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Not One, But Two!

Chapter 40
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Chapter 40

Upon hearing Abigail's words, Sasha and Philip were infuriated. However, the scalpel in her hand reminded them of

what had happened on the previous day, and it made them flinch. Sasha pulled Philip's sleeve, but he ignored her

and coughed. As he tried to uphold his authority as a father, he then uttered, "If you don't want to find out about

what happened to your mother, you don't have to get Emma released. As long as she's still in the detention center,

I will not tell you about it."

Abigail couldn't believe that he was threatening her with such a reason. Nevertheless, it had to be said that this was

effective as she was eager to find out the cause of her mother's death. In the meantime, she still hadn't recovered

from her cold. Despite the fact that she was trying to suppress it, she started coughing involuntarily. It made her

seem less overbearing, so Philip and Sasha breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have you caught a cold?" Philip asked.

Abigail wouldn't dare to hope that he actually cared about her. After keeping her scalpel, she uttered coldly, "Even

though I've caught a cold, I can still end your life with my scalpel. So, you'd better not lie to me. I've never held any

regard for Emma; tell her not to offend me again and go away as soon as she sees me in the future. More

importantly, don't ever covet the things I have. Otherwise, I'll get her detained again and let her rot there."

Upon finishing her words, she whirled around and left.

Hurriedly, Sasha raced after her. A hint of fury flashed across Philip's eyes as he watched the resolute woman

leave. Just like her mother, she's such a b*tch!

When she realized that Philip hadn't come over, Sasha turned her head and became shocked by the coldness

behind his gaze. However, she was also resentful of Abigail, so she just thought that Philip was heartbroken for his

youngest daughter. In a hurried manner, she walked over and said in a small voice, "Philip, we have to get Emma

released regardless of what happens. Without Emma, the Frasers won't be able to help us. Our company has been

in trouble recently, and we need to borrow some money from the Frasers. Just put up with her for now. After Emma

is released, we'll look for a chance and teach her a lesson."

Philip nodded silently, whereas Abigail wasn't interested in finding out what they were muttering behind her. After

getting into a car, she directly headed to the police station. On the other hand, Sasha helped her husband into a

car, and with the four bodyguards following them, they went to the police station as well.

Since it was Abigail who dropped the lawsuit, the police didn't reject her request and released Emma. However,

when Emma was released, she was visibly agitated. Upon seeing Abigail, she screamed and pounced on her.

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"Abigail, I have to kill you! I have to kill you!"

Like a mad woman, she charged toward Abigail. On the other hand, the woman pressed her lips together and

ignored her.

Now that her daughter was released, Sasha wouldn't dare to let her offend Abigail again. Presently, Abigail was

already different from five years ago, so they wouldn't dare to oppress her in broad daylight. "Emma, calm down

and follow me back home. You'll get a shower and sleep. Leave everything behind. Listen to me!"

When she heard that, Emma started weeping. "Mom, you have no idea how horrible the people are in the detention

center. They beat me up and wanted to tear my clothes apart. Abigail probably told them to do that to me! That

must be the case. Mom, I have to kill that b*tch. I have to kill her!"

Like a lunatic, Emma was bawling and yelling.

Upon hearing that, Abigail realized what had happened to Emma in the detention center. However, she was

speechless at the fact that Emma was blaming it all on her. It seems that this woman hasn't learned her lesson.

Annoyed by his daughter's incessant crying, he slapped across her face. "Will you stop throwing a tantrum and

follow us back home?"

After getting slapped, Emma was dumbfounded. Realizing that it was her father who did that, she obediently kept

her mouth shut.

On the other hand, Abigail had never expected that Philip would lay a hand on Emma. After all, Emma had always

been his favorite child since young. He would never have the heart to be a little harsher to her, but on this day, he

had actually slapped her. It seemed that he was in a terrible mood. While looking at Philip's back, Abigail sneered.

"Philip, have you forgotten something?"

Upon hearing that, Emma shot her a glare as if her gaze could kill. However, that didn't matter to Abigail.

Meanwhile, Philip just stared at her and uttered coldly, "Do you really want to know? I'm worried that you'll regret


"Whether I regret it or not is none of your business. Also, it's up to you whether you want to tell me about it. Since I

can release her, I also have a way to send her back into the detention center. Try me if you don't believe me,"

Abigail threatened brazenly.

Sasha hurriedly wrapped her arms around Emma and said to her husband, "Philip, Emma can't be detained again—

she really can't. Moreover, it's not a big deal. Just tell her about it."

