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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 3010
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Chapter 3010

After Kurt left the place, Stefan and Gwen were the only ones left in the dining area.

Gwen coughed and tried to clear her messy mind. She looked up, "I'm very sure my heart has its peace now. Why?"

"That's good if it's true.’ Stefan did not know what kind of thought had just run through Gwen's mind. He gave her a

smile. "Then we can proceed with the next steps now."

He continued, "Have you told Kurt?"

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Not yet. I was going to but then you came out."

"Sorry to disturb you two then."

Stefan raised his brow and took out his phone to call Kurt.

Soon enough, Kurt answered the phone.

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"Come back now." Stefan gave out a plain and simple order before hanging up the phone.

Within five minutes, Kurt showed up at the front door. "What is it?'

Gwen had her eyes widened. It shocked her tremendously that she had trouble talking

Kurt and Stefan... She remembered they only knew each other for less than a day.

'When did Stefan ask Kurt for his number? And why did Kurt do as he was told so easily through an order via a

phone call? Even if Stefan saved Kurt's life, both of them shouldn’t get along with each other so quickly,’ she


Kurt was a good person, but he required a long time before he could get along with a stranger. When he was with

Luke, it took him a long time to get to know the other gang members before he could entrust his heart to them.

How did Kurt become so easygoing after Luke left?

"She has something to say to you," Luke said faintly with a frown when Gwen was still in shock, "Don't wander

around. Sit down here. You can eat while she talks to you."

"Okay." Kurt nodded like he always did. He then walked back into the dining area and sat across from Gwen. "Miss

Larson, is there something you like to say to me?"

Gwen was still in shock and had trouble saying what she wanted to say. Stefan was the second person Kurt listened

to after Luke.

She looked at Kurt and then Stefan with her lost eyes.

This man...

Sometimes, Stefan's physique reminded her of Luke. That was not all. Even the way Stefan dealt with stuff was

incredibly similar to Luke.

All of a sudden, she was curious about the face concealed under that mask.

'Could there be a possibility that Stefan's face is similar to Luke's too? Or Stefan is in fact Luke?'

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As that thought appeared in Gwen's mind, it gave her a fright.

She was stunned and quickly shook the thought off her mind.

'How could Stefan be Luke? Luke's mind is in Steven's body now. They both shared the same body. And Stefan...'

From the moment she knew Stefan, he was a normal person and had never shown any symptoms of dissociative

identity disorder.

If he was Luke, it was impossible that Steven never appeared even once...

"Miss Larson?" Kurt frowned and asked again when all Gwen was doing was staring at Stefan's door. "Is there

anything you want to tell me?"

Finally, Gwen was pulled back into reality. She took a deep breath before looking at Kurt with a serious face. "I'll like

to ask a favor from you."

"I... I want you and Luke to return to Luke's gang and become friends with the other gang members... And help me

to find my father."

After that, she sighed, "I know you don't owe me anything especially since Luke is no longer with us. But..."