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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55

Chapter 55.

Nelly’s POV.

Kex let go ofand sank to his knees beside the grave, his head bowed in shame. “I'm so sorry,” he whispered,

his voice cracking with emotion. “I don’t know if you can ever forgive me.”

| placed my hands on his shoulders, and he looked up at me, his eyes red..

“It's not your fault,” | said softly, my heartbreaking for him. “You have to forgive yourself.”

He shook his head, his brow furrowed in anguish. “How can 1?” he asked, his voice barely audible.

“I wiped you with these very hands,” he said, his voice breaking. “I've said cruel things to you.” He started to

protest, but | cutoff.

“And yet, you apologized,” | said, pressing his shoulders. “Even before you knew | was his sister.” | looked at him,

trying to smile. He stood up, and we embraced again.

As we stood there, the rain began to fall, the drops soaking us to the bone. Kex quickly removed his suit jacket

and wrapped it around my shoulders, and we ran back to the car, running breathless. As we jumped into the

back seat, | let out a sigh of relief.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his eyes full of concern.

I nodded, my heart still racing from the run. “Just a little bit cold,” | said, shivering slightly. He gave my hand a

squeeze, his fingers warm against mine.

| turned to face him, and as our eyes met, something shifted between us. The surrounding air grew heavy,

charged with a new kind of energy. Without thinking, I leaned forward and kissed him. His lips were soft and

warm, and as we kissed, | felt myself melt into him.

Our tongues tangled, fighting for dominance. My head swam, and I felt my whole body calive, as if every

nerve ending was on fire.

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| let out a moan, lost at the moment, and he responded by pullingeven closer. Before | knew it, he hadin

his arms, holdingtightly as we kissed.

“You drivecrazy,” he whispered between kisses.

| laughed, my breath coming in short gasps. | fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, and


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Chapter 55

he helpedremove it. The rain pounded against the roof of the car, but we didn’t notice. All I could focus on

was him, and the way he madefeel.

He leaned in and began to kiss my neck, his lips soft and insistent. | bit my lip, trying to keep my moans from

escaping, but it was no use. His tongue traced the outline of my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

He slipped a hand under my shirt, cupping my breast through my gown. | closed my eyes, lost in the sensations,

my body aching for more.

“Please,” | whispered, my voice hoarse with need.

He leaned in, his lips brushing my ear as he whispered, “What are you begging for?”

“Please,” | begged again, my voice hoarse. | couldn't take it anymore. “Please touch me.”

That was all the encouragement he needed. He slid my gown down, stopping it at my waist, and removed my

bra. His eyes locked with mine as his hands caressed my bare skin, his touch sending shockwaves through my


He took one of my breasts in his hand, his thumb brushing my nipple, sending a jolt of electricity through me. |

bit my lip, my body tensing with desire.

Our eyes met, and | was lost in his gaze. | felt like | was falling, spinning out of control, and I loved it. He brought

his mouth to my breast, his tongue teasing my nipple. | let out a low moan that turned into a cry of pleasure. |

didn’t care if anyone could hear us. | only cared about him, about this moment.

“Ahhhh!uhhhhhg!” | moaned out really loud.

As | opened my eyes, he whispered, “That's it. | want to hear you.” And | knew I couldn't hold back any longer.

As he bit and sucked on my nipples, | felt a wave of pleasure wash over me. | couldn’t help but grind against him,

and | felt him harden against me. | knew | had the

power to drive him wild, and I loved it. As | pulled his shirt down, | saw a look of hunger in his


and | knew | had him right where | wanted him. | smiled, feeling victorious.

| trailed my lips down his chest, kissing and licking his skin as he moaned in pleasure. | relished the feel of his

body against mine, and | ground myself harder against him.

“Nel...ly,” he moaned, his voice low and rough.

| looked up at him, and he was staring at me, his eyes burning with need. | felt powerful, like I could have

anything | wanted.

Suddenly, he pushedback, and | hit the steering wheel, making the horn blare. But neither of us noticed. He

slid his hand down my pants, and | gasped as he found me,

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Chapter 55

wet and ready.

“You're so wet for me,” he whispered, his voice low and seductive.


| couldn't speak, could only stare at him, feeling my whole body calive under his touch. | was completely at

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his mercy, and | loved it.

His fingers slid inside me, and | arched my back, moaning. He pumped in and out, in a slow, steady rhythm that


“Kex,” | said, my voice pleading. “Please.”

| knew | was giving him exactly what he wanted total control - but | didn’t care. | just wanted him, wanted to feel

his touch, his kiss, everything. | was his, and | never

wanted it to end.

He smiled, a sly, knowing smile, and then he pushed inside of me, unexpectedly, and | gasped in pleasure. He

moved slowly at first, drawing out every sensation, every feeling. And then, suddenly, he increased his speed,

and | moaned, unable to stop myself.

| clutched at his shoulders, as he tookto the edge and then over, again and again. | lost all sense of time, of

place, of everything but him and the way he madefeel. | was his, and | never wanted it to end.

His movements becfaster and faster, and his lips crushed against mine, as | kissed him back, moaning into

his mouth. The sensations overwhelmed me, and | felt myself losing control, my body trembling as he tookto

the brink.

And then | was there, lost in a sea of pleasure, my senses overwhelmed by the feeling of him, inside and out. |

was completely his, and | never wanted it to end.

| felt my body begin to tremble, on the edge of climax. “I’m about to....” | moaned, and he leaned in and

whispered, “cum.

Cum for me, baby.” And that was all it took. My body obeyed, and | came, my senses overwhelmed. | slid back

into the passenger seat, exhausted and breathless.

| can’t believe | just made out with Kex in the car, a few miles away from my brother's grave. Kex is driving me



