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Reborn for Revenge or A Second Chance At Vengeance

Chapter 147
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Chapter 147 Shameless And Heartless Is Curtis out of his mind? In Aurelia's previous life, Curtis had demonstrated a lack of conscience, and in this lifetime, not only did he persist in his lack of moral fiber, but he also exhibited an utter lack of shame. Clearly, he could no longer be permitted to frequent Gardner Group unchallenged.

Lost in her contemplations on how to tackle the current predicament, Aurelia was momentarily distracted when Matthew approached, bearing two cups of creamy yogurt.

His voice broke into her thoughts, tinged with concern. "Something happened?" He noticed the deep furrows of concern etching her brow Aurelia, however, shook her head dismissively, insisting that it was nothing serious. She was resolved that the issues surrounding Curtis were hers to manage alone.

Due to her reincarnation, many past events were yet to unfold in this life. Nonetheless, she had recently learned of Curtis' mother's surgery, an event that led him to sell their family hand borrow extensively from relatives. It was clear that Curtis' financial affairs were in dire straits at that time.

Yet, there was more to be uncovered.

A private investigator had recently forwarded her sfiles, which she hadn't yet reviewed. They had been sent to her email due to their extensive size, and had it not been for a recent Whatnotification, this matter might have slipped her mind for longer.

She exchanged a few brief words with Matthew before a call from Gordon required his immediate attention, leaving Aurelia alone in the house.

Seizing the moment of solitude, she ascended to her room and booted up her laptop to access her email. Thanks to a notably fast inteconnection, the video file downloaded swiftly.

Aurelia had anticipated that the investigator might have unearthed something significant, but she was utterly unprepared for the shocking contents of the video.

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H The footage revealed Curtis' diligent pursuit of Melanie, capturing every deceitful interaction, including a scene where Melanie ambiguously kissed a stranger at a bar.

As Aurelia watched, her initial shock, turned into dismay as she observed Melanie being led into a hotel by the stranger, followed shortly by several other men. Curtis had recorded everything, his expression unreadably stoic throughout the ordeal.

It took a considerable amount of tfor Aurelia to compose herself after viewing such disturbing content. Her disgust for both Curtis and Melanie was profound.

In her previous life, their shameless display of affection had been blatant. Now, it seemed, Curtis could coldly observe Melanie with other men without a flicker of emotion.

After regaining her equilibriuni, Aurelia picked up her phone and firmly instructed the detective. "Keep an eye on Curtis for me; I'll send you his personal details." After concluding the call, she rose to stretch her legs, but a sharp pain suddenly reminded her of earlier discomforts in her private area. Annoyed, she muttered under her breath, "D*mn it, Matthew, you're too 1/3 15:31 Sat, 29 Jun Chapter 147 Shameless And Heartless Meanwhile, Matthew was receiving an update from Gondon in his car.

25 GUEL Finished He's already been sent to the police station, and I've spread the word. Soon, his family will be driven out of Jacaster, Gordon relayed.

Such drastic measures hadn't been necessary in the past two years, as Matthew's assertive tactics typically kept potential troublemakers in line. Yet, someone had audaciously attempted to drug him, inadvertently involving Aurelia in the process.

Gordon noted Matthew's robust and unaffected demeanor, pondering the perfect timing of the drug's administration, which coincidentally occurred when he and Aurelia were together.

Later that evening. Aurelia received a call from Nancy, who lamented the extended duration of Justin's business trip. After visiting Charlie on set, their communication had been limited to sparse exchanges on WhatsApp.

"At first, I didn't think much of it, but the more I thought about it, the more uneasy I felt. Is he really too busy to spareany time?" Nancy questioned.

Aurelia sensed Nancy's growing anxiety and tried to offer sreassurance. "Did he mention when he'd be back?" "No, he said this tthings got a bit tricky. I initially thought he'd be back in three or four days, but it seems like I'll have to wait another week. Auri, I feel like I'm a nagging wife, helplessly waiting every day for the return of my beloved." Nancy sighed, feeling utterly pitiful.

Aurelia patiently offered a few words of advice.

Subsequently, Nancy's mood lightened as the conversation turned to the famous actor Ambrose. "Did you know, Ambrose actually ate the cookies I made for him? He even took a photo to show me. I must be the first fan to have his WhatsApp! His new movie is about to premiere, and I don't care, you have to make tto go see it with me," she insisted excitedly. "He's portraying a villain this time, a scoundrel who killed. his wife and abandoned his daughter. I saw the trailer, it was incredibly intense!" "All right. I'll go with you to check it out," Aurelia agreed, finding herself intrigued by the plot.

After ending the call, Aurelia's routine involved checking the orders for her Amazon store before bed. The growth in her regular customer base, along with new clients, had impressively boosted her daily income, despite the increased volof orders and customer inquiries that required her attention.

It was just that there were numerous orders, which took stto process. Even more so, scustomers had a multitude of queries, which she had to address one by one.

As she was about to log off, she noticed a message from a familiar profile that had been sent that morning: I think you're a liar, pretending to know it all online, probably fooling a good number of people. Here's a piece of good news for you, where there's a will, there's a way. I'm pregnant now.

Aurelia's initial reaction was to furrow her brows in concern, then she decided to ignore the message. deeming it unworthy of a response. In her view, the world was filled with too many individuals desperate to achieve their airns by any means necessary, and this situation was merely another example of that reality.

However, Aurelia couldn't help but worry that the sender might be a wife who had been betrayed by her husband 2/3 15:31 Sat, 29 Jun oti.

W Chapter 147 Shameless And Heartless 25%%0 Finished The discovery by a wife that the man she loved and trusted was unfaithful, carrying on with other women. behind her back, could only result in profound emotional pain and heartbreak.

The audacity of the mistress, who flaunted her presence and asserted dominance, would only deepen the wife's anguish, making it an especially harsh and jarring blow.

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These thoughts crowded Aurelia's mind, but she soon made a conscious decision to stop pondering over them.

There are jerks everywhere. The reality is harsh; many people have been hurt, but everyone has to grow through these repeated setbacks.

After these reflections, Aurelia logged out of Amazon.

Feeling drained, she decided to unwind with a warm bath. The soothing water helped ease sof her tension, and she soon found herself ready to sleep. As she lay down, drifting between the states of wakefulness and sleep, she felt an embrace enveloping her. Initially, the sensation caused her to stir uncomfortably.

However, her overwhelming tiredness soon led her to dismiss the feeling as a mere figment of her dreams. As om minutes turned to hours, she began to succumb to the fatigue, her senses dulled into a daze. A comforting warmth spread across her back, emanating a reassuring sense of security that lulled her deeper into relaxation.

In the quiet darkness of the room, Matthew observed Aurelia, who was now lightly sleeping in his arms, her consciousness adrift in a drowsy haze. The corners of his mouth lifted gently in the dim light, and he leaned closer to whisper soothingly, "Sleep peacefully." Tseemed to blur as they lay there.

Eventually, Matthew, deep in his own slumber, was faintly aware of a slight trembling from Aurelia. At first, he couldn't discern what it was, but then he distinctly heard her murmur a nin her sleep.

"Curtis..." she whispered softly, her voice tinged with distress.

Upon hearing her speak again, Matthew's attention sharpened, and he clearly heard her call out to Curtis once more.

In the enveloping darkness of the night, Matthew's gaze hardened, his intense black eyes reflecting a chill that seemed even colder and darker than the surrounding shadows.

Is that scumbag worthy of her thoughts? To the point where she would even encounter him in her dreams? The way she's trembling is as if she's afraid