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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 5
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Chapter 5

Alissa looked at her masterpiece happily and felt very satisfied. "How could you abandon your wife and

children! Meanwhile, I've been ridiculed for being a child with no parents for so long. Let's see how

you're going to suffer at my hands."

She quickly walked around the internal system and saw a piece of data that looked like an important

contract. As the corners of her lips raised slightly, she pressed her beautiful finger lightly upon it. With a

swoosh, the data disappeared.


Alissa almost jumped with glee, but her smile froze instantly.

Oh no!

Someone had spotted her movements, and they were quickly tracking her.

"Help, Arianna!" Alissa shouted.

Arianna had just gotten her sister's change of clothes and was coming out of the bedroom. When she

saw Alissa hitting the keyboard hurriedly, she rushed over.

"What are you doing, Alissa? You're touching my computer again!"

Arianna was usually quiet, but she had very good computer skills. Now that Alissa had seemingly

meddled with and invaded someone else's system, she quickly pushed her sister away and instantly

typed out a series of codes.

"You're so bad at this, Alissa. Your traces have been sighted, and we will be exposed in no time. When

Mommy asks, you will inevitably be punished. How can you meddle around like this?"

While Arianna rambled on, her fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard. The speed of her typing made

Alissa feel dazzled.

"How would I know that the other party is a master at this? You know that I am not very good at

computers, anyway. This is not one of my strengths."

When she heard Alissa say this, Arianna sighed again.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Yeah, you're not very good at it because you learn everything halfway and give up. The teacher also

said that it would've been easy for you to become a powerful hacker with your talents. However, you

gave up learning halfway through. Now that you're being tracked, I don't know what to say," said Alissa

as she critiqued Arianna once more.

"How dare you talk to me like this? I'm your sister! Hurry up, the other party is getting near."

"It's done. I've moved the server abroad. Even if they manage to trace it, they can't find us here since

it's a virtual server."

Arianna stopped typing as she finished her sentence, and the computer returned to its original state.

Just as Greg thought he could finally locate the other party's IP address, he was upset when he saw

that it was a virtual server.

Alissa looked at her masterpiece happily and felt very satisfied. "How could you abandon your wife and

children! Meanwhile, I've been ridiculed for being a child with no parents for so long. Let's see how

you're going to suffer at my hands."

He had been tricked!

Although his computer had returned to normal, this feeling of being led by the nose by someone else

was really unpleasant.

Greg's face became gloomy, and the cold aura all over his body made the temperature of the entire

conference room drop to freezing point in an instant.

At this moment, the technical department called to inform him of something.

"Mr. Buckley, the bidding data recently submitted by our internal system is missing."


Greg stood up suddenly, causing his chair to make a harsh dissonant sound. No one dared to speak,

for everyone knew that this bid was the most important project of the Buckley Group at present.

Troy swallowed before he gathered up his courage to say, "Mr. Buckley, our hostile rivals probably sent

the other party. I will investigate right away."

Greg didn't say anything, but those fiery eyes of his let everyone know that if they couldn't find this

culprit, they would suffer.

When Alissa saw that Arianna had solved the trouble she caused, she immediately hugged her sister

happily and gave her a kiss.

"Dear Arianna, how am I supposed to live without you?"

"Oh, you're disgusting!"

Arianna pushed her away. Although she wiped her forehead with some disgust, the corner of her lips

raised into a slight smile.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a gorgeous woman with high heels stepped in.

However, her expression was not very pleasant.

"Alissa, come right here!"

The woman suppressed her anger as much as she could, but her voice was still loud and harsh.

As soon as Alissa heard this voice, she immediately jumped onto the table and shouted at the woman,

"Can't you talk to me nicely?"

"Talk to you nicely? You beat up the governor's son until he cried for his mother! How dare you ask me

to talk to you nicely! Do you know that your mother, I, was in the surgical room at that time? I was

reprimanded by the governor over a phone call! When I named you Alissa, I wanted you to grow up

and become an honorable and dignified noblewoman one day. Yet, you are like a monkey all day long.

You either beat up the son of the governor or the son of the county magistrate. Tell me, why are you

fighting others again?"

Abigail was about to go crazy.

Her eldest daughter was born from bad karma, wasn't she? Alissa fought with others every day, but no

one could beat her up. Hence, she became more and more reckless.

When Alissa saw Abigail coming toward her, she quickly jumped off the table, bounced herself off the

coffee table with one hand neatly, then jumped to the back of the sofa.

She ran and shouted, "They are a bunch of useless things, yet they still want to provoke me. What can

I do? They couldn't beat me, so they complained to their parents. How shameless of them!"

"You think you're right, don't you? Come here! I promise not to kill you!"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Abigail was a talented doctor who had a perpetual thirst for knowledge. Naturally, many important

people had to wait in line to be treated by her. In everyone's eyes, she was cold, elegant, and awe-

inspiring. No one would have thought that she would also be driven crazy by children one day, though.

As for Arianna, she watched the chaotic scene that unfolded before her every single day. She hugged

her computer as if it was the most precious thing in the world and was planning to slip back to her

room. However, she was discovered by the sharp-eyed Alissa as the young girl dodged Abigail's

pursuit skilfully like a monkey before jumping directly in front of Arianna. After pushing Arianna in front

of Abigail, Alissa then roared, "They called me a b*stard child without a father, so it's considered a very

small matter that I only beat them up. I am not in the wrong!"

Abigail's movements suddenly stopped, and a trace of pain and guilt flashed across her heart. Not

being able to give the children a complete home with fatherly love was the most regrettable thing in her


She steadily caught Arianna and the computer in her arms, and when she looked at Alissa again, the

child's eyes were red. However, Alissa stubbornly raised her head and forced her tears back.

"Mommy is the worst! I hate Mommy!"

She turned around suddenly and ran toward her bedroom. Her salty and bitter tears seemed to hang in

the air, and it made Abigail feel a little distressed.

"Don't blame her, Mommy. Although she fights with others, she knows what she's doing."

Arianna noticed that Abigail's expression was not good, so she quickly comforted her mother without

caring about the computer anymore.

Abigail looked at her well-behaved younger daughter. She couldn't help but smile, though it had a touch

of bitterness to it.

"Will you help me comfort your sister?"

"Sure thing!"

Arianna nodded obediently.

Suddenly, a melodious ringtone rang in the air. Abigail looked down slightly, and her face changed
