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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 24
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The guards stepped toward Albert. Every one of them was tall and muscular, dressed in security

uniform with a red banner on their arm and walkie-talkies hanging on their waist.

With a stern expression, one of them said, “For kidnappers, you sure are brave for daring to come here

to the hospital. Tie them up!”

Stunned, Albert looked at them in disbelief. “K—Kidnappers?!”

“Yeah,” the nurse snorted in contempt. “Luckily, that boy you brought in was smart enough to fake

being sick so that he could ask for help in the hospital. Otherwise, you would’ve gotten what you

wanted! Security, don’t waste time talking to them. Send these scumbags to the police station!”

The bodyguards behind Albert felt defeated. “What do you mean, we kidnapped a boy?” they argued

exasperatedly. “That’s our young master!”

‘Young Master? Crap!’ Albert’s eyes widened as he then ran past the guards and the nurse before

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darting into the children’s ward.

The doctor was writing a medical report when someone stormed in. Startled, the doctor stood up from

his chair and ran to the door to stop Albert by grabbing a corner of his clothes. “Hey, what are you


Albert looked around, only to find the clinic empty with no sign of Miles. Instantly, he felt as though he

could just spit blood.


At the same time, on the top floor of the Mason Group’s building…

Cedrick had just ended a multinational meeting inside the director’s office when he received a call from

the bodyguard, telling him that Ollie had pretended to be sick and escaped.

Instantly, the temperature in the office dropped. Furious, Cedrick’s lips curled into a cold sneer.

What a great son he had. Cedrick had only locked him into a room, and he immediately faked illness to

escape. Cedrick wondered if he should praise his son’s wisdom in being able to come up with such a


“Find him.” He slammed his knuckles against the table and glanced at Eason casually. His voice was

low and enticing, but Eason could not help but worry for the young master.

‘Young Master, do you know you’ve crossed the line here? Master Cedrick is really angry this time!’

fretted Eason internally.

After Miles had escaped from the hospital, he went into a bus that headed toward his home. Catelyn

would usually hide a spare key under the mat in front of the door, so he shifted the mat like he had

done it countless times before and found the key.

Miles was too short and could only reach the lock by standing on the shoe cabinet, but luckily,

everything went smoothly.

He snuck in through the door in hopes of catching the strange man in his house, but the apartment was

quiet with no signs of him.

Miles stood on the porch to change into his slippers before running to the bathroom for a thorough

check, including the sink and the drain.

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Relieved that he did not find any hair strands or toiletries that belonged to another man, he returned to

the master bedroom and opened the closet door.

All the clothes were hung in order and were all female clothing.

In the end, he lay face-down on the bed before grabbing the blanket and sniffing with all his might. His

big, dark eyes were filled with distrust, but then he sighed a long breath of relief.

‘Good! This doesn’t smell like another guy. I guess he didn’t sleep here,’ he thought.

Once he was done with everything, Miles felt refreshed, but at the same time, hungry. He went to the

kitchen to grab an apple when suddenly he heard the sound of the doorknob turning.

His eyes widened as he stared at the door warily, thinking, ‘Is that guy coming back?’

When he saw the face of the person stepping in, his pupils contracted and the knife he was holding fell

to the ground.

Miles stood up abruptly from the couch as he looked at the well-dressed boy standing by the door. The

boy looked young and was wearing Miles’ black jacket.

Most importantly, that boy was the spitting image of him.