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No.1 Supreme Warrior by Moneto

Chapter 3986
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Lourain turned around and looked at Hashem, "How many does that make it?"

Hashem was very good with numbers, and he had been memorizing the numbers for the past few days.

On top of the purple gold Jack had just put into Mustard Seed, "It's forty-six now!"

When he said that number, his heart stopped for a moment.

Forty-six pieces of purple gold were equal to 460 million spirit crystals. That

number was an astronomical one to warriors of their level. Just thinking about it made their bodies shake.

Kellen almost drooled, standing behind Hashem.

His voice shook slightly, "Forty-six pieces! I don't know if I'd be able to make that much my whole life!"

Dickens looked at Kellen and sighed, "Getting forty-six pieces of purple gold in one go is practically impossible.

However, it's very possible if you start saving up until you're old."

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The three of them exchanged a look of helplessness with each other. It really was frustrating comparing

themselves to others.

Compared to Jack, they were basically insects, not worth mentioning at all. After taking the purple gold, Jack dealt

with the demon corpses as well.

Jack did not even turn around as he asked, "Is there any news from the other side?"

Saying that, the three were suddenly interested. That had been Jack's task for them. To complete the task, they

used at least a hundred transmission arrays.

Hashem walked forward before he said respectfully, "I just received some news. Desmond brought some of his

subordinates and started attacking people. He slaughtered them without holding back at all. The casualties are

extremely tragic."

Since it was such a big commotion, it already started to spread amongst the public.

Hashem had been keeping an ear out the whole time, and he naturally managed to receive some information. He

quickly relayed what he heard.

Those warriors who had gathered the Heartblood to sell for profit had all gone over to the Toman Cave to claim

their rewards from Desmond and the others as promised.

They had been incredibly excited when they went over. After all, some of them had gathered a large amount of


For the sake of the Heartblood, they had basically emptied their fortunes to make profits as a middleman. They had

thought that they would return with full wallets, but most of them failed to even get out after getting into the cave.

Some of them had managed to escape the cave after giving their all, but there was an ambush waiting outside for


Practically every single one of the warriors who wanted to exchange Heartblood for spirit crystals had failed to

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come out alive.

Hearing Hashem's explanation, Jack nodded. He had expected all of that to happen.

The fact that things progressed to this stage was practically something that had already been set in stone. The

warriors at the peak did not see regular warriors as human at all.

There was no way they would give them any rewards. Those who tried to profit had lost everything, even losing

their lives.

Hashem did not pity those people at all. After all, their hands were stained with the blood of others.

They clearly knew they were being used as tools, but they had submitted so willingly. They deserved what happened

to them.

Hashem continued to say, "After the information started to spread, almost all the other warriors were angered.

Those people are really crossing the line. Most warriors don't want to just be lambs to be slaughtered, and they're

trying to work together to cause those people trouble."