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My Sugar and Your Spice (Amelia and Leo)

Chapter 367
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Chapter 367 Car Accident

Amelie never once interrupted Chandler until he got everything out of his chest. Nevertheless, a look of

shock flashed past her eyes, and she even forgot to breathe by the time he was done with his tirade.

"I have to admit that all that information from you is very shocking to me, but he's an adult who knows

what he's doing. All I can say is, I'm sorry," she said, gave him a nod, and walked past him. After the

divorce, Leo had nothing to do with her. All he was to her was a familiar stranger. Therefore, she had

no right to intervene in his affairs. Besides, even if they weren't strangers, her awkward status as his

ex-wife made it weird for her to even talk to him normally, forget advising him away from his path.

Faced with such logic, Chandler could do nothing but stare at her silently.

Even though she appeared nonchalant and composed in front of him, she still couldn't sleep a wink that


Too many things had happened between her and Leo that she couldn't help but be affected by his

current situation even if she knew that she really shouldn't be.

But still, what can I do about it? she asked herself in exasperation, unable to fall asleep.

The next day, she started her journey back with two large dark circles under her eyes.

In the cab on the way to the airport, she gave Julia a call to inform her that she had taken care of her

parents and also to bid her farewell.

"Are you leaving again?" Julia asked over the phone, sounding sad that Amelie had to leave. "I really

want you to stay. Do you have any idea how bored I am without you?"

"Hurry up and have a child with Samuel. Then, I'm sure you wouldn't even have time to complain about

being bored," To Julia's dismay, Amelie started teasing her instead. As a result, Amelie was faced with

endless complaints from her best friend.

Finally, after they ended the call, Amelie massaged her temples in exhaustion. Since she didn't sleep

well last night, she was starting to feel somewhat drowsy now that she was in the car.

"Sir, please wake me up when we reach the airport," she said to the driver in front, slumped into the

seat, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

She didn't know how long she was asleep, but she did know that she was violently awakened from her

restful slumber by a deafening bang. Before her brain even realized what was going on, her body was

thrown forward due to the momentum.

Fortunately, she was wearing the seatbelt, which held her back firmly and prevented her face from

slamming into the back of the seat in front of her. Nevertheless, this impact jerked her wide awake.

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She was utterly confused and still rather groggy as she tried to keep her eyes open while her ears were

filled with the cab driver's curses, "F*ck! Watch where you're going!"

Judging from the driver's angered tone, she figured she was probably involved in an accident as she

rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Just as expected, when she looked out of the car window, she saw

that a white Hyundai MPV had stopped diagonally in front of them. The front of the car was pointing in

the reverse direction from the traffic oddly, as though it had deliberately crashed toward them after

making an abrupt U-turn.

Regardless, that MPV didn't crash into their car, and there was only a tiny gap of a few inches between

the two vehicles. She wasn't awake when the accident occurred, so she had no idea whether it was

due to the cab driver's quick reflexes or if the other party managed to slam the brakes before the

vehicles crashed into each other.

On the right of the MPV was another small, red car that was also facing the opposite direction, but the

front of the red car had crashed and embedded itself into the chassis of the MPV.

"These two drivers have lost their minds. The traffic was smooth until the red car suddenly went in the

wrong direction and made the MPV turn in the wrong direction as well. If I hadn't slammed the brakes,

our car would have been part of that pancake," the cab driver muttered with a pale face and looked

shaken after witnessing such a big accident. "Don't drive if you can't! The roads are not a playground!

Are they trying to die?"

Obviously, the cab driver was a person susceptible to road rage. Furthermore, he was almost caught in

the accident, so he couldn't stop himself from cursing loudly despite his fear.

But from his description, Amelie could roughly piece together the picture of what had happened earlier.

Now that an accident had occurred on the straight road to the airport, the scene started to turn chaotic

because the cars behind couldn't pass by. Several people who were in a rush honked obnoxiously,

resulting in a cacophony of honks. Frankly, if it weren't for her involvement in such an accident, she

would even have time to joke that a flock of geese would have felt right at home here.

Nonetheless, the cab driver definitely wasn't planning to stay around and be involved in that mess, so

he slowly started the car and intended to steer away. Alas, when he drove past the white MPV, Amelie

caught sight of the driver's face through the shattered glass of the window.

His eyes were shut in the driver's seat as he bled profusely from the wound on his head, smearing his

entire face with blood. That face?

"Leo Alston?!" She instantly recognized him and leaned forward, shouting, "Stop the car!"

The cab driver hit the brakes almost without hesitation, utterly startled by her sudden outburst. Amelie

didn't even realize what had happened until she was already out of the car door and dashing toward

the driver's seat of the white car. Finally, she pressed her face against the window and yelled, "Leo!

