited he


In fact, blood could be seen in the videos.

Eventually, Xyla couldn’t watch it anymore. She quickly turned off her laptop, xo.com placed her

hands over her head, and closed her eyes tightly as she continued to take deep breaths. In her mind,

she wished she could cut the scumbag into a million pieces.

“A scumbag like him shouldn’t live in this world! He’s a piece of trash!” Xyla cursed loudly as she

recalled the things she had just seen.

That man was a deranged psycho.

In fact, Xyla didn’t dare to think about how these victims would feel when they thought of what

happened to them. This demon had left an indelible mark on everyone be affected.

From the number of videos he recorded, it was clear that Fred had been doing this for a long time but

had never been caught. Usually, when these things happened, victims would typically not speak up

about it because they would become the laughing stock if the public found out