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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 95
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Chapter 95

Chapter 95.

Nelly’s POV.

Two weeks later.

| stood in front of the mirror, my hand clutching the bouquet of flowers as | stared at my reflection. My wolf stood

beside me, her eyes glittering with excitement.

“Look how far we've come, dear,” she whispered, her tail wagging in anticipation.

| smiled back at her, overcwith emotion as | thought about all we had been through together. Our journey

had been long and winding, but now, on of our union, | felt the warmth of contentment spread through me.



My heart swelled with love, and | knew that this moment was just the beginning of a new and beautiful chapter.

The door to the dressing room burst open, and from the mirror | could see the view of Aisha.

Aisha’s smile is like a ray of sunshine in a dreary room. | spun around to face her, my cheeks burning from


“You are the most ravishing bride I've ever laid eyes on,” she gushed, and | battled against the tears, forming.

Her compliment was like a soothing balm on my anxious heart, and | blinked back the tears that threatened to

spill over my lashes.

“Thank you so much,” | managed, my voice quivering slightly.

“No tears today, dear. We don’t want to smudge that exquisite makeup,” Aisha cautioned, her tone tinged with



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gave a weak nod, “silly me,” | mumbled.

She pulledinto a comforting hug. As we hugged tightly, | inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of her perfume

and the warmth of her body against mine.

“I love you, darling,” | whispered, and she responded with her own heartfelt declaration, “Love you more.”




15:22 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 95



Aisha’s ability to makelaugh, even in the most emotionally charged moments, was one of the many reasons

| cherished our friendship.

“Enough of this,” she said, givinga playful nudge. “I don’t want Kex scoldingfor making his mate

emotional,” she said, and | chuckled. Turning to the mirror, | took a final, lingering look at my reflection, the

intricate details of my sparkling white gown a visual symphony of finery. She helpedfall the veil above my


Suddenly, the door burst open, and there stood Harry, his smile radiating warmth and joy.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his voice resonating through the room with the weight of his question. | nodded, and

our hands entwined in a gesture of unity, and we strode out of the room with Aisha behind us.

Harry had askedif he could walkdown the Aisle, | agreed, After all I do not have any one in mind. As |

sauntered down the aisle, the crystal clear sound of wedding bells filled the air, reverberating throughout the

palace. With each step, the clanging grew louder, signaling my approach and remindingof the momentous


My gaze was fixed on Kex, who stood waiting forwith a smile that seemed to light up the room. Even from a

distance, | could see his pearly white teeth glistening in the sunlight, adding to the already breathtaking scene.

Harry's hand was still firmly clasped in mine, | could hear the beats of my own heart.

As we reached Kex, | could feel his eyes lingering on me, and | blushed like a freshly-picked rose.

“You look beautiful, my love,” he mumbled, his voice soothing to my heart. His compliment was like a soothing

balm, his words infused with tenderness and love.

“Thank you very much,” | whispered, my cheeks still flushed with the warmth of his gaze.

We turned to face the pastor, and | fixated my eyes on the bouquet of flowers in my hands. The pastor's voice

pierced the silence, his words carrying the weight of our commitment.

“Do you accept Alpha Kex as your lawful wedded husband in sickness and in health till death do you apart,” he

said, his gaze fixed onand | smiled.




15:22 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 95



| didn’t hesitate for a second, declaring with resolute conviction, “Yes, | do!” He turned to Kex and repeated the

squestion and we both had the sanswer.

“If anyone is against this union should speak now or forever remain silent,” The pastor's booming voice rang out

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like a thunderclap, his words a stark reminder of the seriousness of the moment. As | turned to survey the crowd,

a hush fell silent.

“Alpha you may kiss your mate,” The pastor's words were like a gate opening to a new world of possibilities, and

Kex leaned in, his eyes locked on mine.

“I love you,” he whispered, and | could feel the warmth of his breath on my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

Our lips met in a soft, tender kiss, a kiss that spoke of promises and forever.

The crowd erupted in a thunderous applause, their cheers a testament to the power of our love. As we pulled

away, our eyes met, and we couldn’t help but smile, caught up in the magic of the moment. My wolf jumped for


We entered the reception hall hand-in-hand, our steps in perfect sync as we made our way to the dance floor.

The first notes of “You're Still the One” by Shania Twain filled the air, setting the stage for our first dance as a

married couple.

Kex’s arms encircled my waist, and | placed my hands on his shoulders, reveling in the safety and security of his


As we swayed to the music, our bodies seemed to merge, our movements a seamless expression of our unity.

The lyrics resonated deep within us, a tribute to the enduring bond we shared.

The final notes of the song faded into silence, and | gazed out over the sea of faces, searching for Aisha’s

familiar features. She was nowhere to be seen, and | wondered where she must have gone. | decided to check

outside, | strode through the hall, my steps quickening as | neared the door.

But just as | was about to step into the warm night air, something caught my eye- something that made my

blood run cold.

“Aisha!” | screamed, my voice echoing into the darkness.