"It's not a big deal?" Abigail felt her heart aching. It was ridiculous that the death of her mother was not a big deal

to her father.

Philip had always sported a grim expression, and when this topic was brought up, he appeared somewhat

embarrassed. "Abigail, you've always wanted to know more about your mother. Alright, I'll tell you why I've never

liked you. That's because of your mother! She's an easy woman who ran away with another man not long after she

gave birth to you. She left you to me and ran away with her lover! Do you get it now?" he yelled as he explained to

her what had happened.

Upon hearing that, Abigail was stunned. "Nonsense!" she subconsciously refuted.

Sasha quickly said, "He didn't lie to you. Your mother really ran away with another man. At that time, Philip was too

embarrassed, so he told you that your mother died of an illness. Over the years, have you ever seen him visiting

your mother's cemetery? No! That's because she didn't die. Your mother is still alive! You can look for her on your

own, but don't ever drag our family into this."

All of a sudden, Abigail narrowed her eyes. "Your family? Before you married him, this was our family. Also, don't let

me find out that you're lying to me. Otherwise—"

"Stop threatening me. As a daughter, aren't you worried that you'll die a horrible death if you keep threatening your

father? I'm telling you—you can look for your shameless mother, but don't ever bring her back. I don't want her to

come back and embarrass me!"

As soon as he finished his words, he turned around and left. He appeared to be incensed.

Meanwhile, Abigail was rooted to the spot. As she recalled Philip's words, she couldn't believe it was the truth. Had

her mother run away with another man? How was this possible? However, Philip appeared steadfast when he said

that, and this made her doubt her belief. She had no idea how she got into her car while Philip's words continued to

reverberate in her mind.

No! That can't be true! She was a young kid at that time, so she couldn't remember anything about her mother, but

she had a feeling that her mother wasn't someone as described by Philip. She was eager to find out the answer.

However, years had passed, so where could she get the answer?

Yes! My maternal grandmother! She must be aware of mom's whereabouts. However, I've never seen her in years,

and I don't even know whether she's still alive. At the thought of this, Abigail drove her car back to the Kain


Emma questioned upon seeing her, "Why are you here? Dad has told you what you wanted to know. What else do

you want?"

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"F*ck off!" Abigail was in a terrible mood, which was why she brushed Emma off.

Just when Emma was about to say something, she was pulled to Sasha's back. Presently, Sasha was truly terrified of

the woman in front of her. "Abigail, what else do you want to know?"

Upon hearing that, Abigail drew a deep breath and asked, "Is there anyone else in my mother's family?"

"Yes, but they've already severed ties with your mother. So, even if you can find them, they might not be aware of

your mother's whereabouts."

What Sasha said made Abigail furrow her brows. Is my mother on bad terms with her family members? Why? Is it

because of Philip? "Give me my maternal grandmother's address," she uttered dispassionately.

Sasha looked up at the second floor. Upon returning, Philip went straight into his study. Even though he had heard

Abigail's voice, he didn't even bother coming downstairs. Apparently, he didn't want to see Abigail, nor did he want

to hear anything about her mother. Nonetheless, Sasha couldn't get away from it. She was eager to sweep Abigail

out of her house. "I can give you your maternal grandmother's address, but please don't make a scene in our house


"I'll never come back to this house again. As long as none of you dare to offend me, I'll stay as far away from you

as possible." Abigail was speaking her mind. Five years ago, she was completely disappointed in this family, and

now, she couldn't bear to stay here for even one second. If it weren't because she had to ask for her maternal

grandmother's address, she wouldn't have stepped into this house where many of her sad memories took place.

Upon hearing that, Sasha gave her the address of her maternal grandmother. After getting the address, Abigail left

the place without hesitation. Meanwhile, an infuriated Emma swept the vase to the ground. "What makes her think

she can be so arrogant in front of us? Mom, why are you and dad afraid of her?"

"Emma, stop being impetuous. Abigail is different from the past. Now, she's touted to be the best surgeon in the

world, and countless people are waiting to get treated by her. She has the guts to be so overbearing because she's

famous now. But don't worry, I'll remember what she's done to us, and I'll make her pay the price sooner or later."

A sinister glint flashed across Sasha's eyes.

"When will that happen? Mom, you have no idea how haughty she was yesterday. I—"

"Alright, stop talking. Don't make your dad upset." Sasha interrupted her daughter, but she narrowed her eyes as a

plot took shape in her mind. Abigail, you'll not be smug for long! With a sneer, Sasha brought Emma into a room.

None of them realized that Philip had already stepped out of his study. He looked in the direction Abigail had left

and fell into his thoughts.