Leo Alston!"

Despite her screaming his name at the top of her lungs, he didn't open his eyes, and it seemed to her

that the open wound on his head was bleeding profusely. After she had gotten a closer look at his

condition, she reckoned that he was most definitely hurt elsewhere and needed treatment immediately.

Once that thought registered in her mind, she instantly became sick with worry as she frantically looked

around for someone who could help her.

Coincidentally, a trembling girl got out of the red car. Her hair was in disarray, and her face was as

white as a sheet, but Amelie still recognized her at one glance—the girl who was with Leo and was

dumped last night.

Her name is Jessie Webber, she recalled. What was she up to? she wondered and turned her attention

to Jessie's car.

Meanwhile, Jessie's shaky gaze slowly turned to Leo, and when she saw him covered in blood, she let

out a shrill shriek and held her head in her palms.

There was no time to waste, so Amelie didn't ask Jessie the reason behind her appearance at such a

coincidental time or how such a bizarre accident took place. Instead, she quickly yanked the car door

open and said to the cab driver. "He's seriously injured. We have to send him to the hospital right now!"

When the news of someone being seriously injured was spread to the other drivers in the back, they

immediately stopped honking to rush them. There was even a good Samaritan who rushed to make a

phone call to the police and the ambulance.

The cab driver, who couldn't watch a man die right in front of her, stepped out of the cab and lifted Leo

out of his car with Amelie's help. When they carefully placed Leo in the backseat of the cab, she

gingerly sat next to Leo's unconscious form and held him steady, preventing him from worsening his

injuries or gaining new ones on the way to the hospital. Meanwhile, the cab driver wasted no time

hopping into the car and speeding off for the hospital.

In the meantime, the police arrived at the scene very quickly, and by the time the cab had made a U-

turn, Jessie was already apprehended by them.

Perhaps it was her imagination playing tricks on her, but when their car drove past the scene, Amelie

thought that she saw Jessie looking at her with hatred in her eyes.

After the cab driver dropped them off at the nearest hospital, Leo was immediately transferred to the

ER. Amelie even gave the cab driver a fat tip as thanks, and he politely left.

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Amelie had no idea how Leo was doing since the hospital staff was all busy, and the doctor wasn't

done with Leo. So, she knew that all that was left for her to do was wait outside.

Once she shakily sat on the bench at the ER's waiting lounge, she saw the bloodstains on her hands

when she lowered her head, which caused her heart to shudder as she recalled the horrible scene


Perhaps she was bored out of her mind as her brain started trying to puzzle out the reason behind his

appearance there. Alas, she still couldn't figure out why Leo drove a regular MPV alone on that road.

Given his finances, buying a plane was not an issue, and an MPV from this brand didn't seem fitting

with his financial status.

In addition, he didn't bring his assistant or driver along, she recalled. It looks like he's changed a lot

these past two years.

While she waited for the doctor's good news, all sorts of guesses and thoughts ran wild in her mind

until it finally occurred to her to inform Leo's family about the accident. Hence, she fished out her cell

phone and wanted to call Eugene, but when she turned on her phone, she saw the latest news update.

'Top Millionaire, Leo Alston, in an Accident on Airport Road. Current Condition Unclear.'

The headlines were accompanied by text and pictures, and in the blurry images, Leo's head which was

covered in blood could be clearly seen. Amelie couldn't help but gasp in shock when she saw the news

published so quickly. These media journalists are really something. The accident just happened less

than an hour ago, but they have already made a report on it, she thought with a hint of admiration.

As the pictures were blurred enough and she was facing the camera with her back, her face was not

captured or published, and it was only mentioned in the report that Leo was sent to the hospital by a

cab that happened to pass by the scene. In addition, it also claimed that the one who caused the

accident was Jessie, who had already confessed to her crime.

Lifestyles of the rich and the famous were inevitably topics of gossip and attention for the general

public, which was why this accident made the headlines. Besides, she saw from the comments section

that the public was in an absolute tizzy over such a thing.

'Jessie Webber is the culprit? Hasn't she been showing off her blissful life on her social media recently?

She said that she met the man of her dreams and even posted a bouquet of flowers, hinting that she

was hearing wedding bells soon. So, why did she suddenly try to kill him?'

'Obviously, the man of her dreams that she meant was this millionaire. I met her at a party once, and

she was right next to Alston, but I heard that Alston only took her out twice, and it's pretty clear that she

was dumped.'

'Hate born out of love?'

Amelie didn't waste any time as she through the screen, skim-reading the texts. Did Jessie hit Leo

because she was dumped? she wondered and felt goosebumps appearing on her skin when the

terrifying image of the car crash as well as the resentful glare Jessie shot her, popped into her mind.